[leetcode] 120 Triangle



状态转移方程:triangle[i][j] += min(triangle[i + 1][j], triangle[i +
1][j + 1])

class Solution {
  int minimumTotal(vector<vector<int> > &triangle) {
    for (int i = triangle.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i)
      for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j){

        triangle[i][j] +=min(triangle[i+1][j+1],triangle[i+1][j]);

    return triangle[0][0];

hdu 2084的数塔,和本题的解法一致。

稍微进阶一点的: hdu 1176 免费馅饼




时间: 2024-12-23 20:55:36

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