FJNU 1156 Fat Brother’s Gorehowl(胖哥的血吼)

FJNU 1156 Fat Brother’s Gorehowl(胖哥的血吼)

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 257792K



Fat Brother is a Great warrior(战士) and he has a powerful weapons named “Gorehowl”. Firstly it can cause 7 damage points to the other side, but it will decrease 1 damage points after one attack.

One day, Fat Brother meet N monsters, but he only take his “Gorehowl”.

Each monster has health points. When Fat Brother attacked a monster, the monster’s health points will decrease damage points of “Gorehowl”. If a monster’s health points less than or equal to zero, it die. Fat Brother must kill all monsters or he can’t get away from here. If he can kill all monster, he want to know least of times he should attack. If he can’t, he will choose go die.






There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T (T <= 50) indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The first line contains one integer N (1 <= N <= 100000) means number of monsters.

The next line contains N number Hi (1<= Hi <= 10) means monster’s health points.


第一行是一个整数T(T <= 50)表示测试用例的数量。对于每个测试用例:

第一行是一个整数N(1 <= N <= 100000)表示随从的数量。

下一行有N个数Hi(1<= Hi <= 10),表示随从的生命值。



If Fat Brother can kill all monsters, output a number means least of times Fat Brother should attack. Otherwise output “Fat Brother choose go die”

如果胖哥能够消灭所有随从,输出他最少的攻击次数,否则输出“Fat Brother choose go die”

【Sample Input - 输入样例】

【Sample Output - 输出样例】



12 6







Fat Brother choose go die




case, First attack first monster and it’s health points decrease to 5. Second attack second monster and it’s health points decrease to 0, it will die. Third attack first monster and it’s health points decrease to 0, it will die. All monster die!


case, attack first monster 7 times, and sum of damage points is 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 28, kill all monster.


case, Fat Brother can’t kill first monster, so he will choose go die.

The test sample just explain problem, you can think the really data is accord with the title‘s description




攻击第一只随从7次,攻击力的和为7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 28,所有随从阵亡。






一共只能攻击7次,分别是 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

那么先在读取的时候剪个枝,N > 7或 Hid的和 > 28,直接选择死亡。


为了尽快砍死随从,可用攻击力 = 当前随从生命值 的情况最优先使用。


【代码 C++】

 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <queue>
 4 std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int> > data, wait;
 5 bool us[8];
 6 int n;
 7 bool read(){
 8     scanf("%d", &n);
 9     int i, j, s;
10     if (n > 7){
11         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", &j);
12         return 0;
13     }
14     while (!data.empty()) data.pop();
15     memset(us, 0, sizeof(us));
16     for (i = s = 0; i < n; ++i){
17         scanf("%d", &j); s += j;
18         if (j <= 7 && !us[j]) ++us[j];
19         else data.push(j);
20     }
21     if (s>28) return 0;
22     while (!wait.empty()) wait.pop();
23     for (i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) if (!us[i]) wait.push(i);
24     return 1;
25 }
26 int main(){
27     int t, i, j, d, w;
28     while (~scanf("%d", &t)){
29         while (t--){
30             if (read()){
31                 while (!wait.empty() && !data.empty()){
32                     w =; wait.pop(); ++us[w];
33                     d =; data.pop(); d -= w;
34                     if (d > 0){
35                         if (d <= 7 && !us[d]) ++us[d];
36                         else data.push(d);
37                     }
38                     while (!wait.empty() && us[]) wait.pop();
39                 }
40                 if (data.empty()){
41                     for (i = j = 0; i <= 7; ++i) if (us[i]) ++j;
42                     printf("%d\n", j);
43                 }
44                 else puts("Fat Brother choose go die");
45             }
46             else puts("Fat Brother choose go die");
47         }
48     }
49     return 0;
50 }
时间: 2024-12-16 23:50:37

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