jquery formatCurrency货币格式化处理

//  This file is part of the jQuery formatCurrency Plugin.
//    The jQuery formatCurrency Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it
//    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
//    by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//    (at your option) any later version.

//    The jQuery formatCurrency Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will
//    be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
//    the jQuery formatCurrency Plugin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//    wiki http://code.google.com/p/jquery-formatcurrency/wiki/Usage

(function($) {

    $.formatCurrency = {};

    $.formatCurrency.regions = [];

    // default Region is en
    $.formatCurrency.regions[‘‘] = {
        symbol: ‘‘,
        positiveFormat: ‘%s%n‘,
        negativeFormat: ‘(%s%n)‘,
        decimalSymbol: ‘.‘,
        digitGroupSymbol: ‘,‘,
        groupDigits: true

    $.fn.formatCurrency = function(destination, settings) {

        if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof destination !== "string") {
            settings = destination;
            destination = false;

        // initialize defaults
        var defaults = {
            name: "formatCurrency",
            colorize: false,
            region: ‘‘,
            global: true,
            roundToDecimalPlace: 2, // roundToDecimalPlace: -1; for no rounding; 0 to round to the dollar; 1 for one digit cents; 2 for two digit cents; 3 for three digit cents; ...
            eventOnDecimalsEntered: false
        // initialize default region
        defaults = $.extend(defaults, $.formatCurrency.regions[‘‘]);
        // override defaults with settings passed in
        settings = $.extend(defaults, settings);

        // check for region setting
        if (settings.region.length > 0) {
            settings = $.extend(settings, getRegionOrCulture(settings.region));
        settings.regex = generateRegex(settings);

        return this.each(function() {
            $this = $(this);

            // get number
            var num = ‘0‘;
            num = $this[$this.is(‘input, select, textarea‘) ? ‘val‘ : ‘html‘]();

            //identify ‘(123)‘ as a negative number
            if (num.search(‘\\(‘) >= 0) {
                num = ‘-‘ + num;

            if (num === ‘‘ || (num === ‘-‘ && settings.roundToDecimalPlace === -1)) {

            // if the number is valid use it, otherwise clean it
            if (isNaN(num)) {
                // clean number
                num = num.replace(settings.regex, ‘‘);

                if (num === ‘‘ || (num === ‘-‘ && settings.roundToDecimalPlace === -1)) {

                if (settings.decimalSymbol != ‘.‘) {
                    num = num.replace(settings.decimalSymbol, ‘.‘);  // reset to US decimal for arithmetic
                if (isNaN(num)) {
                    num = ‘0‘;

            // evalutate number input
            var numParts = String(num).split(‘.‘);
            var isPositive = (num == Math.abs(num));
            var hasDecimals = (numParts.length > 1);
            var decimals = (hasDecimals ? numParts[1].toString() : ‘0‘);
            var originalDecimals = decimals;

            // format number
            num = Math.abs(numParts[0]);
            num = isNaN(num) ? 0 : num;
            if (settings.roundToDecimalPlace >= 0) {
                decimals = parseFloat(‘1.‘ + decimals); // prepend "0."; (IE does NOT round 0.50.toFixed(0) up, but (1+0.50).toFixed(0)-1
                decimals = decimals.toFixed(settings.roundToDecimalPlace); // round
                if (decimals.substring(0, 1) == ‘2‘) {
                    num = Number(num) + 1;
                decimals = decimals.substring(2); // remove "0."
            num = String(num);

            if (settings.groupDigits) {
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++) {
                    num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + settings.digitGroupSymbol + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3));

            if ((hasDecimals && settings.roundToDecimalPlace == -1) || settings.roundToDecimalPlace > 0) {
                num += settings.decimalSymbol + decimals;

            // format symbol/negative
            var format = isPositive ? settings.positiveFormat : settings.negativeFormat;
            var money = format.replace(/%s/g, settings.symbol);
            money = money.replace(/%n/g, num);

