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DrillingDaily 注解@Excel表示需要导出那个字段,默认将其全部导出,不需要导出哪个列是,将注解
package com.shiwen.jdzx.model.daily;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.Excel;

 * <p>Title:DrillingDaily </p>
 * <p>Description: 钻井日报</p>
 * <p>Company:西安石文软件有限公司 </p>
 * @author liuguiyuan
 * @date 2019/9/4 14:04
public class DrillingDaily {

     * 钻井日报
     * jh:井号;ktgs:勘探公司;jd:井队;rq:日期
     * sjjs:设计井深;drjs:当日井深;jc:进尺
     * ztcc:钻头尺寸;ztxh:钻头型号;cw:层位
     * gcjk:工程简况;zy:钻压;zs:转速;by2:泵压
     * pl:排量;md:密度;nd:粘度;ss:失水;cz:纯钻
     * gj:固井;sc:生产;fz:复杂;sg:事故
     * xl:修理;tg:停工;qt:其他;bz:备注
    @Excel(name = "井号")
    private String jh;
    @Excel(name = "勘探公司")
    private String ktgs;
    @Excel(name = "井队")
    private String jd;
    @Excel(name = "日期")
    private String rq;
    @Excel(name = "设计井深")
    private Double sjjs;
    @Excel(name = "当日井深")
    private Double drjs;
    @Excel(name = "进尺")
    private Double jc;
    @Excel(name = "钻头尺寸")
    private Double ztcc;
    @Excel(name = "钻头型号")
    private String ztxh;
    @Excel(name = "层位")
    private String cw;
    @Excel(name = "工程简况")
    private String gcjk;
    @Excel(name = "钻压")
    private String zy;
    @Excel(name = "转速")
    private String zs;
    @Excel(name = "泵压")
    private String by2;
    @Excel(name = "排量")
    private String pl;
    @Excel(name = "密度")
    private String md;
    @Excel(name = "粘度")
    private String nd;
    @Excel(name = "失水")
    private String ss;
    @Excel(name = "纯钻")
    private Double cz;
    @Excel(name = "固井")
    private Double gj;
    @Excel(name = "生产")
    private Double sc;
    @Excel(name = "复杂")
    private Double fz;
    @Excel(name = "事故")
    private Double sg;
    @Excel(name = "修理")
    private Double xl;
    @Excel(name = "停工")
    private Double tg;
    @Excel(name = "其他")
    private String qt;
    @Excel(name = "备注")
    private String bz;

    public String getJh() {
        return jh;

    public void setJh(String jh) {
        this.jh = jh;

    public String getKtgs() {
        return ktgs;

    public void setKtgs(String ktgs) {
        this.ktgs = ktgs;

    public String getJd() {
        return jd;

    public void setJd(String jd) {
        this.jd = jd;

    public String getRq() {
        return rq;

    public void setRq(String rq) {
        this.rq = rq;

    public Double getSjjs() {
        return sjjs;

    public void setSjjs(Double sjjs) {
        this.sjjs = sjjs;

    public Double getDrjs() {
        return drjs;

    public void setDrjs(Double drjs) {
        this.drjs = drjs;

    public Double getJc() {
        return jc;

    public void setJc(Double jc) {
        this.jc = jc;

    public Double getZtcc() {
        return ztcc;

    public void setZtcc(Double ztcc) {
        this.ztcc = ztcc;

    public String getZtxh() {
        return ztxh;

    public void setZtxh(String ztxh) {
        this.ztxh = ztxh;

    public String getCw() {
        return cw;

    public void setCw(String cw) {
        this.cw = cw;

    public String getGcjk() {
        return gcjk;

    public void setGcjk(String gcjk) {
        this.gcjk = gcjk;

    public String getZy() {
        return zy;

    public void setZy(String zy) {
        this.zy = zy;

    public String getZs() {
        return zs;

    public void setZs(String zs) {
        this.zs = zs;

    public String getBy2() {
        return by2;

    public void setBy2(String by2) {
        this.by2 = by2;

    public String getPl() {
        return pl;

    public void setPl(String pl) {
        this.pl = pl;

    public String getMd() {
        return md;

    public void setMd(String md) {
        this.md = md;

    public String getNd() {
        return nd;

    public void setNd(String nd) {
        this.nd = nd;

    public String getSs() {
        return ss;

    public void setSs(String ss) {
        this.ss = ss;

    public Double getCz() {
        return cz;

    public void setCz(Double cz) {
        this.cz = cz;

