USB2.0 速度识别--区分低速-高速-全速









根据 D+或D-的电平状态来检测是全速还是低速设备。







如果HUB是USB2.0,设备也是高速的 就工作在高速模式,否则只能工作在全速模式。





两电阻并联约形成45欧姆的阻抗,所以在HUB端可以看到一个 800ma(17.78*45)的电压,

这个就是Chirp K信号。Chirp K 的持续时间是 1ms -  7ms.

在HUB端,虽然下达了复位信号,并一直驱动着SE0,但usb2.0的高速接收器一直在检测 Chirp  K信号,


如果只是一个全速的hub,不支持高速设备,那么hub也不会理会Chirp k信号,之后设备也不会切换到高速模式。

如果是高速 HUB,设备在发送的Chirp k信号结束后的100us内,HUB必须回复一连串的KJKJKJ........序列,

向设备表明这是一个usb2.0的hub,这里的kj序列式连续的,且不能中断,每个K或J的持续时间是 40us--60us.

再回到设备端,设备检测到6个hub发送的 Chirp信号(3对KJ)后,它必须在500us内切换到高速模式。



2. 连接D+/D-上的高速终端电阻(high-speed termination),其实就是全速/低速差分驱动器。


执行完 1,2两步后,USB信号线上看的到现象就发生变化了:

HUB发动的 Chirp降到原来的一半,400mv。


17.78*22.5为 400mv,以后高速设备操作的 信号幅值就是 400mv而不是 全速/低速的 3.3V。







由于下拉电阻为15KΩ,D+会加到近似 90%的直流电平,



让集线器驱动一个 SE0信号(D+和D-都为低电平)超过10ms。

高速设备检测到RESET信号后发送一个Chirp K信号给集线器(1~7ms的时间)。

集线器的高速接收器若在设备发出Chirp K序列后2.5微秒内检测到,

则响应传送一个交替的Chirp K和Chirp J信号序列。





Data Transmission

The data rate achieved by High Speed is 480 Mb/s.

This needs to be transmitted down cables which were originally specified for a 12 Mb/s transmission rate,

To achieve this, when the link is conveying high speed data, each end of D+ and each end of D- is

terminated with a 45 Ohm resistance to ground.

Data is sent by steering a current of 17.78 mA (derived from the positive supply) : 17.78*22.5 = 400mv

into either the D+ or the D- line. This results in a voltage of 400mV on the line being fed with current.

The differential state of the line is detected at the receiving end by a differential receiver.

This arrangement is able to reliably receive data sent at 480 Mb/s.

In fact the 45 Ohm resistors are provided by the Full Speed / Low Speed driver,

at each end of the link, applying a Single Ended Zero.

The FS/LS driver is designed to provide as accurate a termination resistance as possible.

By switching off the high speed transceiver current source, the line conditions are as defined for full speed / low speed.

In addition to the differential receiver, there is also a ‘transmission envelope detector‘ and a ‘differential envelope detector‘.

The transmission envelope detector produces a ‘squelch‘ signal if there is less than 100uV between the data lines,

which means that there is no data being received.

The differential envelope detector detects if the far end has been unplugged,

as the differential voltage will double to about 800 mV if the far end terminating resistors are not present.

(Further down the page you will see how this is used by the host to detect the unplugging of a high speed device.)

Negotiating High Speed

To maintain the required compatibility, a high speed device will always present itself

initially as a Full Speed device (by a 1.5K pullup resistor on D+).

The negotiation for High Speed takes place during the Reset, which is, as we remember,

the first thing a host must do to a device before attempting data communication.

The high speed detection handshake is initiated by the device.

The hub will respond to it, if it is high speed capable.

What the device does

The device leaves its D+ 1.5K pullup resistor connected,

and does not terminate the lines with 45 Ohm resistors as it would for high speed.

But it drives high speed current (17.78mA) into the D- line for at least a millisecond.

Now, remember that the hub is applying a reset condition to the lines,

so effectively is already terminated as for high speed data.

As only one end of the link is terminated, the hub will see about 800 mV on D-.

This condition is called a K-chirp.

A full / low speed hub will pay no attention to this condition,

but a high speed hub will detect it using its differential receiver and the absence of a squelch signal.

If the hub does not respond, then the rest of the reset,

and subsequent data transmissions will take place as is normal for a full speed device.

Hub Response

If the hub is high speed capable then it will monitor the K-chirp from the device until it sees it completing.

It must, within 100us, send a series of K-J chirp pairs to the device.

This means that it will inject 17.78 mA alternately into the D- and the D+ lines.

Each of these chirps lasts around 50us, and there are no gaps between them.

The device has to see at least 3 chirp pairs before assuming that the hub is high speed capable.

Switching to High Speed

At this point the device disconnects its 1.5K pullup resistor,

applies the 45 Ohm high speed terminations (using its full speed data driver in SE0 mode),

and is thus in a state to perform high speed data transmission and reception.

The hub will continue to send chirp pairs up until 100 - 500 us before the end of reset,

and the device will monitor these chirps.

At the point in time when the device termination is applied,

the amplitude of the chirp signals, viewed on an oscilloscope would be seen to halve in amplitude from 800mV to 400mV.

时间: 2024-08-06 03:47:06

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MiS603开发板 第十章 USB2.0 CY7C68013A 开发环境搭建

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