error: Refusing toundefine while domain managed save image exists



virsh # list --all

Id   Name                          State


9    instance-000000c7             running

10   instance-0000002e             running

11   instance-000000a8             running

12   instance-000000a7             running

-    instance-00000066             shut off


virsh # undefineinstance-00000066

3)、删除managed save

virsh #managedsave-remove instance-00000066


virsh # undefineinstance-00000066

Domaininstance-00000066 has been undefined


virsh # list --all

Id   Name                          State


9    instance-000000c7             running

10   instance-0000002e             running

11   instance-000000a8             running

12   instance-000000a7             running

error: Refusing toundefine while domain managed save image exists

时间: 2024-12-24 05:42:29

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