    public Double getGj() {
        return gj;

    public void setGj(Double gj) {
        this.gj = gj;

    public Double getSc() {
        return sc;

    public void setSc(Double sc) {
        this.sc = sc;

    public Double getFz() {
        return fz;

    public void setFz(Double fz) {
        this.fz = fz;

    public Double getSg() {
        return sg;

    public void setSg(Double sg) {
        this.sg = sg;

    public Double getXl() {
        return xl;

    public void setXl(Double xl) {
        this.xl = xl;

    public Double getTg() {
        return tg;

    public void setTg(Double tg) {
        this.tg = tg;

    public String getQt() {
        return qt;

    public void setQt(String qt) {
        this.qt = qt;

    public String getBz() {
        return bz;

    public void setBz(String bz) {
        this.bz = bz;


  1 package com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util;
  3 import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.Excel;
  4 import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.ExcelCollection;
  5 import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.annotation.ExcelEntity;
  6 import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
  8 import java.lang.reflect.*;
  9 import java.util.List;
 10 import java.util.Map;
 12 /**
 13  * @company: 石文软件有限公司
 14  * @description
 15  * @author: wangjie
 16  * @create: 2020-01-10 11:17
 17  **/
 18 @Slf4j
 19 public class ModifyAnnotationValues {
 21     /**
 22      *      * 修改fields上@Excel注解的name属性,不需要下载的列,name修改增加_ignore.
 23      *      * 保存原来的@Excel注解name属性值,本次生成后用来恢复
 24      *      * @Params
 25      *      *     headers:用户勾选,由前端传来的列名,列名的key必须和Model字段对应
 26      *      *     clazz:model实体类
 27      *      *     excelMap:用来记录原值的map,因为用到了递归,这里返回值作为参数传入
 28      *      * @return Map<String, String> 原实体类字段名和@Excel注解name属性值的映射关系<字段名,@Excel注解name属性值>
 29      *      
 30      */
 31     public static Map<String, String> dynamicChangeAndSaveSourceAnnotation(List<String> headers, Class clazz, Map<String, String> excelMap) {
 32         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
 33         for (Field field : fields) {
 34             // @Excel注解
 35             if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Excel.class)) {
 36                 boolean flag = true;
 37                 for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
 38                     String header = headers.get(i);
 39                     if (field.getName().equals(header)) {
 40                         flag = false;
 41                         break;
 42                     }
 43                 }
 44                 // 下载列不包括该字段,进行隐藏,并记录原始值
 45                 if (flag) {
 46                     Excel annotation = field.getAnnotation(Excel.class);
 47                     // 保存注解
 48                     excelMap.put(field.getName(), annotation.name());
 49                     InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(annotation);
 50                     String value = annotation.name().toString();
 51                     changeAnnotationValue(handler, " ");
 52                 }
 53                 // @ExcelCollection注解
 54             } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ExcelCollection.class) && field.getType().isAssignableFrom(List.class)) {
 55                 Type type = field.getGenericType();
 56                 if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
 57                     ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type;
 58                     Class collectionClazz = (Class) pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
 59                     // 解决@ExcelCollection如果没有需要下载列的异常,java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The ‘to‘ col (15) must not be less than the ‘from‘ col (16)
 60                     // 如果没有需要下载列,将@ExcelCollection忽略
 61                     Field[] collectionFields = collectionClazz.getDeclaredFields();
 62                     boolean flag = false;
 63                     out:
 64                     for (Field temp : collectionFields) {
 65                         if (!temp.isAnnotationPresent(Excel.class)) {
 66                             continue;
 67                         }
 68                         for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
 69                             String header = headers.get(i);
 70                             if (temp.getName().equals(header)) {
 71                                 flag = true;
 72                                 break out;
 73                             }
 74                         }
 75                     }
 76                     if (flag) {
 77                         dynamicChangeAndSaveSourceAnnotation(headers, collectionClazz, excelMap);
 78                     } else {
 79                         ExcelCollection annotation = field.getAnnotation(ExcelCollection.class);
 80                         excelMap.put(field.getName(), annotation.name());
 81                         InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(annotation);
 82                         changeAnnotationValue(handler, " ");
 83                     }
 84                 }
 85                 // @ExcelEntity注解
 86             } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ExcelEntity.class)) {
 87                 Class entityClazz = field.getType();
 88                 dynamicChangeAndSaveSourceAnnotation(headers, entityClazz, excelMap);
 89             }
 90         }
 91         return excelMap;
 92     }
 94     // 改变注解属性值,抽取的公共方法
 96     private static void changeAnnotationValue(InvocationHandler handler, String propertyValue) {
 97         try {
 98             Field field = handler.getClass().getDeclaredField("memberValues");
 99             field.setAccessible(true);
100             Map<String, Object> memberValues = (Map<String, Object>) field.get(handler);
101             memberValues.put("name", propertyValue);
102         } catch (Exception e) {
103             log.error("替换注解属性值出错!", e);
104         }
105     }
108     /**
109      *      * 递归恢复@Excel原始的name属性
110      *      
111      */
112     public static void dynamicResetAnnotation(Class clazz, Map<String, String> excelMap) {
113         if (excelMap.isEmpty()) {
114             return;
115         }
116         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
117         try {
118             for (Field field : fields) {
119                 if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Excel.class)) {
120                     if (excelMap.containsKey(field.getName())) {
121                         Excel annotation = field.getAnnotation(Excel.class);
122                         InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(annotation);
123                         String sourceName = excelMap.get(field.getName());
124                         changeAnnotationValue(handler, sourceName);
125                     }
126                 } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ExcelCollection.class) && field.getType().isAssignableFrom(List.class)) {
127                     // ExcelCollection修改过,才进行复原
128                     if (excelMap.containsKey(field.getName())) {
129                         ExcelCollection annotation = field.getAnnotation(ExcelCollection.class);
130                         InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(annotation);
131                         String sourceName = excelMap.get(field.getName());
132                         changeAnnotationValue(handler, sourceName);
133                         // ExcelCollection未修改过,递归复原泛型字段
134                     } else {
135                         Type type = field.getGenericType();
136                         if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
137                             ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type;
138                             Class collectionClazz = (Class) pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
139                             dynamicResetAnnotation(collectionClazz, excelMap);
140                         }
141                     }
142                 } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ExcelEntity.class)) {
143                     Class entityClazz = field.getType();
144                     dynamicResetAnnotation(entityClazz, excelMap);
145                 }
146             }
147         } catch (Exception e) {
148             log.error("解析动态表头,恢复注解属性值出错!", e);
149         }
150     }
153 }


