mysql 的日志文件


  日志文件大致分为  error log, binary log, query log, slow query log, innodb redo log ;如图:

1.error log

the error log file contains information indicating when mysqld was started and stopped also any critical
errors that occur while the server is running. IF mysqld notices a table that needs automatically checked
or repaired,it writes a message to the error log

you can specify where mysqld stores the error log file with --log-error[=file_name] option.iF no file_name
value is given,mysqld uses the name host_name.err and writes the file in the data directory

config variable "log_err" in my.cnf
linux 下设置log_error
mysqld_safe --user=mysql --log-error=/tmp/mysql.err

  mysql> show variables like ‘%err%‘;
| Variable_name      | Value         |
| error_count        | 0             |
| log_error          | .\DSGTEST.err |
| max_connect_errors | 100           |
| max_error_count    | 64            |
| slave_skip_errors  | OFF           |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

上面载自官方文档, 它已经描述的很清楚了, log-error 记录了 mysql 启动或关闭时的标志性信息,和运行时的关键错误,如果有表需要检查或者修复,它同样会写入日志.

2.binary log

the binary log contains all statements that update data or potentially could have updated it (for example,
 a delete which matched no rows).statements are stored in the form of "events"that describe the
 modifications.the binary log also contains information about how long each statement took that updadte data.
 the binary log does not contain statements that do not modify any data.if you want to log all statements (for example,to identify a problem query),
 use the general query log
 the primary purpose of the binary log is to be able to update database during a restore operation as fully as possiable,
 because the binary log contains all updates done after a backup was made.the binary log is also used on master replication server as record of
 the statements to be sent to slave servers
 running the server with the binary log enables makes performance abou 1% slower.hower,the benefits of the binary log for restore operations and in allowing you to 
 set up replication generally outweigh this minor performance decrement

binary log 相关变量和参数

 --log-bin [=file_name]
 --log-bin-index [=file]  记录生产的log-bin的文件名称


 binlog_cache_size  为每个连接的线程分配这么多日志存放内存
 max_binlog_size    binlog日志文件的最大值,mysql 一个事物不能写到2个日志文件
 binlog_cache_use   当前缓存的事物 show status like ‘%binlog_cache_use%‘;
 binlog_cache_disk_use 磁盘缓存
 binlog_do_db  日志只记录指定数据库
 binlog_ignore_db 日志忽略指定的数据库
 sync_binlog 设置提交跟记录的频率 默认commit 一次往磁盘写一次日志,0代表系统自己维护
 This makes MySQL synchronize the binary log’s contents to disk each time it commits a transaction


mysql> show variables like ‘%bin%‘;
| Variable_name                           | Value                |
| bind_address                            | *                    |
| binlog_cache_size                       | 32768                |
| binlog_checksum                         | CRC32                |
| binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates | OFF                  |
| binlog_format                           | STATEMENT            |
| binlog_max_flush_queue_time             | 0                    |
| binlog_order_commits                    | ON                   |
| binlog_row_image                        | FULL                 |
| binlog_rows_query_log_events            | OFF                  |
| binlog_stmt_cache_size                  | 32768                |
| innodb_api_enable_binlog                | OFF                  |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog          | OFF                  |
| log_bin                                 | OFF                  |
| log_bin_basename                        |                      |
| log_bin_index                           |                      |
| log_bin_trust_function_creators         | OFF                  |
| log_bin_use_v1_row_events               | OFF                  |
| max_binlog_cache_size                   | 18446744073709547520 |
| max_binlog_size                         | 1073741824           |
| max_binlog_stmt_cache_size              | 18446744073709547520 |
| sql_log_bin                             | ON                   |
| sync_binlog                             | 0                    |


 mysqld_safe --user=mysql --log-bin/tmp/1.0000000000001 --log-bin-index=/tmp/logbin.index --max-binlog-size=10m --binlog-do-db=test &


 mysql> show binary logs;
| Log_name           | File_size |
| dsgtest-bin.000001 |       666 |
| dsgtest-bin.000002 |       379 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select @@max_binlog_size/1024/1024;
| @@max_binlog_size/1024/1024 |
|                 10.00000000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql> show master logs;
| Log_name           | File_size |
| dsgtest-bin.000001 |       666 |
| dsgtest-bin.000002 |       379 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


flush logs;

