nfs:server is not responding, still trying

问题描述:我使用目标机挂在nfs后,读写较大的文件就会出现server is not responding, still trying问题,google了一下,有人是这么解决的,如下



nfs:server is not responding, still trying
Mandag 27 november 2006 20:12 skrev Verner Kjrsgaard:
> Mandag 27 november 2006 19:33 skrev John P. New:
> > Verner,
> >
> > This is a problem with NFS and 2.6 kernels, fast server NICs and
> > comparatively slower client NICs. This will show up when the server has
> > a 1000Mb card and the client a 100Mb, or when the server has a 100Mb
> > card and the client a 10Mb.
> >
> > Essentially, you have to pass some options to the kernel on terminal
> > boot, and this varies depending on whether you are using etherboot or
> > PXE.
> >
> > See
> >
> > for a deeper explanation of the problem and the cure.


1   当目标机启动后已经进入linux系统的情况下,使用以下mount命令:
mount -t nfs -o intr,nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024  /mnt/nfs
(即添加了intr rsize=1024 wsize=1024 参数,参数的具体意义见下面注释)
2   当目标机处在引导阶段向内核传递命令行参数时,使用以下参数:
console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,flags=intr,rsize=1024,wsize=1024ip=

intr -- 当服务器宕机或者无法到达时,允许中断NFS请求。 nolock--禁用文件锁。 rsize = 8192 和 wsize=8192  -- 通过设定大的同时传输的数据块大小(bytes),以提高NFS读写的速度。改变这些值时要当心,一些旧的linux内核和网卡在大的块大小不能正常工作

nfs:server is not responding, still trying

时间: 2024-07-28 14:10:40

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