h.264 fast,1/2,1/4像素运动估计与插值处理

Hadamard Transform






 * \brief
 * Functions for fast fractional分数、小数 pel motion estimation.
 * 1. int AddUpSADQuarter() returns SADT of a fractiona pel MV
 * 2. int FastSubPelBlockMotionSearch () proceed the fast fractional pel ME
 * \authors: Zhibo Chen
 *           Dept.of EE, Tsinghua Univ.
 * \date   : 2003.4  计算分块代价
int AddUpSADQuarter(int pic_pix_x,int pic_pix_y,int blocksize_x,int blocksize_y,
                    int cand_mv_x,int cand_mv_y, StorablePicture *ref_picture, pel_t**   orig_pic,
                    int Mvmcost, int min_mcost,int useABT)//adaptive block transform
  int abort_search, y0, x0, rx0, ry0, ry;
  pel_t *orig_line;
  int   diff[16], *d;
  int  mcost = Mvmcost;
  int yy,kk,xx;
  int   curr_diff[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE]; // for ABT SATD calculation
  pel_t **ref_pic = ref_picture->imgY_ups;//经过插值的图像  参考图像
  int img_width  = ref_picture->size_x;
  int img_height = ref_picture->size_y;

  for (y0=0, abort_search=0; y0<blocksize_y && !abort_search; y0+=4)//4*4块
    ry0 = ((pic_pix_y+y0)<<2) + cand_mv_y;

    for (x0=0; x0<blocksize_x; x0+=4)
      rx0 = ((pic_pix_x+x0)<<2) + cand_mv_x;
      d   = diff;

      orig_line = orig_pic [y0  ];    ry=ry0;
      *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 12, img_height, img_width);

      orig_line = orig_pic [y0+1];    ry=ry0+4;
      *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 12, img_height, img_width);

      orig_line = orig_pic [y0+2];    ry=ry0+8;
      *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 12, img_height, img_width);

      orig_line = orig_pic [y0+3];    ry=ry0+12;
      *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
      *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
      *d        = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 12, img_height, img_width);

      if (!useABT)
        if ((mcost += SATD (diff, input->hadamard)) > min_mcost)
          abort_search = 1;//终止搜索
      else  // copy diff to curr_diff for ABT SATD calculation
        for (yy=y0,kk=0; yy<y0+4; yy++)
          for (xx=x0; xx<x0+4; xx++, kk++)
            curr_diff[yy][xx] = diff[kk];

  return mcost;




  搜索方式为the third step with a small search pattern(小菱形模板反复搜索)

  小范围的子像素搜索是线性的(JVT-F017r1   3.1.2),即基本上都是朝着一个方向进行的,因此循环次数取边界长度7,而不会去搜索该范围内所有的位置

int                                                   //  ==> minimum motion cost after search
FastSubPelBlockMotionSearch (pel_t**   orig_pic,      // <--  original pixel values for the AxB block
                             int       ref,           // <--  reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
                             int       list,
                             int       pic_pix_x,     // <--  absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
                             int       pic_pix_y,     // <--  absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
                             int       blocktype,     // <--  block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
                             int       pred_mv_x,     // <--  motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
                             int       pred_mv_y,     // <--  motion vector predictor (y) in sub-pel units
                             int*      mv_x,          // <--> in: search center (x) / out: motion vector (x) - in pel units
                             int*      mv_y,          // <--> in: search center (y) / out: motion vector (y) - in pel units
                             int       search_pos2,   // <--  search positions for    half-pel search  (default: 9)
                             int       search_pos4,   // <--  search positions for quarter-pel search  (default: 9)
                             int       min_mcost,     // <--  minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
                             double    lambda,
                             int useABT)        // <--  lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
  static int Diamond_x[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};//菱形搜索
  static int Diamond_y[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
  int   mcost;
  int   cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y;

  int   incr            = list==1 ? ((!img->fld_type)&&(enc_picture!=enc_frame_picture)&&(img->type==B_SLICE)) : (enc_picture==enc_frame_picture)&&(img->type==B_SLICE) ;//未见使用
  int   list_offset   = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? img->current_mb_nr%2 ? 4 : 2 : 0;
  StorablePicture *ref_picture = listX[list+list_offset][ref];
  pel_t **ref_pic = ref_picture->imgY_ups;