package com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util;

import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.ExcelExportUtil;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.ExcelImportUtil;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.ExportParams;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.ImportParams;
import cn.afterturn.easypoi.excel.entity.enmus.ExcelType;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * @author wangjie
 * @date 2019/12/23 18:24
 * @description
 * @company 石文软件有限公司
public class EasyPoiExcelUtil {
    public static void exportExcel(List<?> list, String title, String sheetName, Class<?> pojoClass,
                                   String fileName, boolean isCreateHeader, HttpServletResponse response) {
        ExportParams exportParams = new ExportParams(title, sheetName);
        defaultExport(list, pojoClass, fileName, response, exportParams);

    public static void exportExcel(List<?> list, String title, String sheetName, Class<?> pojoClass, String fileName,
                                   HttpServletResponse response) {
        defaultExport(list, pojoClass, fileName, response, new ExportParams(title, sheetName));

    public static void exportExcel(List<Map<String, Object>> list, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response) {
        defaultExport(list, fileName, response);

    private static void defaultExport(List<?> list, Class<?> pojoClass, String fileName,
                                      HttpServletResponse response, ExportParams exportParams) {
        Workbook workbook = ExcelExportUtil.exportExcel(exportParams, pojoClass, list);
        if (workbook != null) ;
        downLoadExcel(fileName, response, workbook);

    private static void downLoadExcel(String fileName, HttpServletResponse response, Workbook workbook) {
        try {
            response.setHeader("content-Type", "application/vnd.ms-excel");
            response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8"));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //throw new NormalException(e.getMessage());

    private static void defaultExport(List<Map<String, Object>> list, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response) {
        Workbook workbook = ExcelExportUtil.exportExcel(list, ExcelType.HSSF);
        if (workbook != null) ;
        downLoadExcel(fileName, response, workbook);

    public static <T> List<T> importExcel(String filePath, Integer titleRows, Integer headerRows, Class<T> pojoClass) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(filePath)) {
            return null;
        ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
        List<T> list = null;
        try {
            list = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel(new File(filePath), pojoClass, params);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            //throw new NormalException("模板不能为空");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //throw new NormalException(e.getMessage());
        return list;

    public static <T> List<T> importExcel(MultipartFile file, Integer titleRows, Integer headerRows, Class<T> pojoClass) {
        if (file == null) {
            return null;
        ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
        List<T> list = null;
        try {
            list = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel(file.getInputStream(), pojoClass, params);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            // throw new NormalException("excel文件不能为空");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //throw new NormalException(e.getMessage());
        return list;



