SAP MRP strategy group 策略组探讨

How Strategy 40 - Planning with Final Assembly Works

40: MTS ; normally , it is for standard parts .

Strategy 40 :-

1. Stocks on hand reduces the PIR during MRP run. 
e.g. if stock is 100 and PIR is 100, MRP run will not prompt 100 for
procurement. if stock is 0 and PIR is 100, MRP run will prompt 100 for

2. Sales order creation reduces the PIR.

e.g. if PIR is 100, sales order 90, PIR becomes 10(withdrawal 90).

3. Delivery reduces the Sales Order.

Planned independent requirements are consumed by incoming sales orders
so that the master plan is always adjusted to suit the current requirements

You must maintain the following master data for the finished product
in the material master:

Strategy group 40 on the MRP screen.

- Consumption parameters (Consumption mode, Bwd consumption, Fwd consumption)
to allow consumption of independent requirements. If no consumption parameters
are maintained in the material master, the system uses default values are
taken from the MRP group.

- To control consumption, you maintain a consumption mode as well as
a consumption period.

Item category group (for example, NORM) on the Sales Organization Data

Four important points :-

1. Planned independent requirements are used to trigger the procurement
and production of the necessary assemblies and components before receipt
of the sales orders.

2. As soon as the sales order is received, it consumes the planned independent

3. An ATP (available to promise) logic during sales order processing
will checks whether sufficient planned independent requirements have been
planned to cover the sales order.

4. Requirements from the sales orders are passed on to production and
can lead to changes made to procurement if the requirements from the sales
orders exceed the planned ndependent requirement quantities. If there is
insufficient coverage of components (the sales order quantities exceed
the planned independent requirement quantities), the sales orders cannot
be confirmed. The system therefore automatically adjusts the master plan.
Planned independent requirement quantities that are left unconsumed increase
the warehouse stock of the finished product.

时间: 2024-12-29 17:33:24

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Strategy pattern策略模式

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