
原文链接:Diamonds Aren\‘t Forever, but Van Gaal and Rodgers Know How to Make Them Shine

作者:Jonathan Wilson, Sep 18, 2014

Diamonds Aren‘t Forever, but Van Gaal and Rodgers Know How to Make Them Shine

The 3-5-2 is dead. Long live the diamond! Hurrah!

3-5-2已死,菱形永生,耶~ (这里纯属是标题党的调侃意味)


There’s been a huge amount of excitement since Louis van Gaal won his first game as Manchester United manager, beating QPR 4-0 on Sunday as though
he’s suddenly stumbled on some secret formula which will guarantee
success—a feeling inflated by the fact England prospered with a diamond
in winning their opening Euro 2016 qualifier, 2-0, away to Switzerland.


Van Gaal himself has retained an air of slight bewilderment at
the excitement, insisting his philosophy remains unchanged, and that is
far more important than the formation.

Uncredited/Associated Press

And Liverpool fans have joined in, making the valid point that
Brendan Rodgers has repeatedly used a diamond over the past year or so.


And, of course, none of this is new. The diamond midfield has existed
since at least the 1960s, when Viktor Maslov employed it at Dynamo


What’s happened is that—as is the nature with many tactical trends—the diamond has come back into fashion, at least in part because teams have, in general, forgotten how to play against it.


It could be argued this is characteristic of the modern age of
tactics: All the major evolutionary leaps have been made, so what we’re
seeing are incremental developments on the one hand (in the
sense that, say, tiki-taka was an updated version of the updated
version of Total Football employed by Van Gaal at Ajax and Barcelona in
the 1990s), and, on the other, a vast game of scissors-paper-stone in
which ways of playing and formations come into and slide out of fashion.


The problem with the diamond—at least when it’s used as an attacking formation—is its narrowness.


There’s a gamble that the central midfield will win enough control of
the ball to prevent opposing wingers coming into the game, while it’s
almost impossible for the team playing the diamond to stop the opposing
full-backs if they are attack-minded.


Martin Meissner/Associated Press

When Schalke hammered Inter Milan 7-3 on aggregate in the Champions
League quarter-final in 2011, the main reason was that their full-backs,
Atsuto Uchida and Hans Sarpei, had the run of the flanks because the
Serie A team‘s diamond had no way of countering them.


That’s the risk, but what Liverpool and England showed is that judicious use of the centre-forwards—pulling wide into the space behind the full-backs—can make them wary of advancing too far.


That has the added bonus of clearing room for the player operating at the tip of the diamond—Raheem Sterling in these cases—to attack, his deep starting position making him difficult to pick up.


In theory, a side playing 4-2-3-1 should be able to cover his runs, but many holding midfielders simply don’t have the pace.


United are a slightly different case. Van Gaal’s insistence that
the philosophy remains unchanged is supported by how similar his
diamond is to a 3-5-2.


All that has happened is that one of the three centre-backs now plays
10 yards or so further forward, while the wing-backs play 10 yards or
so deeper.


They may return to 3-5-2 and, even if they don’t, there will be times
that Daley Blind drops back between the centre-backs to form a de facto
back three as the full-backs push on.


Alex Livesey/Getty Images

In that sense, the diamond functions like the 3-5-2 as a way to include both a front two and a midfield three (and it would be odd if two of Wayne Rooney,
Robin van Persie and Radamel Falcao did not find themselves in the
team)  (something Van Gaal has almost
always insisted upon).


Juan Mata doesn’t
have Sterling’s pace, but his recent goalscoring run suggests how he has
benefited from the space created by the two forwards, although his role
may, ultimately, be a more orthodox playmaking one, with Angel Di Maria
breaking beyond him.


In both modes, the diamond is enjoying a new lease of life. It may
be that the willingness of modern centre-forwards to pull wide
negates one of its key drawbacks. But it is no panacea. No formation
ever is.



时间: 2025-01-31 04:07:45


范加尔背叛全攻全守 反驳:我们让荷兰人感到了快乐

荷兰毫无疑问是本届世界杯最令人惊愕的球队,预选赛中我们看到的还是那支熟悉的橙衣军团,10场比赛9胜1平打进疯狂的34球.但到了决赛圈,范加尔却突然打起了防守反击,甚至使用起了5后卫,战术之保守甚至要超过意大利等老牌防反球队.“范加尔背叛了荷兰足球.”阿根廷名宿巴尔达诺毫不客气地批评,“要知道40多年来荷兰足球一直都是那样地唯美激情,但现在却完全变了.” 有趣的是,变化并不是从范加尔开始的.早在2006年世界杯上,巴斯滕执教的荷兰便网络pos机放弃了全攻全守足球,变得更加实际甚至机械.2010年世

