天题系列:Median of Two Sorted Array

答案部分完全借鉴 http://www.cnblogs.com/springfor/p/3861890.html



There are two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).






解决此题的方法可以依照:寻找一个unioned sorted array中的第k大(从1开始数)的数。因而等价于寻找并判断两个sorted array中第k/2(从1开始数)大的数。






如果A[k/2-1]<B[k/2-1], 那么说明A[0]到A[k/2-1]都不可能是第k大的数,所以需要舍弃这一半,继续从A[k/2]到A[A.length-1]继续找。当然,因为这里舍弃了A[0]到A[k/2-1]这k/2个数,那么第k大也就变成了,第k-k/2个大的数了。

如果 A[k/2-1]>B[k/2-1],就做之前对称的操作就好。




int partA = Math.min(k/2,m);
int partB = k - partA;



        //直接没什么想法,看了答案也觉得万万想不到 ref http://www.cnblogs.com/springfor/p/3861890.html, http://blog.csdn.net/linhuanmars/article/details/19905515
        // 找posA 和posB的部分略魔性
     public class Solution {
    public double findMedianSortedArrays(int A[], int B[]) {
        int m = A.length, n = B.length;
        int t=m+n, k = t/2;
            return (double) helper(A,B,0,m-1,0,n-1,k+1);
            int x = helper(A,B,0,m-1,0,n-1,k+1);
            int y = helper(A,B,0,m-1,0,n-1,k);
            return (double) (x+y)/2;
    public int helper(int A[], int B[], int i, int i2, int j, int j2, int k){
        int m = i2-i+1, n = j2-j+1;
        if(m==0) return B[k+j-1];
        if(m>n) return helper(B,A,j,j2,i,i2,k);
        if(k==1) return Math.min(A[i], B[j]);

        int posA = Math.min(m, k/2);
        int posB = k-posA;
            return A[posA+i-1];
        }else if(A[posA+i-1]<B[j+posB-1]){
            return  helper(A,B,i+posA,i2,j,j2,k-posA);
            return  helper(A,B,i,i2,j+posB,j2,k-posB);
时间: 2024-10-17 02:51:50

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