  int   lambda_factor   = LAMBDA_FACTOR (lambda);
  int   mv_shift        = 0;
  int   check_position0 = (blocktype==1 && *mv_x==0 && *mv_y==0 && input->hadamard && !input->rdopt && img->type!=B_SLICE && ref==0);
  int   blocksize_x     = input->blc_size[blocktype][0];
  int   blocksize_y     = input->blc_size[blocktype][1];
  int   pic4_pix_x      = (pic_pix_x << 2);
  int   pic4_pix_y      = (pic_pix_y << 2);
  int   max_pos_x4      = ((ref_picture->size_x/*img->width*/-blocksize_x+1)<<2);
  int   max_pos_y4      = ((ref_picture->size_y/*img->height*/-blocksize_y+1)<<2);

  int   min_pos2        = (input->hadamard ? 0 : 1);
  int   max_pos2        = (input->hadamard ? max(1,search_pos2) : search_pos2);
  int   search_range_dynamic,iXMinNow,iYMinNow,i;
  int   iSADLayer,m,currmv_x,currmv_y,iCurrSearchRange;
  int   search_range = input->search_range;
  int   pred_frac_mv_x,pred_frac_mv_y,abort_search;
  int   mv_cost; 

  int   pred_frac_up_mv_x, pred_frac_up_mv_y;

  *mv_x <<= 2;
  *mv_y <<= 2;
  if ((pic4_pix_x + *mv_x > 1) && (pic4_pix_x + *mv_x < max_pos_x4 - 2) &&
    (pic4_pix_y + *mv_y > 1) && (pic4_pix_y + *mv_y < max_pos_y4 - 2)   )//判断是否出界
    PelY_14 = FastPelY_14;
    PelY_14 = UMVPelY_14;

  search_range_dynamic = 3;//dynamic动态
  pred_frac_mv_x = (pred_mv_x - *mv_x)%4;
  pred_frac_mv_y = (pred_mv_y - *mv_y)%4; 

  pred_frac_up_mv_x = (pred_MV_uplayer[0] - *mv_x)%4;
  pred_frac_up_mv_y = (pred_MV_uplayer[1] - *mv_y)%4;

  //SearchState 小数 pel search 插值像素搜索标记 ,搜索过的位置会被标记,被标记过的位置不会重新搜索

    cand_mv_x = *mv_x;
    cand_mv_y = *mv_y;
    mv_cost = MV_COST (lambda_factor, mv_shift, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);
    mcost = AddUpSADQuarter(pic_pix_x,pic_pix_y,blocksize_x,blocksize_y,cand_mv_x,cand_mv_y,ref_picture/*ref_pic*//*Wenfang Fu 2004.3.12*/,orig_pic,mv_cost,min_mcost,useABT);
    SearchState[search_range_dynamic][search_range_dynamic] = 1;
    if (mcost < min_mcost)
      min_mcost = mcost;
      currmv_x = cand_mv_x;
      currmv_y = cand_mv_y;
    SearchState[search_range_dynamic][search_range_dynamic] = 1;
    currmv_x = *mv_x;
    currmv_y = *mv_y;

  if(pred_frac_mv_x!=0 || pred_frac_mv_y!=0)//mvp
    cand_mv_x = *mv_x + pred_frac_mv_x;
    cand_mv_y = *mv_y + pred_frac_mv_y;
    mv_cost = MV_COST (lambda_factor, mv_shift, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);
    mcost = AddUpSADQuarter(pic_pix_x,pic_pix_y,blocksize_x,blocksize_y,cand_mv_x,cand_mv_y,ref_picture/*ref_pic*//*Wenfang Fu 2004.3.12*/,orig_pic,mv_cost,min_mcost,useABT);
    SearchState[cand_mv_y -*mv_y + search_range_dynamic][cand_mv_x - *mv_x + search_range_dynamic] = 1;
    if (mcost < min_mcost)
      min_mcost = mcost;
      currmv_x = cand_mv_x;
      currmv_y = cand_mv_y;

