【BUG】Kewastunpackstats(): Bad Magic 1 (0x。。。。, 0)

Kewastunpackstats(): Bad Magic 1 (0x1108f7b87, 0) In Alert Logfile After Upgrading to

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later [Release: 9.2 and later ]

in this document applies to any platform.

Kewastunpackstats(): Bad Magic 1 (0x1108f7b87, 0)
in Alert Logfile After Upgrading to


The following message is reported
in the instance alert

kewastUnPackStats(): bad magic 1 (0x1108f7b87, 0)


The cause of this problem has been identified
in Bug:8967729
which has been closed

as duplicate of unpublished bug 8730312.It is caused by the variable part of

the Active Session History rows (the moduile, action program, etc. information)

not being stored properly, causing any
read-back of this data through views like



The issue has been fixed
in the upcoming Oracle12c release and the and higher patchsets.

The solution is to
install the patchset

is the current patchset at time
of publishing this Note (MAR-2012).

Apply Patch:8730312
for any other environments.

As one-off patches are not subjected to the same rigorous level of testing as

Oracle Server patch sets, you are encouraged to
and test
this patch

test environment prior to full production implementation.

时间: 2025-01-09 09:10:29

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