
H. pylori colonization and persistence factors

During initial infection of the stomach lumen, urease-dependent ammonia production locally raises the pH, which promotes bacterial survival and solubilizes the mucus gel to facilitate bacterial motility. Chemotaxis(driven by pH and possibly other gradients) and helical rod shape promote flagellar-based motility away from the acidic lumen to H. pylori‘s preferred niche, on and adjacent to gastric epithelial cells. SabA, BabA and other variably expressed adhesins may shift the balance to cell-associated bacteria. Inset: cell-associated bacteria alter gastric epithelial cell behavior through VacA, CagA and CagL which all have multiple cellular targets. This includes CagA and VacA dependent disruption of cell polarity that can promote iron acquisition or cell extrusion, CagA and CagL dependent induction of chemokines and/or the gastric hormone gastrin, CagL dependent inhibition of acid secretion by the H+/K+ ATPase, and affects on proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation mediated by all three effectors. As noted in the main text, in addition to CagL (depicted), CagA and CagY have also been shown to bind α5β1 integrins although the precise interaction surface remains to be determined. fla, flagella; che, chemotaxis; ure, urease; T4SS, Cag Type IV secretion system; PS, phosphatidylserine; α5β1 and αvβ5, indicated integrin subunits.

时间: 2024-12-15 03:42:55



H.plory情报信息 幽门螺旋菌分泌的vaca尿素可以启动细胞自杀程序,损坏组织,引起炎症. 幽门螺杆菌感染 :  幽门螺杆菌进入胃后,借助菌体一侧的鞭毛提供动力穿过黏液层.研究表明,幽门螺杆菌在粘稠的环境下具有极强的运动能力,强动 力性是幽门螺杆菌致病的重要因素.幽门螺杆菌到达上皮表面后,通过粘附素,牢牢地与上皮细胞连接在一起,避免随食物一起被胃排空.并分泌过氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)和过氧化氢酶,以保护其不受中性粒细胞的杀伤作用.幽门螺杆菌富含尿素酶,通过尿素酶水解尿素产生氨,在菌体周围形成


胡伏莲:HP感染一石激起千层浪 http://news.medlive.cn/gi/info-progress/show-39507_137.html 幽门螺旋菌分泌的vaca尿素可以启动细胞自杀程序,损坏组织,引起炎症. 近期,多项研究表明幽门螺杆菌(Hp)与多系统疾病相关.美国学者Allison E. Aiello的一项前瞻性对列研究首次发现,Hp感染与糖尿病发病风险增加有关(Diabetes Care. 2012年1月25日在线版):韩国学者Park CW等发表的研究显示,Hp感染为儿童分


幽门螺旋菌感染者中,80%没有临床反应,10-20%感染者有胃溃疡,十二指肠溃疡,1-2%感染者有胃癌风险,1%有食道癌风险. 幽门螺旋菌感染者营养吸收差,缺铁,全身器官疾病诱因,可引起细胞凋亡,引发胃炎等等. Martin J. Blaser认为幽门螺旋菌是肠胃正常细菌份子,可以帮助人体控制食欲,较少哮喘,食管反流,食管癌等等. 幽门螺旋菌是一种古老细菌,与人类共存数万年,推测来源于非洲和东亚.数万年共存让幽门螺旋菌进化为更好与人相处,共同存亡,也可杀死人类. 总之幽门螺旋菌有非常复杂机制,我


H.pylori结构 幽门螺旋菌有自己DNA 细菌可以释放两种尿素:VGCA,CQGA,前者引诱细胞凋亡程序,后者引起炎症. H.pylori鞭毛可以粘住胃黏膜,不被冲洗走. helicobactor plory受到威胁后,缩成球形 H.pylori鞭毛可以粘住胃黏膜,不被冲洗走.


个人认为helicobactor pylori是多系统疾病诱发因子,不能让它存留在体内 幽门螺旋菌治疗 治疗方案 含呋喃脞酮和左氧氟沙星效果更好. 幽门螺旋菌可能存在牙斑菌,牙斑菌有生物膜保护,抗生素治疗无效. 保持口腔清洁,益生菌调节,定期清除牙斑菌


burst 突发,爆发 rhesus macaques恒河猴 http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/140613/ncomms5165/full/ncomms5165.html A mutation burst during the acute phase of Helicobacter pylori infection in humans and rhesus macaques The evolution rate and genetic changes that


由于幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori, 下称H.pylori)感染与多种上胃肠道疾病密切相关,所以抗H.pylori 感染治疗的研究一直是H.pylori 研究领域中的重点.为了评估抗菌治疗效果,并客观比较不同治疗方案的差异,Graham[1] 提出了一个评分系统,该系统分A.B.C.D.F 五个级别:A 级(Excellent)是ITT > 95% :B 级(Good)是ITT 90%~94% :C 级(Acceptable)是ITT 85% - 89% :D 级(Poor)


网址 http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC3733401;jsessionid=TTuOpoJQmfWbFgaULPVS.3 Nat Rev Microbiol. Author manuscript; available in PMC . Published in final edited form as: Nat Rev Microbiol. 11(6): 385–399. Published online . doi:  10.1038/nrmicro3016


维基百科网址 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicobacter_pylori From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Helicobacter pylori Immunohistochemical staining of H. pylori from a gastric biopsy Classification and external resources ICD-10 B98.0 ICD-9 041.86 Diseases