在使用json.dumps()格式化响应数据时报错TypeError: Object of type Response is not JSON serializable

今天在处理接口返回数据格式化的时候报错:TypeError: Object of type Response is not JSON serializable。响应的对象不可序列化





import requests
import json

url = ‘https://api.apishop.net/common/weather/get15DaysWeatherByArea‘
apikey = ‘chgaxvsf88f3858a15fa4426f4cbdd4d2a02b92ee0747f3‘
area = "重庆"
areaID = "101040100"
# TODO apikey前面有引号,后面就不用了
data = {

def send_post(url,data,areaID):
    result = requests.post(url,data,areaID)
    assign = result.json()
    # todo indent缩进空格间距,sort_keys按照key来排序,ensure_ascii解码显示中文
    return json.dumps(assign,indent=4,sort_keys=True,ensure_ascii=False)   #格式化返回内容



时间: 2024-10-05 15:45:42

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