BOOST Library (1)

class implementation
~implementation() { std::cout <<"destroying implementation\n"; }
void do_something() { std::cout << "did something\n"; }

void test()
boost::shared_ptr<implementation> sp1(new implementation());
std::cout<<"The Sample now has "<<sp1.use_count()<<" references\n";

boost::shared_ptr<implementation> sp2 = sp1;
std::cout<<"The Sample now has "<<sp2.use_count()<<" references\n";

std::cout<<"After Reset sp1. The Sample now has "<<sp2.use_count()<<" references\n";

std::cout<<"After Reset sp2.\n";

The Sample now has 1 references
The Sample now has 2 references
After Reset sp1. The Sample now has 1 references
destroying implementation
After Reset sp2.


时间: 2024-08-06 07:48:07

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