  iXMinNow = currmv_x;//iXMinNow当前搜索中心  currmv_x最佳MV
  iYMinNow = currmv_y;
  iCurrSearchRange = 2*search_range_dynamic+1;
  //JVT-F017r1   3.1.2
    abort_search=1;//终止搜索标记 1终止 0继续
    iSADLayer = 65536;
    for (m = 0; m < 4; m++)
      cand_mv_x = iXMinNow + Diamond_x[m];
      cand_mv_y = iYMinNow + Diamond_y[m]; 

      if(abs(cand_mv_x - *mv_x) <=search_range_dynamic && abs(cand_mv_y - *mv_y)<= search_range_dynamic)
        if(!SearchState[cand_mv_y -*mv_y+ search_range_dynamic][cand_mv_x -*mv_x+ search_range_dynamic])//未被搜索
          mv_cost = MV_COST (lambda_factor, mv_shift, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);
              mcost = AddUpSADQuarter(pic_pix_x,pic_pix_y,blocksize_x,blocksize_y,cand_mv_x,cand_mv_y,ref_picture/*ref_pic*//*Wenfang Fu 2004.3.12*/,orig_pic,mv_cost,min_mcost,useABT);
          SearchState[cand_mv_y - *mv_y + search_range_dynamic][cand_mv_x - *mv_x + search_range_dynamic] = 1;
          if (mcost < min_mcost)
            min_mcost = mcost;
            currmv_x = cand_mv_x;
            currmv_y = cand_mv_y;
            abort_search = 0; 

    iXMinNow = currmv_x;
    iYMinNow = currmv_y;

  *mv_x = currmv_x;
  *mv_y = currmv_y;

  //===== return minimum motion cost =====
  return min_mcost;



  1. 搜索中心周围(包括中心)1/2像素的9个像素点,从中选择最佳位置
  2. 以最佳位置为中心,搜索周围1/4像素的9个像素点,从中选择最佳位置

 * \brief以确定的最佳像素点为中心,进行半像素估计,在以最佳半像素点为中心,进行
 *    Sub pixel block motion search
int                                               //  ==> minimum motion cost after search
SubPelBlockMotionSearch (pel_t**   orig_pic,      // <--  original pixel values for the AxB block
                         int       ref,           // <--  reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
                         int       list,          // <--  reference picture list
                         int       pic_pix_x,     // <--  absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
                         int       pic_pix_y,     // <--  absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
                         int       blocktype,     // <--  block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
                         int       pred_mv_x,     // <--  motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
                         int       pred_mv_y,     // <--  motion vector predictor (y) in sub-pel units
                         int*      mv_x,          // <--> in: search center (x) / out: motion vector (x) - in pel units
                         int*      mv_y,          // <--> in: search center (y) / out: motion vector (y) - in pel units
                         int       search_pos2,   // <--  半像素搜索点的位置 (default: 9)
                         int       search_pos4,   // <--  search positions for quarter-pel search  (default: 9)
                         int       min_mcost,     // <--  minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
                         double    lambda         // <--  lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
  int   diff[16], *d;
  int   pos, best_pos, mcost, abort_search;
  int   y0, x0, ry0, rx0, ry;
  int   cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y;
  int   max_pos_x4, max_pos_y4;
  pel_t *orig_line;
  pel_t **ref_pic;
  StorablePicture *ref_picture;
  int   lambda_factor   = LAMBDA_FACTOR (lambda);
  int   mv_shift        = 0;
  int   check_position0 = (blocktype==1 && *mv_x==0 && *mv_y==0 && input->hadamard && !input->rdopt && img->type!=B_SLICE && ref==0);
  int   blocksize_x     = input->blc_size[blocktype][0];
  int   blocksize_y     = input->blc_size[blocktype][1];
  int   pic4_pix_x      = (pic_pix_x << 2);//换算成以1/4像素为单位的坐标
  int   pic4_pix_y      = (pic_pix_y << 2);
  int   min_pos2        = (input->hadamard ? 0 : 1);
  int   max_pos2        = (input->hadamard ? max(1,search_pos2) : search_pos2);
  int   list_offset     = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? img->current_mb_nr%2 ? 4 : 2 : 0;