信任西班牙十理由:10战智利不败 范加尔不放水

1.相似的经历 在南非世界杯中,西班牙首战同样输球,但最终不但两连胜小组出线,而且还最终夺冠. 2.冠军荣耀被刺激 近年来西班牙有点躺在功劳簿上吃老本的感觉,但这场惨败会激励世界冠军的心气,球员们会迸发出许久不见的斗志和激情. 3.277冠 西班牙所有球员,职业生涯总冠军数为277个,冠军球员永远值得信任. 4.板凳深度 西班牙不但有首发11人,还有很多重要的替补球员.哈维-马丁内斯.法布雷加斯.佩德罗.科克.比利亚.马塔都能给球队带来帮助. 5.告别 比利亚.哈维.哈维-阿隆索,也许还要算上卡


在今天凌晨(2014-06-14)刚刚结束的世界杯小组赛中,西班牙以1:5惨败荷兰,仅仅时隔4年,却遭如此惨败,不得不让人扼腕叹息.纵观全场比赛,是什么让曾经的斗牛士遭到如此惨痛一击呢? 首先,作为世界杯,欧洲杯双料冠军,现在全世界几乎都在学习研究西班牙足球,很显然,范加尔已经研究透了西班牙队. 其次,普约尔的缺阵,对西班牙影响重大,在后防线上没有了定海神针,主心骨,可以看到本场比赛西班牙后防线漏洞百出.多次被荷兰人打身后,直塞得逞.以罗本的速度和攻击性,一条垂垂老矣的后防线,显然难敌刚满30的


在工作快三年的时候,突然想到我需要凝练下自身的知识体系.从大一开始接触c++,差不多快8年了.想想过去走过的学习之路,很简单,也很曲折. 经历了从一无所知——入门——应用——修修补补的过程,到现在可以说我可以用c++完成我能想到的任何功能,或者说编程语言上没有任何障碍. 所以,抽出一个月的下班时间重新读了一下几本书: <Thinking in C++ 2nd>(中译名<c++编程思想>,分两卷) Effective c++和More Effective c++ The C++ Pr

莱斯特站在宇宙中心呼唤爱 快来干了这碗鸡汤吧(转自网易)

这是一个信仰缺失的时代,不然社会也不会如此空前地重视对于梦想的宣传.就算是在代表着人类激情与血性的足坛江湖里,无论底层的球队多么努力,笑到最后的一定是皇马,拜仁或者巴萨等豪门,什么“凯泽斯劳滕神话”,它只存在于枯燥的历史课本中. 但在这个春天远了,夏天近了的“劳动节”里,无数怀揣梦想却总感有志难伸的工薪阶层们,当你们亲眼看到莱斯特城的长篇悬疑剧终于以冠军的名义喜剧收尾时,你们的人生是否也会从此改变呢? 在30万人左右的莱斯特郡,诺丁汉森林的旧日荣光如今也因同地域的莱斯特城的突然崛起而逐渐为世人所


第一种效果: HTML结构: <div class="vewinfor"> <div class="leftin_hd"> <h3>作者热文</h3> <a href="" target="_blank" class="in_more">...</a> </div> <div class="leftin_bd


在曼联结束的本个夏季首场友谊赛中,球队5-2战胜了洛杉矶银河,在赛后穆里尼奥出席了赛后的新闻发布会,并且回答了记者的提问.其中他表示曼联在今年夏季从来没有尝试回签C罗,因为这是"不可能完成的任务". 他说:"我们从来没有考虑过,因为他是他的球队中多么重要的球员啊.同时他还有很大的商业价值,所以没有任何理由能够让罗纳尔多离开.要是我要求球队在'不可能完成的任务'上浪费时间,那我就不是在为我的球队着想." 但是前曼联主帅莫耶斯表示弗格森爵士曾在4年前期待过C罗回归曼联.

狂人传记:戎马半生 何以安家

早已注定,我只能在荆棘中采拾鲜花.但重要的是,要对胜利和信念充满执着.”——穆里尼奥 轻轻地你走了,正如你轻轻的来.你挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩. 狂人永存!穆里尼奥传记:戎马半生 何以安家 未完成的梦想 踢不了职业足球 菲 利克斯-穆里尼奥,老魔力鸟.作为一名职业球员,他在球场上担当门将.34岁,他第一次代表葡萄牙国家队出场,仅3分钟的替补时间,那是老魔力鸟生涯最高 光时刻.没有人想到,足坛名不见经传的匆匆过客,他的儿子竟然能成为当今足坛教练之翘楚.1963年,若泽呱呱坠地.小若泽喜欢足球,父


时下大数据是一个时髦的词汇,前几天在朋友圈里看到一篇<某电商文胸数据:A少了C多了>,文中有数据显示,某省已经摆脱了胸部最小的省份等等.这篇东西对普通人来说可以当作花边了解一下,增加点茶余饭后的谈资,对商家来说则是制定商业计划的风向标. 经历了2014巴西世界杯,大数据在博彩中的运用也越来越受到重视.上周末新赛季的英超(微博 专题) 联赛已经揭幕,10场比赛主队仅有阿森纳(官方微博 官网 数据 )和利物浦(官方微博 数据) 两强收获3分,8支客队保持不败(2平6胜),多少让人感觉一丝冷意,尤其