

1,more than

  • more than 20 years
  • I am more than happy to help you
  • I am sure conditions over there will more than satisfy your requirements (over there)
  • she wa dressed more than simply (more than)
  • I was more than a little shaken by his deeds
  • It no more than a mile to shop (no more than)
  • rather than deal with reality (rather than)
  • I would rather solve my problems alone (would rather)
  • he finish work in less than two weeks (less than)
  • he is more than a teacher.he is also our friend
  • their motivation is other than me (other than)
  • I cannot do anything other than say sorry to you (other than)
  • I do it for maybe an hour at most (at most == not more than)
  • She is more a singer than an actress (more...than...)


  • but it can be played for hours on end (on end)
  • hair stands on end
  • some day it will all come to an end
  • must be immediately put to an end
  • how many you learned by the end of last term

3,just now

  • someone called you just now

4,in case

  • do tell us in case you have any trouble
  • in case of an error

    -take your umbrella in case of rain


  • she wear flat shoes on account of her back problems (on account of)
  • owing to the danger of air raids (owing to)


  • the panda is native to China (be native to)
  • Li Ming is a native of beijing (be native of)


  • the teachers came up (came up)
  • the agreement Initiative came up at the meeting (came up)
  • we watched the sun come up
  • perhaps I shall come across him in France (come across)
  • so how might this asymmetry have come about? (come about)
  • how does such object come about?
  • Of how this might come about
  • dreams can come true (come true)
  • come up to my office (come up to)
  • this piece of work does not come up to standard
  • come to my office (come to)
  • she has come to
  • yes, come on
  • come on, tell me (come on)
  • flowers to come out (come out)
  • they com out of that company
  • come into my mind


  • over time == with time going on == as time go by
  • consider the way language changes over time (over time)
  • don‘t stint on time to make a plan (on time)
  • arrive in beijing on time
  • at one time most women made thier own clothes (at one time)
  • I do it all the time (all the time)
  • we must maintain keen vigilance at all time (at all time)
  • I am staying at house for the time being (for the time being)
  • at no time did I fell rushed or under pressure (at no time)
  • but the thing seemed to follow him, form time to tiem,it groaned (from time to time)
  • it was pretty primitive at the time (at the time)
  • I shut him up in no time (in no time)
  • she can feel the child quickening at times (at times)
  • her medical course was completed ahead of time (ahead of time)

in effect == actually == as a matter of fact

in effect creating our reality


  • it is no use to doing sth
  • it would be of great use for the postition
  • video would be of no use to you
  • when did the train come into use
  • port number chosen must not already be in use


I never heard such stories as he told (such as)

that is == namely == that is to say

as if == as though

10,make sense

  • john wasn‘t making much sense on the phone
  • It make sense to do sth
  • he can‘t make sense of the sentence (make sense of)


  • common sense
  • come to one‘s sense
  • lose one‘s sense
  • out of one‘s sense
  • But in a sense, he was right (in a sense)
  • In some senses, this list is already a detailed report.
  • The love have no reason, but also in no sense
  • His mind is no sense brilliant


  • you read more to have a good command of English (have a good command)


  • they managed to hold on until help arrived (hold on)
  • If you hold back, you‘ll never konw (hold back)
  • you must try to hold back German attack
  • he could‘t hold back his anger
  • lack simply cannot hold up in the spotlight of love (hold up)
  • he hold up their arms
  • they will hold up well
  • I hold up the photograph
  • we hold out for the perfect (hold out)
  • I can hold out
  • you must catch hold of this rope

13,common phrases

  • What‘s more, you get the clustering software for free! (what‘s more)
  • And what‘s more important there‘s no tendency for its worsening.
  • n a word, they can do everything they like with, money.

her beauty is beyond expression


  • For my part, I don‘t know how I‘d live without it. (for my part)
  • This looks fine, and for the most part it is. (for the most part)
  • EVERY age is afraid of plagues. For the most part, such plagues have been infections.
  • I know you‘ll take his part. (take one‘s part)


  • I recognized him
  • we recognized him as a wise leader
  • He was recognized as a wise leader by us all
  • It was recognized that tiem was too limited (It is recognized that)
  • beyond of recognition
  • out of recognition


  • I don‘t think you are being straight with me


  • three blocks away from station
  • there is a block of stone on the road
  • roads have been blocked off
  • clouds blocked out the sun