  int  apply_weights = ( (active_pps->weighted_pred_flag && (img->type == P_SLICE || img->type == SP_SLICE)) ||
                         (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc && (img->type == B_SLICE)));  //是否使用权重计算代价

  int   img_width, img_height;

  ref_picture     = listX[list+list_offset][ref];

  if (apply_weights)
    ref_pic = listX[list+list_offset][ref]->imgY_ups_w;
    ref_pic = listX[list+list_offset][ref]->imgY_ups; //做过1/4像素插值的图像放在imgY_ups

  img_width  = ref_picture->size_x;
  img_height = ref_picture->size_y;//未做插值的图像的宽高

  max_pos_x4      = ((ref_picture->size_x - blocksize_x+1)<<2);//最大1/4像素搜索位置
  max_pos_y4      = ((ref_picture->size_y - blocksize_y+1)<<2);

   *****                       *****
   *****  HALF-PEL REFINEMENT  *****
   *****                       *****
  //===== convert search center to quarter-pel units ===== 先变成1/4像素的运动向量
  *mv_x <<= 2;
  *mv_y <<= 2;
  //===== set function for getting pixel values =====
  if ((pic4_pix_x + *mv_x > 1) && (pic4_pix_x + *mv_x < max_pos_x4 - 2) &&
      (pic4_pix_y + *mv_y > 1) && (pic4_pix_y + *mv_y < max_pos_y4 - 2)   )//判断半像素是否出界
    PelY_14 = FastPelY_14;//没出界
    PelY_14 = UMVPelY_14;
  //===== loop over search positions =====
  for (best_pos = 0, pos = min_pos2; pos < max_pos2; pos++)    //半像素搜索,只搜索最近的9个点(max_pos2==9)
    cand_mv_x = *mv_x + (spiral_search_x[pos] << 1);    // quarter-pel units
    cand_mv_y = *mv_y + (spiral_search_y[pos] << 1);    // quarter-pel units

    //----- set motion vector cost -----
    mcost = MV_COST (lambda_factor, mv_shift, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);
    if (check_position0 && pos==0)  //中央像素点位置为当前宏块位置
      mcost -= WEIGHTED_COST (lambda_factor, 16);

    if (mcost >= min_mcost) continue;

    //----- add up SATD -----
    for (y0=0, abort_search=0; y0<blocksize_y && !abort_search; y0+=4)
      ry0 = ((pic_pix_y+y0)<<2) + cand_mv_y;//搜索中心

      for (x0=0; x0<blocksize_x; x0+=4)//4*4块计算SATD
        rx0 = ((pic_pix_x+x0)<<2) + cand_mv_x;
        d   = diff;//共享内存空间
        orig_line = orig_pic [y0  ];    ry=ry0;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0+1];    ry=ry0+4;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0+2];    ry=ry0+8;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0+3];    ry=ry0+12;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d        = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        if ((mcost += SATD (diff, input->hadamard)) > min_mcost)
          abort_search = 1;

    if (mcost < min_mcost)
      min_mcost = mcost;
      best_pos  = pos;
  if (best_pos)
    *mv_x += (spiral_search_x [best_pos] << 1);
    *mv_y += (spiral_search_y [best_pos] << 1);

   *****                          *****
   *****                          *****
  //===== set function for getting pixel values =====
  if ((pic4_pix_x + *mv_x > 1) && (pic4_pix_x + *mv_x < max_pos_x4 - 1) &&
      (pic4_pix_y + *mv_y > 1) && (pic4_pix_y + *mv_y < max_pos_y4 - 1)   )
    PelY_14 = FastPelY_14;
    PelY_14 = UMVPelY_14;
  //===== loop over search positions =====
  for (best_pos = 0, pos = 1; pos < search_pos4; pos++)//1/4像素搜索,只搜索最近的9个点(max_pos2==9)
    cand_mv_x = *mv_x + spiral_search_x[pos];    // quarter-pel units
    cand_mv_y = *mv_y + spiral_search_y[pos];    // quarter-pel units

    //----- set motion vector cost -----
    mcost = MV_COST (lambda_factor, mv_shift, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);

    if (mcost >= min_mcost) continue;

