I.MX6 Linux mipi配置数据合成

 *                     I.MX6 Linux mipi配置数据合成
 * 声明:
 *     由于现有mipi配置数据不符合I.MX6的配置参数,需要将该参数进行数据转换,
 * 而这又涉及到对数据处理简单算法,主要是为了验证转换代码可靠性。
 *                                       2015-12-24 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define REGFLAG_DELAY            0XFFE
#define DSI_CMD_BUF_MAXSIZE        32
// 嵌入式产品数据存储可能涉及到的大小端
#define BIG_ENDIAN              1
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN            2

struct LCM_setting_table {
    unsigned cmd;
    unsigned char count;
    unsigned char para_list[64];

static struct LCM_setting_table lcm_initialization_setting[] = {

    //Set MIPI

    //Set Power

    //Set Display

    //Set CYC

    //Set D3

    //Set GIP

    //Set D6

    //Set Gamma

    //Set VCOM

    //Set Panel

    //Set C0

    //Set D2

    //Set EMI,0xenhance

    //Set BD

    //Set Power

    //Set BD

    //Set Power,0xOption,0xHX5186,0xMode
    {0x11,1,    {0}},
    {REGFLAG_DELAY, 150,  {}},
    {0x29,1,    {0}},
    {REGFLAG_DELAY, 50,  {}},
    {REGFLAG_END_OF_TABLE, 0x00, {}}

 * 合成数据
 *  1. buf:用于存储合成后的数据;
 *  2. pare_list:用于合成的数据源,是字节数据;
 *  3. count:调用当前函数时使用pare_list中的字节数;
 *  4. endianType:合成数据时采用大端、小端的那种。
void compoundData(unsigned int *buf, unsigned char *para_list, int count, int endianType) {
    unsigned int tmp = 0;
    int i = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        tmp <<= 8;
        switch ( endianType ) {
        case BIG_ENDIAN :
            tmp |= para_list[count-i-1];
        default :
            tmp |= para_list[i];
    *buf = tmp;

static void push_table(struct LCM_setting_table *table, unsigned int count)
    int index = 0;
    int err;
    int i, j;
    unsigned int buf[DSI_CMD_BUF_MAXSIZE] = {0};

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        printf("%02d | length: %03d |", i, table[i].count);

        unsigned cmd;
        cmd = table[i].cmd;

        switch (cmd) {

        case REGFLAG_DELAY :

        case REGFLAG_END_OF_TABLE :

            printf(" aliquot: %02d | 0x", (table[i].count)/4);

             * 合成数据,buf是整形,每次合成para_list中4个字节。
             * 这部分的是合成能够被整除的那一部分的数据,后面对余下的那一部分再进行合成。
            for ( j = 0; j < ( (table[i].count)/4 ); j++ ) {
                index = j * 4;
                compoundData(buf + j, &(table[i].para_list[index]), 4, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
                //compoundData(buf + j, &(table[i].para_list[index]), 4, BIG_ENDIAN);

                printf("%08x", buf[j]);

             * 接下来对4取余的余数进行合成
            index = j * 4;
            int remainder = table[i].count - index;
            if (  remainder != 0 ) {
                compoundData(buf + j, &(table[i].para_list[index]), table[i].count - index, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
                //compoundData(buf + j, &(table[i].para_list[index]), table[i].count - index, BIG_ENDIAN);

                switch ( remainder ) {
                case 1:
                    printf("%02x", buf[j]);
                case 2:
                    printf("%04x", buf[j]);
                case 3:
                    printf("%06x", buf[j]);

            // 对buf进行清空,对下次数据合成造成影响。
            bzero(buf, DSI_CMD_BUF_MAXSIZE);
            //memset(buf, 0, DSI_CMD_BUF_MAXSIZE);

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    push_table(lcm_initialization_setting, sizeof(lcm_initialization_setting) / sizeof(struct LCM_setting_table));

 * 输出结果:
 *     00 | length: 003 | aliquot: 00 | 0xff8394
 *     01 | length: 006 | aliquot: 01 | 0x6303686bb2c0
 *     02 | length: 010 | aliquot: 02 | 0x48127209324471314f35
 *     03 | length: 005 | aliquot: 01 | 0x6580640507
 *     04 | length: 030 | aliquot: 07 | 0x26762676262605108635003f2676267626260510863f00ff818181810801
 *     05 | length: 033 | aliquot: 08 | 0x00000f0f0101101032100000003215040504321514051437330404370000470540
 *     06 | length: 044 | aliquot: 11 | 0x1818252427261110151413121716010018181818181818181818050403020706181818182120232218181818
 *     07 | length: 044 | aliquot: 11 | 0x1818222320211213161710111415060718181818181818181818020304050001181818182627242518181818
 *     08 | length: 058 | aliquot: 14 | 0x00030b0e101317152d3d51515e757c84949a98a6b257575a60646a727f00030b0e101317152d3d51515e757c84949a98a6b257575a60646a727f
 *     09 | length: 002 | aliquot: 00 | 0x3434
 *     10 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x0d
 *     11 | length: 002 | aliquot: 00 | 0x1f31
 *     12 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x88
 *     13 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x02
 *     14 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x01
 *     15 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x60
 *     16 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x00
 *     17 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x00
 *     18 | length: 150 |
 *     19 | length: 007 | aliquot: 01 | 0x408150001afc01
 *     20 | length: 001 | aliquot: 00 | 0x00
 *     21 | length: 050 |
 *     22 | length: 000 |
 *     shell returned 23
 *     Press ENTER or type command to continue
时间: 2024-08-04 15:09:37

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