#LeetCode# Container With Most Water (todo)


实现1 -- 求所有可能的值,O(N^2),超时了(因为超时没有跑所有的测试用例,所以不确定还有没有其他问题)


 1     def maxArea(self, height):
 2         tmp = len(height)
 3         if tmp == 0 or tmp == 1: return 0
 4         if tmp == 2: return abs(height[1] - height[0])
 6         minus_lst = [height[i] - height[i-1] for i in range(1, len(height))]
 7         # len(minus_lst) >= 2
 9         dis, max, l = 2, 0, len(minus_lst)
11         while True:
12             for i in range(l):
13                 if i + dis > l: break
15                 area = abs(sum(minus_lst[i:i+dis]) * dis)
16                 if area > max: max = area
18             dis += 1
19             if dis > l: break
21         return max


对于每一个节点,取比他长的节点的位置,此时area = 距离差 * 这个节点的高度,实践复杂度 O(N^2),超时


 1     def maxArea(self, height):
 2         tmp = len(height)
 3         result = 0
 5         for i in range(tmp):
 6             for j in range(tmp):
 7                 if height[j] >= height[i]:
 8                     area = height[i] * abs(i - j)
 9                     if area > result: result = area
11         return result

优化-1 依然超时

 1     def maxArea(self, height):
 2         tmp = len(height)
 3         result = 0
 5         record = []
 6         for i in range(tmp):
 7             for j in range(tmp):
 8                 if height[j] >= height[i]:
 9                     record.append(abs(j - i))
10             area = height[i] * max(record)
11             if area > result: result = area
12             record = []
14         return result

优化-2 超时

 1     def maxArea(self, height):
 2         tmp = len(height)
 3         result = 0
 5         for i in range(tmp):
 6             t = None
 7             for j in range(i):
 8                 if height[j] > height[i]:
 9                     t = abs(j - i)
10                     break
12             if t is not None:
13                 area_1 = t * height[i]
14                 if area_1 > result: result = area_1
16             t = None
17             for j in range(i, tmp)[::-1]:
18                 if height[j] > height[i]:
19                     t = abs(j - i)
20                     break
22             if t is not None:
23                 area_2 = t * height[i]
24                 if area_2 > result: result = area_2
26         return result





#LeetCode# Container With Most Water (todo)

时间: 2024-08-27 02:23:14

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