    //----- add up SATD -----
    for (y0=0, abort_search=0; y0<blocksize_y && !abort_search; y0+=4)
      ry0 = ((pic_pix_y+y0)<<2) + cand_mv_y;

      for (x0=0; x0<blocksize_x; x0+=4)
        rx0 = ((pic_pix_x+x0)<<2) + cand_mv_x;
        d   = diff;

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0  ];    ry=ry0;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0+1];    ry=ry0+4;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0+2];    ry=ry0+8;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        orig_line = orig_pic [y0+3];    ry=ry0+12;
        *d++      = orig_line[x0  ]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0   , img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+1]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 4, img_height, img_width);
        *d++      = orig_line[x0+2]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+ 8, img_height, img_width);
        *d        = orig_line[x0+3]  -  PelY_14 (ref_pic, ry, rx0+12, img_height, img_width);

        if ((mcost += SATD (diff, input->hadamard)) > min_mcost)
          abort_search = 1;

    if (mcost < min_mcost)
      min_mcost = mcost;
      best_pos  = pos;
  if (best_pos)
    *mv_x += spiral_search_x [best_pos];
    *mv_y += spiral_search_y [best_pos];

  //===== return minimum motion cost =====
  return min_mcost;


  在做插值之前,需要先对原图像添加边框(Pad),即在原图上下左右四个方向分别添加边界像素点,像素点的取值为边界像素点的值,可以参考Edge Process



  1. 水平1/2像素通过6抽头滤波器插值
  2. 垂直1/2像素通过6抽头滤波器插值
  3. 水平1/4像素内插
  4. 垂直1/4像素内插
  5. 45°内插
  6. 反向45°内插


1/4像素水平、垂直插值                1/4像素正反45°插值



 * \brief
 *    Upsample 4 times, store them in out4x.  Color is simply copied
 * \par Input:
 *    srcy, srcu, srcv, out4y, out4u, out4v
 * \par Side Effects_
 *    Uses (writes) img4Y_tmp.  This should be moved to a static variable
 *    in this module
void UnifiedOneForthPix (StorablePicture *s)
  int is;
  int i, j, j4;
  int ie2, je2, jj, maxy;

  byte **out4Y;
  byte  *ref11;
  byte  **imgY = s->imgY;

  int img_width =s->size_x;
  int img_height=s->size_y;

  // don‘t upsample twice
  if (s->imgY_ups || s->imgY_11)

  s->imgY_11 = malloc ((s->size_x * s->size_y) * sizeof (byte));
  if (NULL == s->imgY_11)
    no_mem_exit("alloc_storable_picture: s->imgY_11");

  get_mem2D (&(s->imgY_ups), (2*IMG_PAD_SIZE + s->size_y)*4, (2*IMG_PAD_SIZE + s->size_x)*4);

  if (input->WeightedPrediction || input->WeightedBiprediction)
      s->imgY_11_w = malloc ((s->size_x * s->size_y) * sizeof (byte));
      get_mem2D (&(s->imgY_ups_w), (2*IMG_PAD_SIZE + s->size_y)*4, (2*IMG_PAD_SIZE + s->size_x)*4);
  out4Y = s->imgY_ups;
  ref11 = s->imgY_11;
  //chj 水平半像素内插
  for (j = -IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < s->size_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
    for (i = -IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < s->size_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++)
      jj = max (0, min (s->size_y - 1, j));
      is =
              (ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][0] *
               (imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i))] +
                imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i + 1))]) +
               ONE_FOURTH_TAP[1][0] *
               (imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i - 1))] +
                imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i + 2))]) +
               ONE_FOURTH_TAP[2][0] *
               (imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i - 2))] +
                imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i + 3))]));
            img4Y_tmp[j + IMG_PAD_SIZE][(i + IMG_PAD_SIZE) * 2] = imgY[jj][max (0, min (s->size_x - 1, i))] * 1024;    // 1/1 pix pos
            img4Y_tmp[j + IMG_PAD_SIZE][(i + IMG_PAD_SIZE) * 2 + 1] = is * 32;  // 1/2 pix pos