日志初始化 (删除所有日志,从0开始)

reset master;


purge binary logs to ‘mysql-bin.010‘;
purge binary logs before ‘2008-04-02 22:46:26‘;
mysql> purge binary logs to ‘dsgtest-bin.000002‘;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> show binary log;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘log‘
at line 1
mysql> show binary logs;
| Log_name           | File_size |
| dsgtest-bin.000002 |       428 |
| dsgtest-bin.000003 |       169 |
| dsgtest-bin.000004 |       120 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


show variable like ‘%expir%‘;
set global expire_log_days=5;
mysql> show variables like ‘%expir%logs%‘;
| Variable_name    | Value |
| expire_logs_days | 0     |
mysql> set global expire_logs_days=5;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show variables like ‘%expir%logs%‘;
| Variable_name    | Value |
| expire_logs_days | 5     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

binary log的格式
  statement 以语句的形式
  row dml 以2进制形式 ddl 以语句的形式
  mixed 自适应模式

  set session binlog_format=‘statement‘;
  set session binlog_format=‘row‘;
  set session binlog_format=‘mixed‘;

  set global binlog_format=‘statement‘;
  set global binlog_format=‘row‘;
  set global binlog_format=‘mixed‘;


mysql> show variables like ‘binlog%‘;
| Variable_name                           | Value |
| binlog_cache_size                       | 32768 |
| binlog_checksum                         | CRC32 |
| binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates | OFF   |
| binlog_format                           | ROW   |
| binlog_max_flush_queue_time             | 0     |
| binlog_order_commits                    | ON    |
| binlog_row_image                        | FULL  |
| binlog_rows_query_log_events            | OFF   |
| binlog_stmt_cache_size                  | 32768 |

  mysqlbinarylog 工具(以文本形式读取binlog日志文件)

  the binary log files that the server generates are written in binary format.To examine these files in
 text format,use the mysqlbinlog utility,you can also use mysqlbinlog to read relay log files written by 
 a slave server in a replcaition setup.Relay logs have the same format us binary log files;
 the output from mysqlbinlog can be re-executed (for example,by using it as input to mysql) to 
 reapply the statements in the log,this is useful for recovery operations after a server crash,for

sync_binlog 实验

create procedure test ()
 declare i int;
 set i=0;
 while i<5000 do
  insert into t values(i);
  set i=i+1;
 end while;
调用 call test;
set global sync_binlog=0  数据库自己维护
sql> call test;
ery OK, 0 rows affected (2 min 12.65 sec)
mysql> call test;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (4 min 32.38 sec)
sset global  ync_binlog=1 commit 一次往磁盘刷新一次
mysql> set global sync_binlog=100;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> call test;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (2 min 8.75 sec)

3.query log


  The general query log is a general record what mysqld is doing.The server writest information to this log
   when clients connect or disconnect ,and it logs each sql statement received from clients.The general query log can be very useful
   when you suspect an error in a client and want to know exactly what the client sent to mysqld.

mysqld writes statements to query log in the order that it receives them.this may be different from the order
   in which they are exected.this is in contrast to the binary log,for which statemens are written whereas the
   binary log does not contain statements that ong select data)

 to enable general query log as of mysql 5.1.6,start mysqld with the --log option,and optionally use
   --log-output to specify the log output destination as described in section 5.11.1"server log tables".before 5.1.6,
   enable the general query log file with the --log[=file_name] or -[file_name]option.if no file_name 
   value is given,the default name is host_name.log in the data directory.

server restarts and log flushing do not cause a new general query log file to be generated(
   although flushing closes and reopens it).on UNIX,you can rename the file and create a new buy using following command;

   mv host_name.log host_name-old.log
   mysqladmin flush-logs
   cp host_name-old.log backup-dir
   rm host_name-old.log



4. slow query log



mysql> show variables like ‘%quer%‘;
| Variable_name                | Value            |
| binlog_rows_query_log_events | OFF              |
| ft_query_expansion_limit     | 20               |
| have_query_cache             | YES              |
| long_query_time              | 10.000000        | // 查询时间设置
| query_alloc_block_size       | 8192             |
| query_cache_limit            | 1048576          |
| query_cache_min_res_unit     | 4096             |
| query_cache_size             | 1048576          |
| query_cache_type             | ON               |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF              |
| query_prealloc_size          | 8192             |
| slow_query_log               | ON               | // 是否打开
| slow_query_log_file          | DSGTEST-slow.log | // 文件位置

log_queries_not_using_indexes          | OFF 没有使用索引的sql

show index from t;

mysqldumpslow -s t -t 2 /tmp/mysqlshlow.log1

-s 按时间排序
-t 前2个sql

5. innodb redo log

  用来实现灾难恢复(crash recovery)突然断电导致innodb 表空间(table space)中的数据没有被更新到磁盘上。
  通过执行redo log能够重新执行这些操作来恢复数据
  提升innodb的i/o性能. Innodb引擎把数据和索引都载入到内存中的缓冲池(buffer pool)中。如果每次
  磁头需要频繁定位导致效率低的,所以Innodb 每处理完一个请求(transaction)后只添加


  innodb_log_buffer_size 日志缓冲区大小
  innodb_log_file_size  日志文件大小
  innodb_log_files_in_group 日志组包含的日志数
  innodb_log_group_home_dir 日志目录
  innodb_os_log_written  多少日志写入到日志文件,查看日志生成的频率
  innodb_os_log_fsyncs 往磁盘上写日志的次数