List<String> exportField参数是表头信息jh,jb......
package com.shiwen.jdzx.server.controller;

import com.shiwen.jdzx.common.WellCondition;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.model.daily.DrillingDaily;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.dao.mapper.DrillingDailyDao;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.service.DataReportExcelService;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util.ExportExcelUtil;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util.ModifyAnnotationValues;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author wangjie
 * @date 2019/12/21 11:39
 * @description 资料处理导出excel
 * @company 石文软件有限公司
public class DataReportExcelController {

    private DataReportExcelService dataReportExcelService;

     * 根据传入的表头信息灵活导出
     * @param response
    public void excel(HttpServletResponse response,@PathVariable("type") String type,  String startDate, String endDate, String completed,
                      String oilField, String firstName, String wellType,String jh,@RequestParam("exportField") List<String> exportField) throws Exception {
        WellCondition condition = new WellCondition();



WellCondition condition 封装的是条件参数
String type 导出可能是有多次导出,这个是传入的路径  比如首页需要导出 /index 就接受index就行
package com.shiwen.jdzx.server.service;

import com.shiwen.jdzx.common.WellCondition;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

 * @author wangjie
 * @date 2019/12/21 11:45
 * @description
 * @company 石文软件有限公司
public interface DataReportExcelService {

    void excel(HttpServletResponse response,WellCondition condition,String type) throws Exception;


  编写导出的server层 的实现类

package com.shiwen.jdzx.server.service.impl;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.common.WellCondition;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.model.OverviewDaily;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.model.daily.DrillingDaily;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.dao.mapper.DrillingDailyDao;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.dao.mapper.WellDao;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.service.DataReportExcelService;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util.Constant;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util.EasyPoiExcelUtil;
import com.shiwen.jdzx.server.util.ModifyAnnotationValues;
import com.shiwen.publics.pager.PagerOracleImpl;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author wangjie
 * @date 2019/12/21 11:50
 * @description
 * @company 石文软件有限公司
public class DataReportExcelServiceImpl implements DataReportExcelService {

    private DrillingDailyDao dailyDao;

     private WellDao wellDao;

    public void excel(HttpServletResponse response, WellCondition condition,String type) throws Exception {
        Map<String, String> excelMap=new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, String> stringStringMap =null;
        PagerOracleImpl pager=new PagerOracleImpl();
        switch (type){
            case Constant.DRILLING_DAILY:
                //修改注解 @Excel中的name值,
                stringStringMap=ModifyAnnotationValues.dynamicChangeAndSaveSourceAnnotation(condition.getExport(), DrillingDaily.class, excelMap);
                List<DrillingDaily> allDrillingDaily = dailyDao.getDrillingDaily(condition,pager);
                EasyPoiExcelUtil.exportExcel(allDrillingDaily, Constant.mapList.get(type), Constant.mapList.get(type), DrillingDaily.class, Constant.mapList.get(type)+Constant.suffix, response);
                ModifyAnnotationValues.dynamicResetAnnotation( DrillingDaily.class,stringStringMap);
            case Constant.OVERVIEW_DAILY:
                stringStringMap=ModifyAnnotationValues.dynamicChangeAndSaveSourceAnnotation(condition.getExport(), OverviewDaily.class, excelMap);
                List<OverviewDaily> overviewDailies = wellDao.listOverviewDailyAll(condition);
                EasyPoiExcelUtil.exportExcel(overviewDailies, Constant.mapList.get(type), Constant.mapList.get(type), OverviewDaily.class, Constant.mapList.get(type)+Constant.suffix, response);
            case Constant.SINGLE_DRILLING_DAILY:
                stringStringMap=ModifyAnnotationValues.dynamicChangeAndSaveSourceAnnotation(condition.getExport(), DrillingDaily.class, excelMap);
                List<DrillingDaily> singleDrillingDaily = dailyDao.getDrillingDailyAll(condition,pager);
                EasyPoiExcelUtil.exportExcel(singleDrillingDaily, Constant.mapList.get(type), Constant.mapList.get(type), DrillingDaily.class, Constant.mapList.get(type)+Constant.suffix, response);