  //chj 垂直半像素内插
  for (i = 0; i < (s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE) * 2; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
      j4 = j * 4;
      maxy = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE - 1;
      // change for TML4, use 6 TAP vertical filter
      /*1/2像素用6抽头滤波器,系数为ONE_FOURTH_TAP (20 -5 1 1 -5 20) */
      is =
              (ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][0] *
               (img4Y_tmp[j][i] + img4Y_tmp[min (maxy, j + 1)][i]) +
               ONE_FOURTH_TAP[1][0] * (img4Y_tmp[max (0, j - 1)][i] +
                                       img4Y_tmp[min (maxy, j + 2)][i]) +
               ONE_FOURTH_TAP[2][0] * (img4Y_tmp[max (0, j - 2)][i] +
                                       img4Y_tmp[min (maxy, j + 3)][i])) / 32;

      PutPel_14 (out4Y, (j - IMG_PAD_SIZE) * 4, (i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 2) * 2, (pel_t) max (0, min (255, (int) ((img4Y_tmp[j][i] + 512) / 1024))));  // 1/2 pix
      PutPel_14 (out4Y, (j - IMG_PAD_SIZE) * 4 + 2, (i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 2) * 2, (pel_t) max (0, min (255, (int) ((is + 512) / 1024))));   // 1/2 pix

  /* 1/4 pix */
  /* luma */
  ie2 = (s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE - 1) * 4;
  je2 = (s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE - 1) * 4;

  for (j = 0; j < je2 + 4; j += 2)
    for (i = 0; i < ie2 + 3; i += 2)
      /*  ‘-‘ 水平内插 */
          PutPel_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4 + 1,
                     (pel_t) (max (0, min (255,(int) (FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                      i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, img_height, img_width) + FastPelY_14 (out4Y,
                      j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, min (ie2 + 2, i + 2) - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, img_height, img_width)+1) / 2))));
    for (i = 0; i < ie2 + 4; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < je2 + 3; j += 2)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
          /*  ‘|‘  垂直内插*/
          PutPel_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4 + 1, i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                    (pel_t) (max (0, min (255, (int) (FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                     i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, img_height, img_width) + FastPelY_14 (out4Y,
                     min (je2 + 2, j + 2) - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, img_height, img_width)+1) / 2))));
        else if ((j % 4 == 0 && i % 4 == 1) || (j % 4 == 2 && i % 4 == 3))
                /*  ‘/‘ 45度内插  */
                PutPel_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4 + 1, i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                           (pel_t) (max (0, min (255, (int) (FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                            min (ie2 + 2, i + 1) - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, img_height, img_width) + FastPelY_14 (out4Y,
                            min (je2 + 2, j + 2) - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4 - 1, img_height, img_width) + 1) / 2))));
                /*  ‘\‘  反向45度内插 */
                PutPel_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4 + 1, i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                           (pel_t) (max (0, min (255, (int) (FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                           i - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4 - 1, img_height, img_width) + FastPelY_14 (out4Y,
                           min (je2 + 2, j + 2) - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4,
                           min (ie2 + 2, i + 1) - IMG_PAD_SIZE * 4, img_height, img_width) + 1) / 2))));

    /*  Chroma: 色度只是复制整数点,无内插   */
/*    for (j = 0; j < img->height_cr; j++)
        memcpy (outU[j], imgU[j], img->width_cr);       // just copy 1/1 pix, interpolate "online"
        memcpy (outV[j], imgV[j], img->width_cr);
    // Generate 1/1th pel representation (used for integer pel MV search)
    /* ref11存放的是整像素resolution的图像
    GenerateFullPelRepresentation (out4Y, ref11, s->size_x, s->size_y);



 * \brief
 *    Creates the 4x4 = 16 images that contain quarter-pel samples
 *    sub-sampled at different spatial orientations;
 *    enables more efficient implementation
 * \param p_Vid
 *    pointer to VideoParameters structure
 * \param s
 *    pointer to StorablePicture structure
void getSubImagesLuma( VideoParameters *p_Vid, StorablePicture *s )
  imgpel ****cImgSub   = s->p_curr_img_sub;
  int        otf_shift = ( p_Vid->p_Inp->OnTheFlyFractMCP == OTF_L1 ) ? (1) : (0) ;

