premultiplied pixel formats的具体含义

Anti-aliasing problem  with  render_scanlines_compound_layered
> However, I have no clue what this change means. I read about
> premultiplied pixel formats here and there, but never really
> understood what they are.

Search in Google for "premultiplied alpha. Use it, love it, pass it on" :-)

In the compound renderering function there‘s operation "Color ADD" is used
implicitly, instead of alpha-blend. Then the composed image is rendered as a
color span. It means that for proper compositing everything needs to be

> Especially, where is the _pre version needed, and where not? It seems
> that the compiler never complains when I mix pre and non-pre colors.

It‘s because the color structure is exactly the same. When you read an image
from a file you cannot detect it on the basis of color values only. You just
need to know, or there should be some flag in the image header (I don‘t know
whether PNG has it).

I tried to serapare the premultiplied from plain with some tags in the color
structures, but it so much of complex and rather useless code that I decided
to keep it simpler.

时间: 2024-12-12 15:14:35

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/*************************************************************************** * FFmpeg 'scale' filter not present, cannot convert pixel formats. * 说明: * 使用FFmpeg的过程中遇到这个问题,记录一下解决办法. * * 2017-2-6 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 *******************************************

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原文出处: 胡凯的博客(@胡凯me)   欢迎分享原创到伯乐头条 Google前几天刚发布了Android性能优化典范第2季的课程,一共20个短视频,包括的内容大致有:电量优化,网络优化,Wear上如何做优化,使用对象池来提高效率,LRU Cache,Bitmap的缩放,缓存,重用,PNG压缩,自定义View的性能,提升设置alpha之后View的渲染性能,以及Lint,StictMode等等工具的使用技巧. 下面是对这些课程的总结摘要,认知有限,理解偏差的地方请多多指教! 1)Battery

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Android性能优化典范 - 第2季

Google发布了Android性能优化典范第2季的课程,一共20个短视频,包括的内容大致有:电量优化,网络优化,Wear上如何做优化,使用对象池来提高效率,LRU Cache,Bitmap的缩放,缓存,重用,PNG压缩,自定义View的性能,提升设置alpha之后View的渲染性能,以及Lint,StictMode等等工具的使用技巧. 下面是对这些课程的总结摘要,认知有限,理解偏差的地方请多多指教! 1)Battery Drain and Networking 对于手机程序,网络操作相对来说是


Python Imaging Library 中文手册 这是PIL的官方手册,2005年5月6日发布.这个版本涵盖 PIL 1.1.5的全部内容.本中文手册来自 啄木鸟社区 你可以在PythonWare library找到改文档其它格式的版本以及先前的版本. 原版出处: 目录 Python Imaging Library 中文手册 第一部分:介绍 概览 介绍 图像归档处

python PIL学习 文档 例子: http://wenku