Change shortcut key of forward navigation in VS2012 text editor

Keywords: Visual Studio, shortcut key, Alt, Right Arrow, navigation, NavigateForward, CompleteWord

If you want to assign shortcut key to Alt+Right Arrow (from Ctrl+Shift+-), please following these steps:

1. Open Tools\Options\Environment\Keyboard, locate to command "Edit.CompleteWord".

2. Select Alt+Right Arrow (Text Editor) from shortcut keys dropdown list and click [Remove] button next to the dropdown list to remove it.

3. Locate to command “View.NavigateForward”.

4. Select Text Editor from "Use new shortcut in" dropdown list and input Alt+Right Arrow in "Press shortcut keys" text box. Then click [Assign] which is at right of the dropdown list.

5. Save changes and close the Options dialog.

时间: 2024-08-01 15:52:15

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