Launch configuration JUnitCore references non-existing project XXX.

时间: 2024-08-23 20:08:56

Launch configuration JUnitCore references non-existing project XXX.的相关文章

Eclipse 报 "The builder launch configuration could not be found" 错误的解决办法

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myeclipse编译弹框:The builder launch configuration could not be found

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【报错】java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid action class configuration that references an unknown class named [xxxAction]

java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid action class configuration that references an unknown class named [xxxAction]. 在使用SSH进行项目开发时,一不小心就可能出现以上的错误提示.现总结论坛高人的开发经验针对本错误产生的原因做具体分析,希望能帮到出同样问题的各位童鞋们: 这样的问题可以简单理解为未找到名字为XXX的action 1)xxxAction没有在Struts.xml中配置相应

解决A program file was not specified in the launch configuration.问题

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The builder launch configuration could not be found

Export Wizard Error      Errors occurred during the buildProblems occured when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.resources".   The builder launch configuration could not be found   The builder launch configuration could not be found 解决办法:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid action class configuration that references an unknown class nam

可能是你的配置没有这个类或者你在返回的参数没有相应的操作吧我是用struts2.1 有一次是返回字符串是没配置的所有有这个问题 就是没找到你要用的类,你确定你的那个CLASS是叫studentAction吗?是不是写错了,一般CLASS的首字母都是大写,比如StudentAction.JAVA对大小写很敏感 ava.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid action class configuration that references an unknown class

android build path contains duplicate entry:&#39;src&#39; for project XXX

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