解决报错"Your security system have blocked an application with expired or not yet valid certificate from running"


  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Java
  3. in the Security tab click the “Edit Site List…” button
  4. click Add button
  5. insert the URL of the website that you want access in (URL should begin with http:// or https://)
  6. click Add button
  7. click OK button
  8. click OK button

Note: you could find an icon Java (32-bit) rather than Java.

If you won’t find in Control Panel a Java icon but you are sure that Java is installed, open a text editor and create a file with name exception.sites containing the URL of the website that you want access in (URL should begin with http:// or https://) and save it in the following path:

C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security where username is the name of the user.




Application blocked by security settings error on client‘ Windows8 OS


时间: 2024-08-03 22:09:16

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