English trip V2 - 11 Health and Well-being 健康和幸福 Teacher:Ginny Key: Verb + gerund(-ing) & verb + infinitive 动名词 & 动词+原型

In this lesson you will learn how to talk about health and well-being.


What do you  do to stay healthy?  你做什么才能保持健康?

We are more drinking water in the ever morning is good for our healthy

What are some bad habits that you have?  你有一些什么坏习惯?

I go to bed too late, and my three meals is inregular

When was the last time you went to the doctor?  你最近一次去看医生是什么时候?

The frist day of In this Month.

碳水化合物  carbohydrate   /,kɑrbo‘ha?dret/  car bo hy dra te

奶制品  dairy   奶制品


蛋白质 protein



蔬菜 Vegetable


谚语: An apple a day keeps a doctor away   一日一苹果,医生远离我

词汇(Key Word )

massage  v. 按摩;用……揉擦;篡改(数字);奉承   n. 按摩,推拿

fire cupping  火罐法

ginseng  n. 高丽参,人参

qigong  n. (中国)气功(一种对精神和身体健康有益的呼吸及运动方法)

acupuncture  /‘ækjup??kt??/  a cu pun cture  针灸

sore back 背痛

headache  头痛

stressed  压力大

stomachache  肚子痛

earache   /‘?r‘ek/  耳朵痛

catch a cold 感冒

get a fever  发烧


What is each of these good for?

massage is good for my body relax

fire cupping is good for  make your blood flows smoothly   #  让你的血液流动顺畅

acupuncture is good for your get rid of humidity  # 去湿

qigong is good for your Strong constitution  # 强健体质

geinseng is good for Invigorating vital energy , Spleen and lung  # 活气、健脾、健肺

# Tell the doctor your problem

My back is felling pretty sore.

I‘ve got a pain in my stomach

My headache is killing me( This means it‘s very painful!)



时间: 2024-07-31 14:54:05

English trip V2 - 11 Health and Well-being 健康和幸福 Teacher:Ginny Key: Verb + gerund(-ing) & verb + infinitive 动名词 & 动词+原型的相关文章

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