HDOJ题目4939 Stupid Tower Defense(dp)

Stupid Tower Defense

Time Limit: 12000/6000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 1759    Accepted Submission(s): 498

Problem Description

FSF is addicted to a stupid tower defense game. The goal of tower defense games is to try to stop enemies from crossing a map by building traps to slow them down and towers which shoot at them as they pass.

The map is a line, which has n unit length. We can build only one tower on each unit length. The enemy takes t seconds on each unit length. And there are 3 kinds of tower in this game: The red tower, the green tower and the blue tower.

The red tower damage on the enemy x points per second when he passes through the tower.

The green tower damage on the enemy y points per second after he passes through the tower.

The blue tower let the enemy go slower than before (that is, the enemy takes more z second to pass an unit length, also, after he passes through the tower.)

Of course, if you are already pass through m green towers, you should have got m*y damage per second. The same, if you are already pass through k blue towers, the enemy should have took t + k*z seconds every unit length.

FSF now wants to know the maximum damage the enemy can get.


There are multiply test cases.

The first line contains an integer T (T<=100), indicates the number of cases.

Each test only contain 5 integers n, x, y, z, t (2<=n<=1500,0<=x, y, z<=60000,1<=t<=3)


For each case, you should output "Case #C: " first, where C indicates the case number and counts from 1. Then output the answer. For each test only one line which have one integer, the answer to this question.

Sample Input

2 4 3 2 1

Sample Output

Case #1: 12


For the first sample, the first tower is blue tower, and the second is red tower. So, the total damage is 4*(1+2)=12 damage points.




2014 Multi-University Training Contest 7


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#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
__int64 dp[1510][1510];
__int64 n,x,y,z,t;
int main()
	int cas,cot=0;
		__int64 ans=n*t*x;
		int i,j;
					__int64 temp1,temp2;
		printf("Case #%d: %I64d\n",++cot,ans);
时间: 2024-12-22 09:59:03

HDOJ题目4939 Stupid Tower Defense(dp)的相关文章

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HDOJ 4939 Stupid Tower Defense

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HDU Stupid Tower Defense 题目链接 题意:有一些塔,红塔能攻击经过他的,绿塔能攻击经过之后的,蓝塔能把经过之后的减速,求在1-n上放塔,求伤害最大值 思路:一开始以为直接贪心,绿塔最前,蓝塔中间,红塔最后就可以了,结果其实是错的 不过,红塔放最后是肯定的,这个很显然就不多证明了,是贪心的思想 然后就dp[i][j]表示放到i,前面有j个绿塔去状态转移即可 代码: #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include &l

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题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4939 解题报告:一条长度为n的线路,路上的每个单元格可以部署三种塔来给走在这条路上的敌人造成伤害,第一种塔只给在这个塔的范围内的敌人每秒造成x点的伤害,第二种塔给已经经过过这个塔的敌人每秒造成y点伤害,第三种塔能使已经经过了这个塔的敌人的前进的速度减慢,具体效果是,原来敌人经过一个单元格的时间是t秒,经过减速后,经过每个单元格的时间是t + z,这个一个塔减速的效果,减速的效果可以叠加,同样,第二种

hdu 4939 Stupid Tower Defense (dp)

题目大意: 简单的塔防游戏,有三种塔. 一种是减速塔,只能减速它身后的敌人,使之移动速度减慢.通过一格的时间变成加z秒. 两种攻击塔,一种只能打面前,另外一种可以打身后. 思路分析: 我们默认把只能攻击面前的塔放到最后面. 状态方程: dp [i] [j]  表示放到第 i 个位置放了 j 个防御塔能达到的最大伤害. 转移方程:dp [i] [j] =max ( dp[i-1][j] + buildy ,  dp[i-1][j-1] + buildz ) buildy 表示第 i 位置建一个 攻

dp --- hdu 4939 : Stupid Tower Defense

Stupid Tower Defense Time Limit: 12000/6000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1219    Accepted Submission(s): 361 Problem Description FSF is addicted to a stupid tower defense game. The goal of tower

hdu 4939 Stupid Tower Defense(DP)2014多校训练第7场

Stupid Tower Defense                                                                         Time Limit: 12000/6000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Problem Description FSF is addicted to a stupid tower defense game. Th