Algorithm: Refrence from one ICML15 paper: Word Mover's Distance. 1. First use Google's word2vec tool to get distributed word representing aka. word vectors. 2. Then use earth mover's distance as similarity measure metric. 3. Solve the EMD problem as
Given two sentences words1, words2 (each represented as an array of strings), and a list of similar word pairs pairs, determine if two sentences are similar. For example, "great acting skills" and "fine drama talent" are similar, if th
Given two sentences words1, words2 (each represented as an array of strings), and a list of similar word pairs pairs, determine if two sentences are similar. For example, "great acting skills" and "fine drama talent" are similar, if th
Given two sentences words1, words2 (each represented as an array of strings), and a list of similar word pairs pairs, determine if two sentences are similar. For example, words1 = ["great", "acting", "skills"] and words2 = [&
Jaccard index From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Jaccard index, also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient (originally coined coefficient de communauté by Paul Jaccard), is a statisticused for comparing the similarity and diversity of sa
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Awesome Machine Learning A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries and software (by language). Inspired by awesome-php. If you want to contribute to this list (please do), send me a pull request or contact me @josephmisiti Als
When you have to build a web application, you are often asked to add search. The magnifying glass is something that we now add to wireframes without even knowing what we are going to search. Search has became an important feature and we've seen a big
Table of Contents Practical Process Control Proven Methods and Best Practices for Automatic PID Control I. Modern Control is Based on Process Dynamic Behavior (by Doug Cooper) 1) Fundamental Principles of Process Control Motivation and Terminology of