  //  0  1  2  3
  //  4  5  6  7
  //  8  9 10 11
  // 12 13 14 15
  //由于p_curr_img_sub是4维的 4x4xYxX,
  //所以cImgSub[][]中的地址所指向的都是一整副图像(X x Y)


  // sub-image 0 [0][0]
  // simply copy the integer pels
  if (cImgSub[0][0][0] != s->p_curr_img[0])
    getSubImageInteger( s, cImgSub[0][0], s->p_curr_img);
    getSubImageInteger_s( s, cImgSub[0][0], s->p_curr_img);


  // sub-image 2 [0][2]
  // HOR interpolate (six-tap) sub-image [0][0]
  getHorSubImageSixTap( p_Vid, s, cImgSub[0][2>>otf_shift], cImgSub[0][0] );

  // sub-image 8 [2][0]
  // VER interpolate (six-tap) sub-image [0][0]
  getVerSubImageSixTap( p_Vid, s, cImgSub[2>>otf_shift][0], cImgSub[0][0]);

  // sub-image 10 [2][2]
  // VER interpolate (six-tap) sub-image [0][2]
  getVerSubImageSixTapTmp( p_Vid, s, cImgSub[2>>otf_shift][2>>otf_shift]);

  if( !p_Vid->p_Inp->OnTheFlyFractMCP )

    // sub-image 1 [0][1]
    getSubImageBiLinear    ( s, cImgSub[0][1], cImgSub[0][0], cImgSub[0][2]);
    // sub-image 4 [1][0]
    getSubImageBiLinear    ( s, cImgSub[1][0], cImgSub[0][0], cImgSub[2][0]);
    // sub-image 5 [1][1]
    getSubImageBiLinear    ( s, cImgSub[1][1], cImgSub[0][2], cImgSub[2][0]);
    // sub-image 6 [1][2]
    getSubImageBiLinear    ( s, cImgSub[1][2], cImgSub[0][2], cImgSub[2][2]);
    // sub-image 9 [2][1]
    getSubImageBiLinear    ( s, cImgSub[2][1], cImgSub[2][0], cImgSub[2][2]);

    // sub-image 3  [0][3]
    getHorSubImageBiLinear ( s, cImgSub[0][3], cImgSub[0][2], cImgSub[0][0]);
    // sub-image 7  [1][3]
    getHorSubImageBiLinear ( s, cImgSub[1][3], cImgSub[0][2], cImgSub[2][0]);
    // sub-image 11 [2][3]
    getHorSubImageBiLinear ( s, cImgSub[2][3], cImgSub[2][2], cImgSub[2][0]);

    // sub-image 12 [3][0]
    getVerSubImageBiLinear ( s, cImgSub[3][0], cImgSub[2][0], cImgSub[0][0]);
    // sub-image 13 [3][1]
    getVerSubImageBiLinear ( s, cImgSub[3][1], cImgSub[2][0], cImgSub[0][2]);
    // sub-image 14 [3][2]
    getVerSubImageBiLinear ( s, cImgSub[3][2], cImgSub[2][2], cImgSub[0][2]);

    // sub-image 15 [3][3]
    getDiagSubImageBiLinear( s, cImgSub[3][3], cImgSub[0][2], cImgSub[2][0]);

h.264 fast,1/2,1/4像素运动估计与插值处理

时间: 2024-07-31 11:29:41

h.264 fast,1/2,1/4像素运动估计与插值处理的相关文章

h.264 去块滤波

块效应及其产生原因 我们在观看视频的时候,在运动剧烈的场景常能观察到图像出现小方块,小方块在边界处呈现不连续的效果(如下图),这种现象被称为块效应(blocking artifact). 首先我们需要搞清楚块效应产生的原因.h.264在编码过程中对像素残差进行了DCT变换,变换后得到的DCT系数是与每个像素都相关的,这些系数代表了被变换数据的基础色调与细节.h.264在DCT变换后对DCT系数进行了量化,量化能有效去除相邻像素间的空间冗余,也就是说会抹去元素数据的部分细节.比较理想的情况是量化抹