1,the former is a model,the latter is a teacher

the latter point


1,come straight to the point

2,Straight tree are used widely;straight persons have more friends


1,go on xxx 表动作

2,be on xxx 表状态,正在xxx,例如be on a voyage

3,The way :方式,方法


时间: 2024-07-30 17:17:24



Python基础(二) Python 运算符(算术运算.比较运算.赋值运算.逻辑运算.成员运算) 基本数据类型(数字.布尔值.字符串.列表.元组.字典.set集合) for 循环 enumrate range和xrange 编码与进制转换 Python 运算符 1.算术运算: 2.比较运算: 3.赋值运算: 4.逻辑运算:  5.成员运算: 基本数据类型 1.数字 int(整型) 在32位机器上,整数的位数为32位,取值范围为-2**31-2**31-1,即-2147483648-2147483


Python之路[第三篇]:Python基础(二) 内置函数 一 详细见python文档,猛击这里 文件操作 操作文件时,一般需要经历如下步骤: 打开文件 操作文件 一.打开文件 1 文件句柄 = file('文件路径', '模式') 注:python中打开文件有两种方式,即:open(...) 和  file(...) ,本质上前者在内部会调用后者来进行文件操作,推荐使用 open. 打开文件时,需要指定文件路径和以何等方式打开文件,打开后,即可获取该文件句柄,日后通过此文件句柄对该文件操作.

MySQL 基础(二)

MySQL 基础(二) ============================================================================== 概述: ============================================================================== MySQL   1.数据结构: ★分类: 结构化数据:  关系型数据库 半结构化数据:YAML.XML.JSON 非结构化数据:日志文件,NoSQL  


            Linux系统基础(二) 一.linux系统结构 1.linux系统结构是倒树型 2. /bin##二进制可执行文件也就是系统命令 /sbin##系统管理命令存放位置 /boot##启动分区,负责系统启动 /dev##设备管理文件 /etc##大多数系统管理文件 /home##普通用户的家目录 /lib##32位系统库文件存放位置 /lib64##64位系统库文件存放位置 /media##系统临时设备挂载点 /mnt##系统临时设备挂载点 /run##系统临时设备挂载点

java 基础(二)

java 基础(二)java 基础(二) 2016-2-1 by Damon 61. 编写多线程程序有几种实现方式 Java 5以前实现多线程有两种实现方法:一种是继承Thread类:另一种是实现Runnable接口.两种方式都要通过重写run()方法来定义线程的行为,推荐使用后者,因为Java中的继承是单继承,一个类有一个父类,如果继承了Thread类就无法再继承其他类了,显然使用Runnable接口更为灵活. 补充:Java 5以后创建线程还有第三种方式:实现Callable接口,该接口中的


hi 好久没写,昨儿一写,感觉还是有人看的,至少是有一两个评论的~~好好干! 每天需要坚持的就那么4件事儿:写这个,学一点法语,看会儿书,锻炼.单身狗也有好处. 1.PHP 一.PHP基础(二) 1.3 数据类型 8种——4种标量:布尔boolean,整型integer,浮点float/双精度double,字符串string:2种复合:数组array,对象object:2种特殊:资源resource,NULL无: 推荐记住英文,在学习的过程中,变量通常都是这么来命名的. php是弱类型语言,也就


简介 异构集成是消息发挥作用的一个领域,大型公司内部可能会遇到很多的平台,Java,.net或者公司自己的平台等. 传送消息还应该支持异步机制,以提高系统整体的性能.异步传输一条消息意味着,发送者不必等到接收者接收或者处理消息,可以接着做后续的处理. 应用程序发送消息至另外一个应用程序,需要使用到消息中间件.消息中间件应提供容错,负载均衡,可伸缩的事务性等特性. JMS与JDBC类似,是一种与厂商无关的API.应用程序开发者可以使用同样的API来访问不同的系统. 可以认为JMS是一种标准,各消息


2.    常用数字视频标准 2.1 BT656 首先要理解模拟PAL/NTSC的视频信号的波形: 要进行视频的数字传输,首先我们要将模拟视频信号数字化,获得每个像素的YUV值,一般采用YUV422格式,仅仅传输图像数据还不行,还要传输行同步.场同步.奇偶场信号.以及每行图像什么时候开始的,什么时候结束的.这样在接收端才能正确接收和理解数据,并获得视频的重现. SAV(有效视频开始)和EAV(有效视频结束)码,反映了模拟视频的同步信号.由前导符FF.00.00开始,这三个字节的前导符在视频数据中


四.Python数据类型 数字 字符串 列表 元祖 字典 1.数字类型 整型 表示范围:-2147483648到2147483647,超过该范围的会被当作长整型 示例:num=123 type(num)-返回<type 'int'>,用来测试变量的类型 长整型 表示范围:任意大整数,后跟L或l与整型区别 示例:num=1l type(num)-返回<type 'long'> 浮点型 示例:num=12.0 type(num) -返回<type'float'> 复数型 示


quantity                     / 'kw?ntiti /                    量,数量 query                            / 'kwi?ri /                       查询 queue                           / kju: /                                队列 rate                          / reit /