
The_diamond_problem (钻石问题)


The "diamond problem" (sometimes referred to as the "deadly diamond of death"[6]) is an ambiguity that arises when two classes B and C inherit from A, and class D inherits from both B and C. If there is a method in A that B and/or C has overridden, and D does not override it, then which version of the method does D inherit: that of B, or that of C?

For example, in the context of GUI software development, a classButtonmay inherit from both classesRectangle(for appearance) andClickable(for functionality/input handling), and classesRectangleandClickableboth inherit from theObjectclass. Now if theequalsmethod is called for aButtonobject and there is no such method in theButtonclass but there is an overriddenequalsmethod inRectangleorClickable(or both), which method should be eventually called?

It is called the "diamond problem" because of the shape of the class inheritance diagram in this situation. In this case, class A is at the top, both B and C separately beneath it, and D joins the two together at the bottom to form a diamond shape.

Avoid the Diamond Problem when Using Inheritance in Loops


While multiple inheritance is an extremely useful feature—escpecially in large scale software, it can also lead to a problem known as the DDD, or "Dreadful Diamond on Derivation," or simply "The Diamond Problem," shown in the following code:

class ElectricAppliance{
  int voltage,
  int getVoltage ( ) const { return voltage; }
} ;

class Radio : public ElectricAppliance { / * ...* / } ;

class Tape : public ElectricAppliance { / * ...* / } ;

class RadioTape: public Radio, public Tape { / * ..* / } ;

int main( )
 RadioTape rt ;
 int voltage = rt.getVoltage( ) ;
  /* Error - ambiguous call. Two  copies getVoltage( ) exist in rt*/

RadioTape is derived simultaneously from two base classes, each of which has its own copy of the methods and data members of ElectricAppliance. Consequently, the object rt has two ElectricAppliance subobjects. In cases like this, where you need to reduplicate data methods from a common base class, you should use virtual inheritance:

class Radio : virtual public ElectricAppliance { / * ..* / } ;
class Tape : virtual public ElectricAppliance { / * ..* / } ;
class RadioTape: public Radio, public Tape { / * ..* / }

Now, class RadioTape contains a single shared instance of ElectricAppliance, so there are no ambiguities:

int voltage = rt .getVoltage( ) ; //OK

Because of the virtual keyword in the base-class portion of Radio and Tape, an instance of ElectricAppliance will have have only a single, base subobject. This eliminates the ambiguities.

How interface resolves diamond problem in java?

Java allows the multiple inheritance of interfaces only. Interfaces are essentially abstract base classes with all abstract methods and no data members.

The diamond problem is therefore avoided since there is always only one implementation of a specific method or property and no ambiguity arises.

时间: 2024-11-05 19:28:34



关于Java中继承和接口的理解 Java语言中,为了实现代码重用,设计了继承这一机制,但是,其设计成单继承,这样设计是有原因的,如下图: Figure1:deadly diamond of death 此图问题称为菱形问题(diamond problem),就是说,当A的子类B和C同时实现了A中的方法,则同时继承了B和C的子类D在调用该方法时会出现混乱,无法得知该调用哪一个方法. 既然不能实现多继承,我们就会考虑把很多方法就写在父类里,或者继承抽象类,实现其方法,但是,这样会导致一个问题,比如说


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一 继承介绍 继承是一种创建新类的方式,在Python中,新建的类可以继承一个或多个父类,新建的类可称为子类或派生类,父类又可称为基类或超类 class ParentClass1: #定义父类 pass class ParentClass2: #定义父类 pass class SubClass1(ParentClass1): #单继承 pass class SubClass2(ParentClass1,ParentClass2): #多继承 pass 通过类的内置属性__bases__可以查看类


大多数面向对象语言都不支持多继承,而在Python中,一个子类是可以同时继承多个父类的,这固然可以带来一个子类可以对多个不同父类加以重用的好处,但也有可能引发著名的 Diamond problem菱形问题(或称钻石问题,有时候也被称为"死亡钻石"),菱形其实就是对下面这种继承结构的形象比喻 这种继承结构下导致的问题称之为菱形问题:如果A中有一个方法,B和/或C都重写了该方法,而D没有重写它,那么D继承的是哪个版本的方法:B的还是C的?如下所示 class A(object):    d