            // setup destination
            var $destination = $([]);
            if (!destination) {
                $destination = $this;
            } else {
                $destination = $(destination);
            // set destination
            $destination[$destination.is(‘input, select, textarea‘) ? ‘val‘ : ‘html‘](money);

            if (
                hasDecimals &&
                settings.eventOnDecimalsEntered &&
                originalDecimals.length > settings.roundToDecimalPlace
            ) {
                $destination.trigger(‘decimalsEntered‘, originalDecimals);

            // colorize
            if (settings.colorize) {
                $destination.css(‘color‘, isPositive ? ‘black‘ : ‘red‘);

    // Remove all non numbers from text
    $.fn.toNumber = function(settings) {
        var defaults = $.extend({
            name: "toNumber",
            region: ‘‘,
            global: true
        }, $.formatCurrency.regions[‘‘]);

        settings = jQuery.extend(defaults, settings);
        if (settings.region.length > 0) {
            settings = $.extend(settings, getRegionOrCulture(settings.region));
        settings.regex = generateRegex(settings);

        return this.each(function() {
            var method = $(this).is(‘input, select, textarea‘) ? ‘val‘ : ‘html‘;
            $(this)[method]($(this)[method]().replace(‘(‘, ‘(-‘).replace(settings.regex, ‘‘));

    // returns the value from the first element as a number
    $.fn.asNumber = function(settings) {
        var defaults = $.extend({
            name: "asNumber",
            region: ‘‘,
            parse: true,
            parseType: ‘Float‘,
            global: true
        }, $.formatCurrency.regions[‘‘]);
        settings = jQuery.extend(defaults, settings);
        if (settings.region.length > 0) {
            settings = $.extend(settings, getRegionOrCulture(settings.region));
        settings.regex = generateRegex(settings);
        settings.parseType = validateParseType(settings.parseType);

        var method = $(this).is(‘input, select, textarea‘) ? ‘val‘ : ‘html‘;
        var num = $(this)[method]();
        num = num ? num : "";
        num = num.replace(‘(‘, ‘(-‘);
        num = num.replace(settings.regex, ‘‘);
        if (!settings.parse) {
            return num;

        if (num.length == 0) {
            num = ‘0‘;

        if (settings.decimalSymbol != ‘.‘) {
            num = num.replace(settings.decimalSymbol, ‘.‘);  // reset to US decimal for arthmetic

        return window[‘parse‘ + settings.parseType](num);

    function getRegionOrCulture(region) {
        var regionInfo = $.formatCurrency.regions[region];
        if (regionInfo) {
            return regionInfo;
        else {
            if (/(\w+)-(\w+)/g.test(region)) {
                var culture = region.replace(/(\w+)-(\w+)/g, "$1");
                return $.formatCurrency.regions[culture];
        // fallback to extend(null) (i.e. nothing)
        return null;

    function validateParseType(parseType) {
        switch (parseType.toLowerCase()) {
            case ‘int‘:
                return ‘Int‘;
            case ‘float‘:
                return ‘Float‘;
                throw ‘invalid parseType‘;

    function generateRegex(settings) {
        if (settings.symbol === ‘‘) {
            return new RegExp("[^\\d" + settings.decimalSymbol + "-]", "g");
        else {
            var symbol = settings.symbol.replace(‘$‘, ‘\\$‘).replace(‘.‘, ‘\\.‘);
            return new RegExp(symbol + "|[^\\d" + settings.decimalSymbol + "-]", "g");



<script src="jquery.formatCurrency-1.4.0.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>


// 如将页面所有表格的金额单元格格式化显示

时间: 2024-08-07 18:28:13

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[SAP ABAP开发技术总结]数据输入输出转换、小数位/单位/货币格式化

目录导航 声明:原创作品,转载时请注明文章来自SAP师太博客,并以超链接形式标明文章原始出处,否则将追究法律责任!原文出自: 15.             数据格式化.转换... 123 15.1.         数据输入输出转换... 123 15.1.1.     输出时自动转换... 123 15.1.2.     输入时自动转换... 124 15.1.3.     通过转换规则输入输出函数手动转换... 124 15.2.         数量小位数格式化... 125 15.2.


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