openbr on linuxmint13/ubuntu12.04/debian7 x64 facial recognition [Compile from source!!!]

Openbr is a great project for facial detecting.

System: linuxmint 13 x86_64

Face recognition,  motion / gender / age / detection

Here it‘s website:

It‘s github page:


Just need to try those cool stuff here:

The installation tutorial

But the tutorial above is for ubuntu13.04 due to that lib/package ""

The reason the OpenBR build instructions use Ubuntu 13.04 is because (I believe) the qt5-default aptitude package is not available on 12.04.

‘‘ jklontz mentioned here:

As what jklontz said, we would try to follow the tutorial for Mac OSX , learn the lesson there and then deploy openbr on linux.

Here is the link of a installation for Mac OS X.

Conclusion : You would need to install/possess many libs/packages before compiling openbr on your computer.


1. cmake (version upper than 2.8.11 )

Notice: ubuntu12.04 doesn‘t provide cmake upper than that version. So you ought to compile that from source.

2. qt5 (version upper than 5.0)

Notice: ubuntu12.04 doesn‘t provide "qt-* " packages neither. So if you want to build openbr, you ought to have qt5 cmake files first.    has the things you can download.

3. opencv source files and libs

Let‘s compile and deploy them all :)

Step 1. compiling cmake

git clone
cd CMake
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install

Step 2. installing qt5

wget -c
chmod +x
sudo ./

# Then a wizard window would jump out, install it as you wish . # By default a /opt/Qt5.3.2/ will be the default directory 

Step 3. building opencv

( notice opencv 3.0+ doesn‘t work with openbr 0.5 or previous releases .Openbr would detect error if opencv is 3.0+ when compiling openbr"

In file included from /usr/local/src/openbr/build/stasm/src/external_stasm/stasm/stasm/src/stasm_lib.cpp:7:0:
/usr/local/src/openbr/build/stasm/src/external_stasm/stasm/stasm/include/misc.h:422:1: error: ‘CvScalar’ does not name a type
make[5]: *** [stasm/CMakeFiles/stasm.dir/stasm/src/stasm_lib.cpp.o] Error 1
make[4]: *** [stasm/CMakeFiles/stasm.dir/all] Error 2
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: *** [stasm/src/external_stasm-stamp/external_stasm-build] Error 2
make[1]: *** [openbr/CMakeFiles/external_stasm.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2


. so we need opencv 2.4.9 . Here its download link

unzip -d /usr/local/src # or the path you store source files
cd /usr/local/src/opencv-2.4.9/
# Then use ‘cmake‘ to compile opencv sources
mkdir release
cd release

# Notice when building, cmake would look for some 3rdparty modules from internet. If you see something "-- ICV: Downloading ippicv_linux_20141027.tgz... " , do not be panic, take your time. A cup of coffee is calling you :)sudo makesudo make install

Step 4. building openbr

 ( with the support of fresh new ‘cmake‘, cross-platform ‘qt5‘, marvellous ‘opencv‘ )

git clone
cd openbr
git checkout master # Or here git checkout 0.5 ## coz some times master changes a lot  LOL
git submodule init
git submodule update

# It will cost your minutes to download those sub-modules. Take that easy.

# Then, try to build the openbr sudo cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/Qt5.3.2/5.3/gcc_64 -DOpenCV_DIR=/usr/local/src/opencv-2.4.9/release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. sudo make j4sudo make install

Step 5. building the openbr GUI

Just as what that refers:


Hack OpenBR!
Open Qt Creator IDE
$ qtcreator &
From the Qt Creator "File" menu select "Open File or Project...".
Select "openbr/CMakeLists.txt" then "Open".
Browse to your pre-existing build directory "openbr/build" then select "Next".
Select "Run CMake" then "Finish".
You‘re all set! You can find more information on Qt Creator here if you need.


Here is what I got after compiling:

Then you can find more you‘d like

Step More ...

Hack on the way!

Like these:


(Optional) Test OpenBR!
$ cd openbr/scripts
$ ./
$ cd ../build
$ make test

(Optional) Package OpenBR!
$ cd openbr/build
$ sudo cpack -G TGZ

(Optional) Build OpenBR documentation!
$ sudo apt-get install doxygen
$ cd openbr/build
$ make -j4
$ sudo apt-get install libgnome2-bin
$ gnome-open html/index.html


Happy hacking!

时间: 2024-08-14 00:13:41

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