PAT-1066 Root of AVL Tree(解题报告)


第一次做的时候 忘记判断是否是空节点



题目链接 PAT 1066






typedef int ElementType;
typedef struct AVLTreeNode *AVLTree;
typedef struct AVLTreeNode{
ElementType Data;
AVLTree Left;
AVLTree Right;
int Height;

int GetHeight(AVLTree A){
		return -1;
		return A->Height;
int Max(int a,int b){
	return (a>b)?a:b;

AVLTree SingleLeftRotation(AVLTree A)
    //将A与B做左单旋 , 更新AB的高度 , 返回新的根节点B
    AVLTree B = A->Left;
    A->Left = B-> Right ;
    B-> Right = A;
    A -> Height = Max(GetHeight(A->Left),GetHeight(A->Right)) +1;
    B->Height = Max(GetHeight(B->Left),A->Height)+1;  

    return B;

AVLTree SingleRightRotation(AVLTree A)
    AVLTree B = A->Right;
    A->Right = B-> Left ;
    B-> Left = A;
    A -> Height = Max(GetHeight(A->Left),GetHeight(A->Right)) +1;
    B->Height = Max(GetHeight(B->Left),A->Height)+1;  

    return B;

AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A)
    //将AB与C 做两次单选,返回新的节点C
    A->Left = SingleRightRotation(A->Left);//将BC做右单旋,返回C  

    return SingleLeftRotation(A);//将AC做左单旋,C返回   


AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A)
    A->Right= SingleLeftRotation(A->Right);

    return SingleRightRotation(A);  


AVLTree AVL_Insertion(ElementType X,AVLTree T)
{ /* 将 X插入 AVLAVL 树 T中,并且返回调整后的AVLAVL 树 */
    if(!T){  /* 若插入空树 ,则新建包含一个结点的树*/
        T= (AVLTree)malloc(sizeof(struct AVLTreeNode));
        T->Data = X;
        T->Height = 0;
        T->Left = T->Right =NULL;

    else if(X<T->Data){//插入T的左子树
        T->Left = AVL_Insertion(X,T->Left);
                T= DoubleLeftRightRotation(T);//左右双旋

    else if(X>T->Data){//插入T的右子树
        T->Right =AVL_Insertion(X,T->Right);

    T->Height = Max(GetHeight(T->Left),GetHeight(T->Right))+1;  

    return T;

int main(){
	int i,n,num;
		T= AVL_Insertion(num,T);

	return 0;
时间: 2024-10-01 06:51:11

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