source insight Confirm by typing ‘yes' below"、"has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload the file?"、“

阅读内核代码习惯和喜欢使用source insight。如果能在source insight上修改内核代码,同时又不需要把修改的内核代码再拷贝到虚拟ubuntu上去那就方便了。于是想通过用samba与xp共享的方式来实现。即xp、samba、虚拟ubuntu9.10等工具。

事实上是可以的,用source insight把在samba上共享的内核源文件建立了工程,速度上不是特别慢,可以接受。但在Source insight上修改通过samba共享ubuntu上内核源程序文件出现了"Confirm by typing ‘yes‘ below"、"has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload the file?"、“There was an error saving ....”和”An invalid Source Insight serial number was detected”等一些问题,如下图所示:


出现上述问题的原因是source insight本身的问题,具体引用网上说明:

问题描述:我的电脑安装了Windows xp,又在虚拟机里装了个Ubuntu9.04.代码都放在Ubuntu中,并通过samba与windows共享,而后用source insight打开。但问题在于:每次在 source insight里面做修改,而后切换到另一个文件的时后都会出现  “...  has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload the file?"



Fix: Sometimes files were said to be modified outside of SI, but they were not. This most likely happened on network drives. Under some conditions, the Windows directory information can lag for remote drives. SI now uses a better method of getting file information.

至此,问题明朗,将source insight升级到最新版本。问题解决。

既然是source insight版本的问题,就下载了新的版本,我下的是sourceinsight3.50.0065

但在安装的时候又出现了问题,出现了“An invalid Source Insight serial number was detected”,但根据提示重新安装也不能输入注册码,在网上找到解决方法,如下:

Source Insight3.5升级遗留问题: an invalid source insight serial number was detected解决方法

2010-08-20 20:07

Source Insight最新版 3.50.0064安装时,出现an invalid source insight serial number was detected,


/HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Source Dynamics/Source Insight/3.0,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Source Dynamics/Source Insight/3.0。

是不是可以了呢?重新输入注册码。 ^_^



经过一翻折腾后,终于这些问题解决,可以正常使用source insight阅读修改内核源代码了。

source insight Confirm by typing ‘yes' below"、"has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload the file?"、“,布布扣,

source insight Confirm by typing ‘yes' below"、"has been changed outside of the editor. Do you want to reload the file?"、“

时间: 2024-07-30 08:29:12

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[SourceInsight].source insight 使用技巧

转自: 1  开胃菜-初级应用 1.1  选择美丽的界面享受工作 虽然不能以貌取人,但似乎从来没有人责备以貌取软件的.SI的华丽界面,绝对符合现代花花世界的人的审美趣味.在SI中,我们可以轻松地把各种类型关键字.变量.标志符.函数.宏.注释等定义为不同的颜色和显示方式(正体或斜体.加粗或正常.加下划线.放大显示等),总有一种方式能让我们一眼就能分辨出这个标识是什么. 1.1.1  字体选择 在SI中样式是可以被继承,如果要从根

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