[Swift]LeetCode478. 在圆内随机生成点 | Generate Random Point in a Circle

Given the radius and x-y positions of the center of a circle, write a function randPoint which generates a uniform random point in the circle.


  1. input and output values are in floating-point.
  2. radius and x-y position of the center of the circle is passed into the class constructor.
  3. a point on the circumference of the circle is considered to be in the circle.
  4. randPoint returns a size 2 array containing x-position and y-position of the random point, in that order.

Example 1:

Output: [null,[-0.72939,-0.65505],[-0.78502,-0.28626],[-0.83119,-0.19803]]

Example 2:

Output: [null,[11.52438,-8.33273],[2.46992,-16.21705],[11.13430,-12.42337]]

Explanation of Input Syntax:

The input is two lists: the subroutines called and their arguments. Solution‘s constructor has three arguments, the radius, x-position of the center, and y-position of the center of the circle. randPoint has no arguments. Arguments are always wrapped with a list, even if there aren‘t any.

给定圆的半径和圆心的 x、y 坐标,写一个在圆中产生均匀随机点的函数 randPoint 。


  1. 输入值和输出值都将是浮点数
  2. 圆的半径和圆心的 x、y 坐标将作为参数传递给类的构造函数。
  3. 圆周上的点也认为是在圆中。
  4. randPoint 返回一个包含随机点的x坐标和y坐标的大小为2的数组。

示例 1:

输出: [null,[-0.72939,-0.65505],[-0.78502,-0.28626],[-0.83119,-0.19803]]

示例 2:

输出: [null,[11.52438,-8.33273],[2.46992,-16.21705],[11.13430,-12.42337]]


输入是两个列表:调用成员函数名和调用的参数。Solution 的构造函数有三个参数,圆的半径、圆心的 x 坐标、圆心的 y 坐标。randPoint 没有参数。输入参数是一个列表,即使参数为空,也会输入一个 [] 空列表。

拒绝采样的经典应用: [Swift]LeetCode470. 用 Rand7() 实现 Rand10() | Implement Rand10() Using Rand7()

Runtime: 736 ms

Memory Usage: 17.5 MB

 1 class Solution {
 2     var r:Double
 3     var centerX:Double
 4     var centerY:Double
 6     init(_ radius: Double, _ x_center: Double, _ y_center: Double) {
 7         self.r = radius
 8         self.centerX = x_center
 9         self.centerY = y_center
10     }
12     func randPoint() -> [Double] {
13         while(true)
14         {
15             var x:Double = (2 * Double.random(in: 0..<1) - 1.0) * r
16             var y:Double = (2 * Double.random(in: 0..<1) - 1.0) * r
18             if x * x + y * y <= r * r
19             {
20                 return [centerX + x, centerY + y]
21             }
22         }
23     }
24 }
26 /**
27  * Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
28  * let obj = Solution(radius, x_center, y_center)
29  * let ret_1: [Double] = obj.randPoint()
30  */

Runtime: 748 ms

Memory Usage: 17.5 MB

 1 class Solution {
 2     var r:Double
 3     var centerX:Double
 4     var centerY:Double
 6     init(_ radius: Double, _ x_center: Double, _ y_center: Double) {
 7         self.r = radius
 8         self.centerX = x_center
 9         self.centerY = y_center
10     }
12     func randPoint() -> [Double] {
13         var theta:Double = 2 * M_PI * (Double.random(in: 0..<1))
14         var len:Double = sqrt(Double.random(in: 0..<1)) * r
15         return [centerX + len * cos(theta), centerY + len * sin(theta)]
16     }
17 }
19 /**
20  * Your Solution object will be instantiated and called as such:
21  * let obj = Solution(radius, x_center, y_center)
22  * let ret_1: [Double] = obj.randPoint()
23  */


时间: 2025-01-17 18:03:26

[Swift]LeetCode478. 在圆内随机生成点 | Generate Random Point in a Circle的相关文章

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1 // 圆内,求离圆心最远的整数点 hiho一下第111周 Farthest Point 2 // 思路:直接暴力绝对T 3 // 先确定x范围,每个x范围内,离圆心最远的点一定是y轴两端的点.枚举x的范围,再比较y 4 // O(n) 5 6 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 7 using namespace std; 8 #define LL long long 9 const double inf = 123456789012345.0; 10 const LL MO


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/* * 判断一个点是不是在圆内 *  *  */public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) {  //提示用户定义圆形和半径  Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);  //请输入圆形坐标  System.out.println("请输入圆心坐标:");  double a1 = sc.nextDouble();  double a2 = sc.nextDouble();   

Problem E: 点在圆内吗?

Description 定义一个Point类和Circle类,用于判断给定的一系列的点是否在给定的圆内. 其中,Point类: 1.有2个成员x和y,分别为其横坐标和纵坐标:1个静态成员numOfPoints,用于计算生成的点的个数. 2.具有构造函数.析构函数和拷贝构造函数,具体格式输出根据样例自行判断. 3. 具有静态方法int getNumOfPoints(),用于返回numOfPoints的值. 4. 具有int getX()和int getY()方法,用于获取横坐标和纵坐标. Circ


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