  0  日志缓存每秒一次地被写到日志文件,并且对日志文件做到磁盘操作的刷新,但是在一个事物提交不做任何操作
  1 在每个事物提交时,日志缓冲被写到日志文件,对日志文件做的磁盘操作的刷新(默认值)
  2 在每个提交,日志缓冲被写到文件,但不对日志文件做到磁盘操作的刷新.对日志文件每秒刷新一次

如果要修改innodb log组数
 mv 走原来的日志文件
 启动mysql 自动生产innodb日志文件
 cp 日志文件到新目录
 innodb_log_group_home_dir =null

innodb_data_file_path =  ibdata1:12M:autoextend; ibdata2:12M:autoextend

注意:innodb_file_per_table=1 是打开独立表空间

  mysql> show variables like ‘%per_table%‘;
| Variable_name         | Value |
| innodb_file_per_table | ON    |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


时间: 2024-12-21 20:52:09

mysql 的日志文件的相关文章


原文地址:mysql慢日志文件分析处理作者:maxyicha mysql有一个功能就是可以log下来运行的比较慢的sql语句,默认是没有这个log的,为了开启这个功能,要修改my.cnf或者在mysql启动的时候加入一些参数. 如果在my.cnf里面修改,需增加如下几行long_query_time = 10log-slow-queries = long_query_time 是指执行超过多久的sql会被log下来,这里是10秒.log-slow-queries 设置把日志写在那里,为空的时候,


MySQL主要有以下几种日志类型: 错误日志--MySQL服务启动和关闭过程中的信息以及其它错误和警告信息.默认在数据目录下. 一般查询日志--用于记录select查询语句的日志.general_log.general_log_file 默认关闭,建议关闭. 慢查询日志--log-slow-queries记录所有超过long_query_time时间的SQL语句, 二进制日志--记录任何引起数据变化的操作,用于备份和还原.默认存放在数据目录中,在刷新和服务重启时会滚动二进制日志. 中继日志--从


根据自己的需要可以对MySQL的相关日志文件(错误日志.通用查询日志文件和慢查询日志文件)进行按天的转储,并只保留指定天数的备份文件,下面是一个例子: 1).安装 crond 服务 (如果未安装   yum install logrotate crontabs) rpm  -qa  |  grep crontabs yum  install  crontabs chkconfig  crond  --list   #如果未设置为自动重启这执行如下命令修改 chkconfig  crond  on

MySQL 重做日志文件

一.innodb log的基础知识 · innodb log顾名思义:即innodb存储引擎产生的日志,也可以称为重做日志文件,默认在innodb_data_home_dir下面有两个文件ib_logfile0和ib_logfile1.MySQL官方手册中将这两个文件叫文InnoDB存储引擎的日志文件: · innodb log的作用:当MySQL的实例和介质失败的时候,Innodb存储引擎就会使用innodb log文件进行恢复,保证数据库的完整性: · innodb log的写原理:(请容许


今天在处理业务库中二进制文件的时候,想更改二进制文件的过期天数,发现日期如果设置成2位以上的整数.都会出现如下的警告.不能成功的设置过期日期天数.MySQL版本从5.1到5.5都是一样的. mysql> set global expire_logs_days=100; Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> show warnings; +---------+------+--------------------------

mysql二进制日志文件清理以及 管理

1:二进制日志 二进制日志记录了所有的DDL(数据定义语言)语句和DML(数据操作语言)语句,但是不记录包括数据查询的语句.语句以"事件"的形式保存,它描述了数据的更改过程,此日志对于灾难时的数据恢复起着极其重要的作用 2:日志的位置和格式 当用-log-bin[=file_name]选项启动时,mysqld将包含所有更新数据的SQL命令写入日志文件.如果没有给出file_name值,默认名为主机名后面跟_bin,如果给出了文件名,但没有包含路劲,则文件默认被写入参数DATADIR(数


一.mysql的二进制日志文件 二.查看二进制日志文件信息: 1.查看二进制日志文件是否开启:show variables like 'log_bin'; 2.查看所有二进制日志文件的列表:show binary logs; 3.查看当前二进制日志文件的名称(最后一个):show master status; 4.获取最新日志文件命令:flush logs.会重新生成一个最新的日志文件. 5.清空当前二进制日志命令:reset master.每执行一次就删除当前的一个日志文件,每次删除一个文件.

Linux系统 mysql开启日志文件

1. 打开mysql配置文件 sudo vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysql.cnf 关闭这两行的注释 2.重新启动mysql服务 sudo service mysql restart 3.查看mysql日志文件 less /var/log/mysql/mysql.log tail -F /var/log/mysql/mysql.log 原文地址:


查看配置 show variables like '%general%'; 开启日志功能 set GLOBAL general_log='ON'; 设置日志存储路径 SET GLOBAL general_log_file='C:/phpStudy/www/xxx.php'; 执行sql语句,写入日志文件 成功写入 原文地址: