英语 - 语法

考点:动词时态 △△△△△

谓语动词 = 助动词 + 实义动词

I will go to Beijing           时态

W has come.            时态

R was not convinced.       被动

I must work hard.           情态

Does he like English?       疑问

He doesn’t eat the chicken.    否定

I love you.     =   do love

He loves you  =  does love

He loved me  =  did love


do 类       do  does   did

will 类     will (shall)    would

have类     have   has   had

be 类       am  is  are  was  were

情态助动词  can  could 等

什么是时?   过去,现在,将来      过去将来

什么是态?   一般,进行,完成


①    do类表一般

do/does 一般现在       did 一般过去

②     have类表完成

have/has 现在完成       had 过去完成

③    be类表进行

am/is/are 现在进行      was/were 过去进行

④    wil类表将来

will 一般将来        would 过去将来

  1. 1.  一般时

一般现在时  do + 动词 = 动词

does + 动词 = 单三

一般过去时  did + 动词 = 过去式

一般现在时  动词原形/单三

一般过去时  动词过去式

  1. 2.  将来时


一般将来时 will + do

过去将来时 would + do

  1. 3.  进行时


1).现在进行时 am is are + doing

I am doing my homework now.

2).过去进行时 was were + doing

I was doing my homework just now.

3).将来进行 will + be + doing

I will be doing my home work at 10:00 tomorrow.

  1. 4.  完成时

have类表完成 + 过去分词done:

1).现在完成时:have/has + done

I have done my homework by now.

2).过去完成时:had + done

I had done my homework by yesterday.

3).将来完成时:will + have + done

I will have done my homework by tomorrow.

  1. 5.  完成进行时

1).现在完成/进行时:have/has + been + doing

I have been watching TV.

2).过去完成/进行时:had + been + doing

I had been watching TV.

考点:被动语态 △△△△△

Be类助动词 + 过去分词(done)  本质:be的时态变化


一般过去时: was/were            + 过去分词(done)

一般将来时:will + be

过去将来时:would + be

现在完成时:have/has + been

过去完成时:had + been

现在进行时:am/is/are + being

过去进行时:was/were + being

考点:一般时态 △△△△△


(the day before) yesterday

Last night (Firday/week/month/year) 上一个

A moment ago 刚刚

Three days ago  三天以前

Just now    in 1949


  1. 经常习惯的动作 频率词


  1. 表示客观事实或普遍真理

Knowledge is power.

  1. 按时间表将要发生的动作


  1. will+do
  2. 强调将来发生,按照计划将要

主 + be + to do

We are to have an exam this week.

  1. 天要下雨用it is going to rain

I’m going to pick up money later.

  1. 立刻马上即将用 be about to do

X is about to do something really stupid.

  1. “将要,正要…” be on the point of doing sth

The baby is on the point of crying when her mother finally comes home.

when – 就在那时



时间    I will tell her when she comes tomomorrow.

条件    You will surely succeed if you try your best.

让步    Although I am only a child, I will try my best to help you.

常见连词: if, unless, in case, as soon as, after, before




Please put up your hands if you have any questions.

考点:祈使句 + and + 一般将来 (并列将来)




  1. 从过去到现在的一段时间:

for + 一段时间

recent / recently 近来’

  1. 一段时间只有起点:

since + 过去时间点(自从)

since she was born

  1. 一段时间只有终点:

so far, by now, up to now, till now(到目前为止)


  1. 表示“第几次做这件事”

This is my first time that I have visited China.


It is the best(worst, most) + adj + n + that

This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

考点:过去完成时  (过去的过去


by/until/up to + 过去的时间点

by 1996

by the end of last year

until/by then(过去某时)

up to that time

before/by the time + 一般过去时的句子

by the time he left the room


  1. 两件事都发生在过去
  2. 先发生的用过去完成时


When she got there, the boy had left.



主语 + had on sooner done than + 过去式  (一…就…)

He had no sooner arrived home than he was asked to do his homework.

He had hardly arrived home when he was asked to do his homework.


时间状语 (一段时间截止到将来)

by(the end of)/until/up to + 将来时间

He will have finished his college life by the end of next year.

by the time + 从句 (将来完成时)

1.by the time + 一般现在时      (主句) 将来完成完成时

By the time he retires, my father will have worked for almost forty years.

2.by the time + 一般过去时      (主句) 过去完成时

By the time he retired, my father had worked for almost forty years.

过去将来时 (过去说将来)

I made a telephone to my son and he told me he 57 back home this weekend.


  1. 1.  东西好用结构

The pen writes well.

类似动词: sell drive   read  wash  clean 等

(常搭配well  easily  badly 等副词)

The cakes sell quickly.

The car drives easily.

  1. 2.  需要浇花结构

The flowers need watering/to be watered.

类似动词: want requires    deserve、、、、

被动:   + to be done

+ doing

注意: be worth + doing     值得做某事

It’s worth remembering all my life.

  1. 3.  感官动词

系动词 feel look taste sound smell 等,主语是物表示该事物本身具有某一特征。




  1. 用连词 and, or 等构成并列句。
  2. 用连词 which, that, when 等构成三大从句。
  3. 将第二个动词变形为非谓语的形式。

I am a teacher teach English. ×

I am a teacher and teach English.

I am a teacher who teaches English.

I am a teacher teaching English.

不定式 to do    目的与将来

现在分词 doing 进行和一般

过去分词 done   被动和完成


非谓语动词 作宾语

I love you.

I love (walking along the seaside of Maldives with you).

I love (to walk along the seaside of Maldives with you).


主语 + 动词 + to do sth

hope    wish    want    agree   promise

demand ask     refuse

manage  learn   decide

pretend     choose


1.enjoy doing sth.  喜欢做某事

2.spend…(in) doing sth.    花费…做某事

3.be busy doing sth.        忙于

4.imagine doing sth.        想象

5.can’t help doing sth.    忍不住/情不自禁

6.feel like doing sth       想要

7.finish doing sth.         完成

8.practice doing sth.       练习

9.miss doing sth.           错过

10.suggest doing sth.       建议

11.keep (on) doing sth.     保持(继续)

12.mind doing sth.          介意

13.be worth doing sth.      值得

14.consider doing sth.      考虑

非谓语动词 作定语

1.An (intersting) story.

2.A car (having been repaired).

3.The next train (to arrive) is from New York.

实质: 前置定语 + 后置定语

单个 -ing/-ed, 前置

  1. 1.  -ing + 名词: 表示用途

a swimming pool = a pool for swimming

a reading room = a room for reading

  1. 2.  v-ing 正在…的, 表主动/进行

v-ed  已经…的, 表完成

a developing country            发展中的

a developed country             发达的

boiling water                   正在沸腾的

boiled water                    开水

the rising sun                  冉冉上升的旭日

the risen sun                   升起的太阳

  1. 3.  前置定语

-ing 常修饰物,翻译成 “令人…”

-ed 常修饰人,翻译成 “感到…”

an exciting news.

an excited man.

a moving film.

非谓语动词 作宾补


ask sb. to do sth.          要求

tell sb. to do sth.         命令

want sb. to do sth.         想

invite sb. to do sth.       邀请

expect sb. to do sth.       期待

encourage sb. to do sth.    鼓励

advise sb. to do sth.       建议

suggest doing sth.          建议


help sb. to do sth.

help sb. do sth.


have/make/let + 人/物 + do

Let it go.

have/make/let + 人/物 + done

重要考点:have sth. done 让某事被做,即做某事

have the book printed (印刷)

have your eyes examined (检查)


  1. My mother makes me learn English every day.
  2. I am made to learn English every day.


  1. leave/keep sb doing sth


Keep me waiting for 2hours.



  1. get sb. to do sth.      使…做…

The doctor will get the patient to stop smoking.

非谓语动词 作状语

to do 作状语 通常放句首

  1. To tell (you) the truth         说实话
  2. To be honest,                   诚实说坦白说
  3. To be frank,                    坦白说
  4. To speak frankly,               坦白说
  5. To begin/start with,            首先
  6. Strange to say,                 说来奇怪
  7. Needless to say,                不用说

to do 作目的状语可句首句尾表目的

  1. We live to serve the people heart and soul.
  2. We study hard to pass the exam.
  3. He got up early to catch the bus. (目的状语)

only to 表示出乎意料的结果

He hurried to the station only to find the train had left.

v-ing 与 v-ed做状语的两种情况 (一主两动)

  1. When he hears the good news,he cries.

变:Hearing the good news, he cries.

特点:  1). 两句有逻辑联系

2). 两句主语一样

独立主格  (两主两动)

  1. When I was walking in the street, a pie fell on my head.

变:I walking in the street a pie fell on my head

牢记: 独立诸葛固定句式

  1. Time/Weather permitting,we’ll go on a journey.
  2. Everthing taken into consideration, he is a very good boy.
  3. All things considered,we have to give up the idea.

非谓语动词 常考句型

  1. 1.  无用句型:

It is no use, no good + (in)doing sth.

There is no use, no good, no point, no sense + (in)doing sth.

  1. 2.  据说据报道句型

主 + be + said/reported/known/supposed

to have done/to have been done… + 过去时间状语

The novels are reported to have been translated into many languages last year.

  1. 3.  有do无to

can do nothing but + do

have nothing to do but do(原形)

无do有to: 谓语动词不含do, 则but后跟to

Have no choice but to do


  1. 4.  发现…难做

find + sth. + difficult/hard/easy + to do

find 可换成think,consider


have difficulty/trouble/problem (in) doing


  1. 5.  复合结构

I’m happy for your telling me the truth.

I’m angry for Tom’s not telling me the truth.

My/your/her/his/our/their + doing

人/物’s + doing




1. 谓语动词用单数

主语是单数 + 动词s (单三)

主语复数s + 动词


a large amount of meat is

large amounts of meat are

其他量词: a quantity of        quantities of

a bit of              bits of


动名词短语、不定式短语、名词性从句,wh + to do 做主语,谓语用单数

  1. Saying is easier than doing.
  2. To teach others is to teach yourself.
  3. What to do next is up to you.
  4. Whatever he says is of no importance.



  1. Five times five makes twenty five.
  2. Thirty dollars is too high a price for the book.
  3. Another 10 years has passed since he left.


当each、either、neither、none、no one 等



  1. Each has his merits.
  2. Neither of the plans suits me.
  3. None of the students was there.


bread and butter

fork and knife

War and peace is a constant theme in history.

every、 each、 many a 连接名词要用单

在 each … and (each), every … and (every) …

many a … and many a … 等结构后,


Each boy and (each) girl is asked for help.

Every meeting room and (every) bedroom is occupied.



mathematics     数学               economics       经济学

physics         物理学             statistics      统计学

politics        政治学


new、means、works、a series of 形复意单

  1. Every means has been tried but without result.
  2. No news is good news.
  3. My uncle’s works is in New York.

2. 谓语动词用复数

由and、both … and … 连接的并列主语,谓语动词用复数

Both boys and girls like watching TV.


The (singer and dancer) is on the stage.


集体名词:  people                     police      警察

poultry     家禽            cattle      牛群

public      公众            youth       年轻人

衣服类:     clothes     shoes       gloves


The Chinese people are brave and hardworking.

The cattle are grazing in the sunshine.

the + 形容词,指人一般用复数

定冠词the + 形容词表示一类人

如: the rich、 the poor、 the young、 the old、 the sick

3. 谓语动词可单可复的情况


两or – nor 加 but, 就近原则记心间

  • or

either … or …

neither … nor …

not only … but also

not … but                                     等连接的并列主语

Neither money nor fame has influence on me.

Not only you but also he is wrong.

倒装句和there be 句型也用就近原则

Between the two windows hands a picture and two bags.

There is a cup of tea and some apples on the table.



(together/along) with                      和

as well as                                 和、也

no less than                               不少于

except、besides、in addition to             除了

including                                  (包括)

The teacher, together with his students, is planting trees in the street.



All (that can be done) has been done.

All are present besides the professor.

4).冠词 the 用单, a 用复

1. one of + 复数名词 + who + 谓语动词复数

the (only) one of + 复数名词 + who + 谓语动词单数(+s)

He is one of those persons who come from the USA.

He is the only one of those persons who comes from the USA.

2. ① the number of        单数        “…的数量”

The number of the students is 2000.

a numbers of         复数        “许多”

A number of students are playing football.

② the variety of …    单数        “…的多样性”

  a variety of…      单数        “各种各样的”



对现在的虚拟 (从句往前推)

  1. If I worked hard,I might have money.
  2. If I had a lot of money, I could buy a ticket.
  3. If I bought a ticket, I would be one board.
  4. If I were on board, I should sail for America.






对过去的虚拟 (从句往前推)

  1. If we hadn’t been on board, we wouldn’t have met this disaster.
  2. If the ship hadn’t struck an iceberg,it wouldn’t have sunk.
  3. If there had been enough life boats,we would have got on the boat.




had done

would/should/could/might + have done

对将来的虚拟 (从句往前推)

  1. If we were alive, I would marry you some day.
  2. If we were to marry ,we would live a happy life in the future.
  3. If we should marry,we would have a lot of children.





were to do

should do

would/should/could/might + do


在if虚拟条件句句中,当句中有were,had, should时,可以省略if,把were, had ,should放在句首。 删除if首三词

  1. If I were to do the work,I should do it some other way.

Were I to do the work,…

  1. If it had not been for Tom, …

Had it not been for Tom, …

3. 含蓄虚拟条件句

(otherwise, but for, without)

  1. 不是所有的条件句都是if引导的
  2. 有时条件从句不表示不表示出来,只是暗含在上下文中这叫含蓄条件句。

But for the rain,we would have finished the task yesterday.

Without your help,we wouldn’t have finished the job.

4. 含有should的虚拟语气(主观的态度)   should 可以省略


谓语动词是 (should) + 动词原形,其中should可以省略


  1. 有主观态度有that ,  用should + 动词原形
















  1. 在表语从句和同位语从句中,主要标志词是一些名词,这些名词很简单,就是上述动词的名词变形。

主要有: advice、demand、order、proposal、suggestion、request、requirement、desire

  1. 标词是形容词

多了两个 strange、natural


1. in case            以防

   for fear that          以免

   lest               害怕

谓语动词: should + 动词原形


  1. 2.  It’s (high/about) time (that)…   该…的时候了

    1. 动词的过去式
    2. should + 动词原形, should 不能省


考点:定于从句△△△△△  (本质,大的形容词)

Hary Porter is a smart boy.

Hary Porter is a boy (who wears glasses).


that、 which、 who、 whom、 whose、 as


where、 when、 why













  1. 无限制情况下都可用that (作宾语可省略)
  2. 人 + who(主)/whom(宾)
  3. 物 + which
  4. whose表示所属关系: 的
  5. 关系词在从句中作宾语可以省略



  1. He is the man who wrote the book.   (主)
  2. He is the man whom I admire.        (宾)
  3. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever see.



  1. when 表时间

This is the time when we first met each other.

  1. where 表地点

It is the factory where we worked.

  1. why 表原因

It’s the reason why we come back.


job / field / situation / case / dream / point / viewpoint

There is one point where I’d like your advice.



介词(in/on/with/for/about…) + which/whom

人 + 介词 whom

物 + 介词 which

The girl to whom Tom spoke is Mary.


  1. 修饰词 + 先行词 + that


a).序数词first, last, next 等

b).最高级the most…; the best; the biggest 等

c).唯一性the very

The first thing (that we need to do) is to find a hotel to have a good rest.

He is the very person (that we are finding).

The best thing (that we have) is friendship.

  1. 先行词(不定代词 + 多多少少) + that

all, each, both, much, many, little

something, anything, nothing, everything

He did everything (that he could) to help us.

  1. who/which – that       避免重复

Who is the man (that is standing in the garden)?

  1. 先行词既有人又有物

The famous writer and his books (that the TV is saying now) has aroused great interest among students.


  1. 先行词是some, any, every, no和body, one 一起构成复合不定代词 somebody, someone 等。

Anybody (who is tall) can play basketball.

  1. 先行词是one, ones, those时只能用who

The ones who work hard can go to university.

God helps those (who help themselves).

the way 作先行词

the way in which

the way that

the way

非限定性定语从句       有逗号

  1. which只能位于主句后,且前有逗号


The earth goes around the sun, which is known to us all.

  1. as,可放放主句前,主句后,还可以分割主句,as有“正如…正像…”的意思

As is known to us all, the earth goes around the sun.

Tom, as you know, is a writer.

  1. 有逗号不能选why和that,需用for which代替why,其他关系词的选择同限定定语定语从句一样
  2. I think作插入语

which I think is        我这样认为

考点:状语从句      让句子壮大的语

  1. He speaks English.              单纯作状语

He speaks English well.

  1. The sun rises and sets.         介词短语作状语

The sun rises in the east and set in the west.

  1. I come here because I want to see you.          句子作状语

I love you _____ you love me.

  1. 当…时

I love you when you love me.        时间状语从句

  1. 在…地方

I love you where you love me.       地点状语从句

  1. 因为

I love you because you love me.     原因状语从句


  1. 连接词的选择
  2. 状语从句语序为陈述语序


  1. …时候: when, while, as, whenever(无论…时候), each time 每当…时,every time 每次
  2. 在…之前/后: before, after, since(自从), till/untill
  3. 一…就 : as soon as;

immediately, directly, instantly

no sooner … than, hardly … when

the minute, the second,

the moment, the instant

  1. not … until (直到…才)

When a woman begins to think, her first thought is a new dress.

when, whilel, as 区别: “当…时”

  1. while: 两个持续性动作 同时发生

I kept silent while he was writing.

  1. as:表伴随, “随着…”、“正当…”、“一边…一边…”

As time passed, things seemed to get better.

She sang as she went along.

  1. when 可代替 as 和 while

while 在句中的不同含义

  1. While I was walking down the street, I came across an old friend.   (while = when)
  2. He likes pop music while I am fond of folk music.   (while = but/however然而)

when 还可以表示    正在/正要 … 突然 …    正在/正要 … 就在那时 …

  1. They were walking down the street when they saw an accident.
  2. I was about to go swimming when our guide stopped me.
  3. The baby was on the point of crying when his mother finally came home.


where   在…地方

wherever    无论任何地方

anywhere    任何地方

everywhere  每个地方    (引导)


be cause, as, since, for(因为)

1. Since you are free today, can you help me with my English.

2. It rained last ninght, for the ground is wet this morning.

now that 既然       in that 在于,因为

  1. I am happy in that he helps me.

seeing that/ considering that 鉴于


  1. 引导表语从句

It was because he didn’t recognize you.

  1. 从属连词前有only, just, simply 修饰。

You should’t get angry (just because some people speak ill of you).

  1. for引导的句子不能放在句首,前面有逗号隔开

We must start early, for we have a long way to go.


  1. if, unless(如果不)

If you don’t hurry up, you will be late.

  1. 假如

a). providing/provided/supposing/suppose

b). on condition (that)

Providing it rains tomorrow, we won’t go on a picinic.

  1. as long as, so long as

You may stay here as long as you like.


so that, in order that…    为了,以便

lest, for fear that, in case        以防,以免 (常考虚拟)

  1. He works hard so that he may pass the exam.
  2. He works hard lest he (should) fail in the exam.
  3. He was asked to speak louder so that all the students in the classroom could hear him.


考点:though, although, as, while, even if/though

  1. We wouldn’t lose heart (even if we failed many times).
  2. Young though/as she is, she is very smart.

考点:无论 no matter + 疑问词what/who/where/when/which/how = 疑问词 + ever

whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever

  1. Wherever/No matter where you go,I will be right here waiting for you.
  2. Whoever/No matter who you are, you must obey the regulations.

考点: however 和 no matter how 后须 adj./adv.


  1. than  比 -er + than

bigger than     更大    more than   更多    less than   更少

  1. as … as …    … 和 … 一样

There is as much milk in this bottle as in that bottle.

  1. the + 比较级 … the + 比较级        越… 越…

The happier you are, the longer you live.

  1. the same … as      和 … 一样

not the same … as   和 … 不一样

Your watch is not the same as mine.


as          正如,正像…

as if/though    好像

the way     像… 那样

  1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  2. He spoke as if he knew the question very well.
  3. I don’t like the way he treated us.




that  没有意思         if; whether     是否

连接代词                what/which/who/whatever/whichever/whoever

连接副词               how/when/where/why/whenever/wherever

  1. that 用法           没有意思用that

That Taiwan belongs to China is undoubted.

I know that you are right.

  1. whether/if 用法         “是否”用whether 或 if

Whether he should get married is a question.

  1. wh – 用法

When he will come remains unkown?



考点:疑问词 + ever(无论)

(Whichever of us gets home first) starts cooking.

(Whoever is interested in the job) may apply for it.

考点: “所字结构” what作宾语

what I do/ need/ miss/ love …      “所…的”

(What I actually need) is not a skirt but a new pair of shoes.

(What he said in the meeting) is very important.

考点: “使字结构” what作主语

(What moved me)is (that the old man waited for his son all day).

考点: It作形式主语句型

  1. It + 名词 + that从句

It is a fact that: 事实是

It is no doubt that: 毫不怀疑

It is no wonder that: 不足为奇

  1. It is + 过去分词 + that从句:

It is reported that: 据报道

It must be pointed out that: 必须指出

  1. it + 不及物动词 + that从句

It appears/seems that 似乎

It happens that 碰巧



系动词 一       be

二好像   seem, appear

四变     get, become, turn, go

五感官   feel, taste, smeel, sound, look

持续戏动词: keep, remain(保持)


It seems that it si going to snow.

(that 只起连接作用,无意义,不可省)

The question is whether we should go on with the work.


The problem is (what we should do)(to help him).

That’s where you are wrong.


  1. 1.  动词宾语

Do you know when we shall have a meeting?

Can you tell me what’s your name?


show/tell/give/pass(传递)/teach/ask sb.sth.

He gave me a cpu of tea.

Show Mr.Smith this house.

  1. 2.  介词宾语

I was surprised at what he said.

  1. 3.  形容词宾语


I am sorry (that I am late).

I am glad (that you can join us).

Are you sure (that his answer is right)?

  1. 1.  陈述句作宾语

I know (that) you have passed the exam.


  1. 2.  一般疑问句作宾语:

whether 和if 引导都可以(whether > if)

I wonder (whether / if he needs my help).


  1. 介词后面 如 talk about whether…
  2. 不定式前 如 whether to stay home or go shopping.
  3. 与 or not 连用时
  4. 引导主语从句/表语从句/同位语从句
  5. 3.  特殊疑问句作宾语

You don’t know (when you are lucky).

She explained (why she came late).

She has got (what she wanted).

  1. 4.  whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever

She can marry (whoever she chooses).



At the foot of the mountaion

  1. a viliiage lies         正常语序
  2. lies a village          完全倒装
  3. does a village lie      部分倒装    (半倒装)


  1. 正常语序 = 主语 +  谓语
  2. 完全倒装 = 谓语 + 主语 (全到)
  3. 部分倒装 = 助动词 + 主语 + 实义动词 (半倒装)


  1. 以here, there, up, down 等副词以及表地点,方位的短语为首的句子,后面主谓完全倒装

Here comes the bus.

Here are some suggestions for you.

By the table sits a foregin boy.

Across the river lies a bridge.

  1. Now 和 Then置于句首的完全倒装

原句: Your turn comes now.                 原句:The king came then.

例句: Now comes your turn.                 例句:Then came the king.

  1. 主语是代词时不能倒装

Here you are.                               Here it is.


  1. 1.  否定句首半倒装

never, seldom, scarcely(几乎不), rarely(很少), nowhere, hardly(几乎不)

under/in no cirumstances(绝不)

on no account

at no time

in no case

in no way

by no means

little 几乎没有,很少

Never in my life have I seen so beautiful a place like that.

By no means can we yield to the pressure.

  1. 2.  四大句型

Hardly … when …           一 … 就 …         Hardly = Scarely

Hardly + had sb. done + when + sb. did

Hardly had he got out of the court when the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.

no sooner … than …        一 … 就 …

No sooner + had sb. done + than + sb. + did

No sooner had he got out of the court than the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.

Not only … but (also) …       不仅 … 而且 …

Not only can Tom sing so well, but all his family are excellent singers.

Not only will I visit Hongkong, but I will go to Tailand.

Not until + … + 半倒装         直到 … 才

Not until I came home last night, did Mom go to bed.

  1. 3.  仅半倒

Only + 状语 置于句首用“半倒”

Only then can I have the chance to realize.

Only in this way can you achieve great success in the future.

Onlu by doing some down-to-earth work shall we solve all the problem.

  1. 4.  如此半倒

So + adj./adv. + 半倒 + that 陈述

Such + n + 半倒 + that + 陈述

So fast does he run that we can’t catch up with him.

Such fine weather is it that we are going to have a picnic.

  1. 5.  虚拟半倒

在if虚拟条件句中,当句中有were, had, should时

原句:If I were to do the work, I should do it some other way.

例句:Were I to do the work, I should do it some other way.

were + 主语 + to do

were + 主语 + n.

had + 主语 + done

should + 主语 + do

  1. “尽管半倒”


原句:Although he is young, he has written many popular books.

例句:Young as he is, …



Try as he might, he failed in the race.

Fast as he run, he failed in the race.

注: 强调名词提前时不带冠词

原句: Though he is a little boy, he has written many books.

例句:Little boy as he is, …

  1. 也半倒,确实不倒


A喜欢英语 A likes English.     B也喜欢英语 So does B

So + 助动词 + 主语


A不喜欢英语 A doesn’t likes English.      B也不喜欢英语 Neither/Nor does B

Neither/Nor does B. (两者)      Neither + 助动词 + 主语


A喜欢英语 He likes English.    确实如此: So he does.

So + 主语 + 助动词


  1. 看选项: 出现语序差异,可能在考倒装
  2. 看句首: 方位词? Now/then? 有无代词? 全倒? 其他 全部是半倒
  3. 看句型: 加分句型,否定句首

Only + 状语





Lisa likes cooking at home.

  1. 强调Lisa

It is Lisa that likes cooking at home.

  1. 强调cooking

It is cooking that Lisa likes at home.

  1. 强调at home

It is at home that Lisa likes cooking.

It + is/was + 被强调的部分 + that + 句中剩余部分

强调主语  that/who

强调宾语  that/whom



  1. 强调主语主语时,注意主谓一致

It is Lilei who is late

It is the students who are late



She did cosmetic surgery in South Korea.

It was in South Korea that she did cosmetic surgery.


Not … until … 的强调

It was not until A that B


What a diligent boy he is!

How diligent a boy he is!

what 对名词感叹

how 对形容词副词感叹


1. 句首动词原形

Shut the door!

  1. Please

Please have a cup of coffe!

This way please.

  1. 以let us 或 let’s开头

Let’s go.


反意疑问句 --- 句子,助动词 + 主语?

重点: 前肯后否,前否后肯   助动词前后一致  代词前后一致

She has done her homework,hasn’t she?

  1. 根据主语的不同情况来反意疑问句:

I’m fond of music, aren’t I?

I wish to go with them, may I?

  1. 陈述部分主语是this, that 的时候,反意时用it

This is a good idea, isn’t it?

  1. 陈述部分主语是不定代词everything, anything, something, nothing时,疑问部分主语为it

Nothing could make her change her mind, could it?

  1. 主语是someone, no one, anyone(body)的时候,反义时用they

Someone is waiting for you, aren’t they?

  1. 强调句反意疑问,反意用isn’t it/wasn’t it

It is you who are clever, isn’t it?

  1. there be 句型,反意的时候用there be

There was a little water left, wasn’t there?



常见否定副词 never, few, little, seldom(很少), hardly(几乎不), nothing(没有)

常见否定前缀 un- / dis-

Tom doesn’t like  drinking coffee, does she?

Tom dislikes drinking coffee, doesn’t she?

  1. 当句子是肯定祈使句的时候,可以用will you(或者 won’t you)

当句子是否定祈使句的时候,用will you

Never lie to my sister, will you?

Let us go, will you?

Let’s go, shall we?

  1. 陈述部分用had better,疑问部分谓语用hadn’t

You had better take off your shoes, hadn’t you?

  1. 陈述部分谓语用used to 结构,疑问部分谓语用didn’t 或 usen’t、usedn’t

used to do 过去常常

They used to live in the countryside, use(d)n’t they/didn’t they?

  1. 陈述部分含有ought to 的反意疑问句,疑问部分用shouldn’t、oughtn’t + 主语

shouldn‘t、oughtn’t + 主语

He ought to know what to do, oughtn’t/shouldn’t he?


时间: 2024-08-30 02:38:50

英语 - 语法的相关文章


学习英语语法,首先要了解英语有哪些句型? 从轮廓上大致知道英语的形,从而能够建立对英语的初步认识. 英语句子分为5中基本句型 1.主谓(i do)2.主谓宾(l like you) 3.主谓双宾(i buy you gifts) 4.主谓宾补(you make me happy) 5.主系表(l am a boy) 英语中都有哪些成分? 由形在到内部详细构造,主要有定语,同位语,插入语,状语,(其他不再多说) 定语的识别? 1.前置定语(忽略不计)2.后置定语 后置定语(1.形容词性短语 2.现


几个常用时态的比较 1.一般现在时与现在进行时 (1)一般现在时用以说明客观事实,或用于强调动作的永久性.经常或反复性.而现在进行时强调动作正在进行,因此它表示动作含有暂时性(即动作的持续时间是有限的)和未完成性. The writer writes children’s stories. 那位作家是写儿童小说的.(说明客观事实) The writer is now writing a story.  那位作家现在正在编写一个故事. She is kind.  她很善良.(指她一贯心地善良) S