Full Search 全搜索算法是最简单暴力的一种搜索算法,对搜索范围内的所有像素点都进行匹配对比,选出最合适的运动向量,以下就是一个搜索范围为4的全搜索范围(单个像素点) /*! *********************************************************************** * \brief按照螺旋搜索顺序进行全搜索 * Full pixel block motion search * 目标是得到(mv_x,mv_y)和min_mcost,(m


<H.264/AVC视频编解码技术具体解释>视频教程已经在"CSDN学院"上线,视频中详述了H.264的背景.标准协议和实现,并通过一个实战project的形式对H.264的标准进行解析和实现,欢迎观看! "纸上得来终觉浅.绝知此事要躬行".仅仅有自己依照标准文档以代码的形式操作一遍,才干对视频压缩编码标准的思想和方法有足够深刻的理解和体会. 链接地址:H.264/AVC视频编解码技术具体解释 GitHub代码地址:点击这里 1. H.264的CAVLC

x264 - 高品质 H.264 编码器

转自:http://www.5i01.cn/topicdetail.php?f=510&t=3735840&r=18&last=48592660 H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC 是优秀的视讯编码格式就目前已成熟的视讯编码格式而言,H.264的压缩率是最佳的.压缩率极高,可以只用很低 bitrate 提供堪用画质. 而 x264 为免费开放原始码的 H.264 / MPEG-4 AVC 编码器,是目前编码效率最高的开放原始码 H.264 编码器. 此文只是基础知识,说明只是大略


前一阵子看了一下H.264官方参考软件JM的源代码,在这里总结一下它的结构.JM编解码H.264的速度相对于FFmpeg来说是非常慢的,但是它的代码写得清晰易懂,更适合做学术方面的研究.JM包含了视频解码器ldecod和视频编码器lencod.本文记录视频解码器ldecod的结构. 函数调用关系图 JM中的H.264视频解码器ldecod的函数调用关系图如下所示.   单击查看更清晰的大图 下面解释一下图中关键标记的含义. 函数背景色函数在图中以方框的形式表现出来.不同的背景色标志了该函数不同的


此处记录学习AVC过程中的一些基本概念,不定时更新. frame:帧,相当于一幅图像,包含一个亮度矩阵和两个色度矩阵. field:场,一帧图像,通过隔行扫描得到奇偶两场,分别称为顶场和底场或奇场和偶场. macroblock/MB:宏块,H.264中处理(预测.变换.量化)的基本单元,大小16*16个像素. slice group:条带组,每一帧/场图像中,按照光栅扫面的顺序,将MB/MB对分成多个条带(slice). I/P/B 宏块:I宏块只能利用所在slice中已编码的像素进行帧内预测.


x264开源工程实现H.264的视频编码,但没有提供对应的解码器.ffmpeg开源多媒体编解码集合汇集了市面上几乎所有媒体格式的编解码的源代码.其中的H264.c就是一个能正常解码x264编码码流的独立的源文件,其使用步骤也与上述的编码或解码CODEC应用案例基本相同.这一节通过自顶向下的方式,讲述H264.c如何实现H.264视频解码过程. H264.c源文件有几千行,代码量庞大,很不便于浏览.分析和移植.同时该文件还依赖其他源文件,组织结构较复杂,实现平台由于不是基于Windows的VC++


NAL Unit Stream Network Abstraction Layer,简称NAL. h.264把原始的yuv文件编码成码流文件,生成的码流文件就是NAL单元流(NAL unit Stream).而NAL单元流,就是NAL单元组成的. 标准的Annex B规定了NAL单元组成NAL单元流的方式,下面描述了如何将一个NAL单元打包起来,而多个NAL单元进行组合则形成了NAL单元流. byte_stream_nal_unit( NumBytesInNALunit ) { C Descri


本文简单记录FFmpeg中libavcodec的H.264解码器(H.264 Decoder)的源代码.这个H.264解码器十分重要,可以说FFmpeg项目今天可以几乎"垄断"视音频编解码技术,很大一部分贡献就来自于这个H.264解码器.这个H.264解码器一方面功能强大,性能稳定:另一方面源代码也比较复杂,难以深入研究.本文打算梳理一下这个H.264解码器的源代码结构,以方便以后深入学习H.264使用.PS:这部分代码挺复杂的,还有不少地方还比较模糊,还需要慢慢学习...... 函数