Testing your Xamarin app on Android device

I‘ve develop a test application in Xamarin Studio (Android with C#) and wanted to test it on my phone.

The application worked just fine in the Device emulator (Same OS version) but when I install / open it on my phone, it just says "TestApplication stopped working" I know from the online search that thousands of issues could cause this error message but my questions is :

Is exporting my app on my droid as simple as :

  • Compiling the app
  • Taking the signed .apk in the .bin folder
  • Dragging that .apk on the phone (I‘m using AirDroid to drag the file)
  • Running the .apk (installing the app)

Am I missing an obvious, magic step ?


I don‘t know how Xamarin Studio works, but this happened to me when trying the same, using Visual Studio.

I found out the application worked only when building in Release mode.

Not sure if Xamarin Studio has the same options (Debug / Release / etc)


时间: 2024-12-17 02:03:08

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