英语语法最终珍藏版笔记- 20倒装

倒装 英语句子的语序一般是固定的:主语在前,谓语在后,这叫陈述语序.谓语的全部或一部分(助动词或情态动词)放在主语之前的现象称为倒装.倒装有两种情况:语法倒装和修辞倒装.因为语法结构而必须倒装的,叫语法倒装:为达到某种修辞目的而倒装的,叫修辞倒装.我们学习倒装的主要目的是增加对英语句式多样性的认识,以便在写作和口语中使用,这也是我们学习英语语法的主要目的. 一.语法倒装 1.一般疑问句和特殊疑问句要倒装 例如: Shall I open the door? 要我开门吗? Are you cold


参考资料: 1. <英语语法新思维初级教程> ? 知识点 ▼ 名词是用来表示人.事物.地点以及抽象事物的名称. ▼ 名词通常分为两大类:专有名词(proper noun)和普通名词(common noun). ▼ 专有名词表示特定的人.物.机构或场所等的名词(首字母须大写).如:Paris,the United States和Bill Gates等. ▼ 普通名词又分为:可数名词(countable noun)和不可数名词(uncountable noun)两类. ▼ 可数名词 = 个体名词


参考资料: 1. <英语语法新思维初级教程> ? 知识点 ▼ 英语是“固定词序语言(a fixed-word-order language)”. ▼ 语言的构造级别分五个层次:1. 词(word):2. 短语(phase):3. 句子(sentence):4. 段落(paragraph):5. 篇章(discourse) a red rectangle emblazoned with five starts. ▼ 名词短语是由名词和它的修饰语一起构成的.名词的修饰语与名词的关系分两种:1. 放


虚拟语气 多数中国人对虚拟语气的理解是:虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望,是假设的,虚构的,与事实相反的,或者是不太可能的.这种理解固然是对的,但并不全面.在英语中,虚拟语气是个广义的概念,包括好几种句型和结构.假设,意愿等只是虚拟语气的两个方面. 英汉两种语言表达虚拟语气的方式差异: 而在英语中,虚拟语气是通过句子中谓语动词的特殊形式来表示的.这又一次证明动词在英语中的核心地位,又一次证明要学好英语语法,就要学好英语动词.由于虚拟语气是通过句子中谓语动词的特殊形式来表示的,因此,掌握虚拟语气中所使用的


学好英语要从多方面入手,语法就是一个方面,本篇经验将从大的方面宏观地谈谈如何学好英语语法. 方法/步骤 1 对于一个初学者来说,刚开始不应过度在意语法. 这就好比小孩走路,没有必要掌握技巧,需要的只是多多尝试,慢慢地就有了感觉,然后平衡能力就好了,随着年龄的增长可以学习如何走得好看.其实学英语也是如此,刚开始要多读,多说,学任何语言都要有一个模仿的过程. 2 有了一定的阅读量和词汇量之后,也就是说你有了一定的积累,然后就可以看看语法了,刚开始看一些简单的语法,再回想一下你读过的一些东西,仔细想这


参考资料: 1. <英语语法新思维初级教程> 2. 英语国际英标表 ? 知识点 ▼ 限定词的是对名词起限定作用的各类词的总称,具体作用有限定名词所指的范围,对名词起泛指或特指.定量或或不定量等限定修饰. ▼ 冠词属于限定词(determiner),对名词起修饰作用.英语中的冠词由三个,其中两个是不定冠词a和an,一个是定冠词the(也可以认为它也是两个,同型不同音). out of the question // 不可能 out of question // 毫无疑问 ▼ the在辅音前读[ð




英语语法学习方法 http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/d3b74d64a1bd611f76e60947.html 很多人学英语一辈子,语法并没有真正搞懂.其实学好语法很简单.我自己就是学了10年英语没搞懂语法,甚至我在培训机构教了6年英语后,都没学明白语法.后来有一天,我找对了方法,只用短短一个半月时间,就把语法都学会了.以下是我的经验. 方法/步骤 1 1,找对教材! 学好语法最好的教材,其实是高考考卷的语法题部分.历年各地的高考英语考卷中,会有6道英语词汇题和大