 1  /**
 2              * 导出
 3              */
 4             $scope.exportTable = function () {
 5                 var param = packParam();
 6                 $scope.selTitleField = [];
 7                 $scope.selTitleName = [];
 8                 angular.forEach($scope.gridOption, function (item, index) {
 9                     if (item.checked) {
10                         $scope.selTitleField.push(item.field);
11                     }
12                 });
13                 param.exportField = $scope.selTitleField;
14                 param.jh = $scope.filter.jh;
15                 var paramArr = [];
16                 for (let key  in param) {
17                     if (param[key] || param[key] === 0) {
18                         paramArr.push(key + ‘=‘ + param[key])
19                     }
20                 }
21                 $window.open(url.excel + ‘?‘ + paramArr.join(‘&‘));
22             }






时间: 2025-01-18 05:44:51



public class Export<T> where T : new() { /// <summary> /// gridview导出excel /// </summary> /// <param name="Ttype">行对应的对象 如T_data_datacommon</param> /// <param name="Tsource">gridview的数据源</param>


采用的是poi技术 框架式  ssh 使用的是struts1 public void outExcel(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,   HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {   你程序需要调用的东西写在这里 try { // 第一步,创建一个webbook,对应一个Excel文件 HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 第


EXCEL文件可以根据自己想要的效果进行填充,例如:一些调查.一些问答题之后用户的回答等. 这个方法是根据需要,显示行和列的个数,然后再进行填充. 1.引用NPOI控件 2.创建EXCEL文件,并填充数据 3.   调用satisfyresearchreportexporthelper.cs 创建对应需要的行和列 填充数据,标题可以根据自己想要的效果进行调整,数据显示根据标题的顺序对应的显示出来.


MVC导出数据到Excel详解 今天为大家分享一个利用NPIO导出数据到Excel 客户端的例子!(刚毕业的小白,第一次写博,如有错误 还望各位大咖指正) 1.NPOI官方网站:(http://npoi.codeplex.com/) 需要引用的dll文件如下: 2.用到的ExcelHelper类: 1 using Common.Logging; 2 using NPOI.HPSF; 3 using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; 4 using NPOI.HSSF.Util; 5 us


在web开发中,有一个经典的功能,就是数据的导入导出.特别是数据的导出,在生产管理或者财务系统中用的非常普遍,因为这些系统经常要做一些报表打印的工作.而数据导出的格式一般是EXCEL或者PDF,我这里就用两篇文章分别给大家介绍下.(注意,我们这里说的数据导出可不是数据库中的数据导出!么误会啦^_^) 呵呵,首先我们来导出EXCEL格式的文件吧.现在主流的操作Excel文件的开源工具有很多,用得比较多的就是Apache的POI及JExcelAPI.这里我们用Apache POI!我们先去Apach


http://www.cnblogs.com/xwdreamer/archive/2011/07/20/2296975.html 1.Apache POI简介 Apache POI是Apache软件基金会的开放源码函式库,POI提供API给Java程式对Microsoft Office格式档案读和写的功能. .NET的开发人员则可以利用NPOI (POI for .NET) 来存取 POI 的功能. 2.POI结构 HSSF - 提供读写Microsoft Excel XLS格式档案的功能.XS

Java POI 导出EXCEL经典实现 Java导出Excel弹出下载框

在web开发中,有一个经典的功能,就是数据的导入导出.特别是数据的导出,在生产管理或者财务系统中用的非常普遍,因为这些系统经常要做一些报表打印的工作.而数据导出的格式一般是EXCEL或者PDF,我这里就用两篇文章分别给大家介绍下.(注意,我们这里说的数据导出可不是数据库中的数据导出!么误会啦^_^) 呵呵,首先我们来导出EXCEL格式的文件吧.现在主流的操作Excel文件的开源工具有很多,用得比较多的就是Apache的POI及JExcelAPI.这里我们用Apache POI!我们先去Apach


1.项目组负责人让我实现这个接口,因为以前做过类似的,中间并没有遇到什么太困难的事情.其他不说,先上代码: 1 package com.tydic.eshop.action.feedback; 2 3 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; 4 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; 5 import java.io.FileInputStream; 6 import java.io.IOException; 7 import

Java学习之道:Java 导出EXCEL

1.Apache POI简介 Apache POI是Apache软件基金会的开放源码函式库,POI提供API给Java程式对Microsoft Office格式档案读和写的功能. .NET的开发人员则可以利用NPOI (POI for .NET) 来存取 POI 的功能. 2.POI结构 HSSF - 提供读写Microsoft Excel XLS格式档案的功能. XSSF - 提供读写Microsoft Excel OOXML XLSX格式档案的功能. HWPF - 提供读写Microsoft