【雅思基础课程】语音语调-Lesson 3 中国学生的语音难点

LESSON 3 中国学生的语音难点

The difficulties of Chinese students learning pronunciation

● Part One th 字母组合




To change the pronouncing habit by practicing tongue twisters.

\1. There are 3,333 features on that thrush’s throat.

\2. They think that these things are better than those as the thicker things are better than thin


A. Now practice these sounds in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice .

\1. thumb

\2. author

\3. path

\4. math

\5. another

\6. smooth

\7. bathe

\8. clothe

B. Practice the contrast: /θ / as in “thin’’ with /t / as in “ten” .

⑴ Practice these contrasting sounds. Listen and repeat each word pair.

/t/ /W/ /t/ /W/

\1. taught thought 5. tent tenth

\2. team theme 6. debt death

\3. tin thin 7. boot booth

\4. tank thank 8. mat math

⑵Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first sentence of each pair has the sound /t/, and the second has the sound /θ /. Listen and repeat.

\1. a. taught He taught a lot last night.

b. thought He thought a lot last night.

\2. a. team I need a team for my school.

b. theme I need a theme for my school.

\3. a. tin Do you like it when it’s tin?

b. thin Do you like it when it’s thin?

\4. a. tank She said “tank ”.

b. thank She said “thank”.

\5. a. tent It’s my tent.

b. tenth It’s my tenth.

\6. a. debt It’s his debt I’m worried about.

b. death It’s his death I’m worried about.

\7. a. boot She has my boot.

b. booth She has my booth.

\8. a. mat He said his mat is hard.

b. math He said his math is hard.

C. Practice the contrast: /e / as in “the” with /d/ as in “day” .

⑴ Practice these contrasting sounds. Listen and repeat each word pair.

/ d/ / e / /d / /e /

\1. day they 5. ladder lather

\2. doze those 6. loading loathing

\3. dough though 7. wordy worthy

\4. dare there 8. sued soothe

*⑵* *Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first*

*sentence of each pair has the sound* */**d* */**, and the second has the*

*sound* */e/**. Listen and repeat.*

\1. a. day Will day ever come?

b. they Will they ever come?

\2. a. doze It’s not fair to doze in class.

b. those It’s not fair to those in class.

\3. a. dough Can you spell “dough”?

b. though Can you spell “though”?

\4. a. ladder Look at the ladder.

b. lather Look at the lather.

\5. a. loading He was loading it.

b. loathing He was loathing it.

\6. a. wordy Who said “wordy”?

b. worthy Who said “worthy”?

\7. a. sued We sued him.

b. soothe We soothe him.

● Part Two w、v 的区分



*The pronouncing features of /w/ are:*

\1. This sound is always followed by a vowel sound. As you say /w/, your tongue and lips

shape the vowel sound that follows.

\2. Raise the back of your tongue up toward the roof of your mouth (soft palate), but do not

touch it.

\3. Round your lips, push them out, and relax them as you let air flow out through your lips.

\4. Your vocal cords should vibrate.

*The pronouncing features of /v/ are:*

\1. Press the lower lip against the upper teeth allowing the air to force its way out between


\2. When saying /v /, we feel the lower lips vibrate.


⑴ wet ⑵ wary ⑶ Wow

vet very vow

*Tongue twisters*

\1. Wyvel worried the West would get a wave of Stonewalling.

\2. Will Wall Street’s rewards wane if workers wield power?

A. Now practice the sound in words. Note the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.

\1. wife

\2. wait

\3. week

\4. when

\5. vest

\6. vine

\7. view

\8. van

B. Practice the contrast: /w/ as in “walk” with / v / as in “voice” .

Some students confuse /w/ as in “walk” with /v/ as in “voice”. When you pronounce /v/, touch your upper teeth with the inner part of your lower lip. Do not touch your teeth with your lip when you say /w /.

*⑴* *Listen and repeat each word pair.*

\1. west vest 5. we “v”

\2. wine vine 6. wet vet

\3. worse verse 7. wheel veal

\4. wail veil 8. while vile

*⑵* *The first sentence of each pair has the sound* /w/*. The second sentence has the sound* /v/*. Listen and repeat.*

\1. a. west I like the West, don’t you?

b. vest I like the vest, don’t you?

\2. a. wine She thinks it’s a nice wine.

b. vine She thinks it’s a nice vine.

\3. a. worse Is it worse?

b. verse Is it verse?

\4. a. wail It was a long wail.

b. veil It was a long veil.

\5. a. we He said “we”, didn’t he?

b. “v” He said “v”, didn’t he?

\6. a. wet I’m sure she said “wet”.

b. vet I’m sure she said “vet”.

\7. a. wheel Take the wheel before you go.

b. veal Take the veal before you go.

\8. a. while Who said it was “while”?

b. vile Who said it was “vile”?


时间: 2024-10-08 06:47:44

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