signal.c 代码分析笔记
int sys_sgetmask()// 获取当前进程阻塞的信号 { returncurrent->blocked; }
int sys_ssetmask(int newmask) //设置当前进程阻塞信号,确保SIGKILL 和SIGSTOP不被阻塞 { int old=current->blocked; current->blocked= newmask & ~(1<<(SIGKILL-1)) & ~(1<<(SIGSTOP-1)); return old; }
int sys_sigpending(sigset_t *set)//verify_area的水有点深。嘿嘿。。。 { /* fill in "set" with signals pending but blocked. */ verify_area(set,4); //验证set指向的地址处4字节是否可写,不可写就给他分配一页内存,并给与读写权限。。。。 put_fs_long(current->blocked & current->signal, (unsigned long*)set); //这里理解成把第一个参数的值赋值给set指向的地址就好。。。。 return 0; }
extern inline void put_fs_byte(charval,char *addr) { __asm__ ("movb%0,%%fs:%1"::"r" (val),"m" (*addr)); }
int sys_sigsuspend(int restart, unsignedlong old_mask, unsigned long set) { extern int sys_pause(void); //声明引用sys_pause if (restart) {//如果restart 非零,进程的阻塞信号为old_mask /*we‘re restarting */ current->blocked= old_mask; return-EINTR; } //如果restart 非零 /* we‘re not restarting. do thework */ *(&restart) = 1; *(&old_mask) = current->blocked; //把当前进程的阻塞信号做oldmask //额。。。我不知道给一个局部变量赋值之后又不返回,先的函数也不引用这变量, //这究竟有什么用!我必须质疑这是冗余的赋值操作 current->blocked = set; (void) sys_pause(); /*return after a signal arrives */ //我不得不感叹,这个sys_pause就相当于sleep(很短的时间) //这么做就是为了捕获信号 return -ERESTARTNOINTR; /*handle the signal, and come back */ }
static inline void save_old(char *from,char * to) //把内核段的数据copy到用户段(local date space) { inti; verify_area(to,sizeof(struct sigaction)); //确保to地址处有结构体大小的内存可读写 for(i=0 ; i< sizeof(struct sigaction) ; i++) { //一个字节一个字节的copy,from到to put_fs_byte(*from,to); from++; to++; } }
static inline void get_new(char * from,char* to)//把数据从用户段copy到内核数据段中 { inti; for(i=0 ; i< sizeof(struct sigaction) ; i++) *(to++)= get_fs_byte(from++); }
int sys_signal(int signum, long handler,long restorer) { structsigaction tmp; if(signum<1 || signum>32 || signum==SIGKILL || signum==SIGSTOP) //常规检测,signal必须在定义范围内,并且不能呢个为SIGKILL和SIGSTOP,否者直接结束 return-EINVAL; tmp.sa_handler= (void (*)(int)) handler; //handler被强制转换成了一个函数指针,这个函数以int为参数,无返回 tmp.sa_mask= 0;//清空所有信号 tmp.sa_flags= SA_ONESHOT | SA_NOMASK; tmp.sa_restorer= (void (*)(void)) restorer; //restorer被强制转换成一个函数指针,这个函数以int为参数,无返回 handler= (long) current->sigaction[signum-1].sa_handler; current->sigaction[signum-1]= tmp; //结构体直接赋值 return handler; }
int sys_sigaction(int signum, const structsigaction * action, structsigaction * oldaction) { structsigaction tmp; if(signum<1 || signum>32 || signum==SIGKILL || signum==SIGSTOP) //常规检测,signal必须在定义范围内,并且不能呢个为SIGKILL和SIGSTOP,否者直接结束 return-EINVAL; tmp= current->sigaction[signum-1]; get_new((char*) action, (char*) (signum-1+current->sigaction)); //把只读的action结构体的信息写入到内核数据段 if(oldaction) save_old((char*) &tmp,(char *) oldaction); //current进程原来的sigaction结构体信息 if(current->sigaction[signum-1].sa_flags & SA_NOMASK) //如果要求信号清零 current->sigaction[signum-1].sa_mask= 0;//信号清零 else current->sigaction[signum-1].sa_mask|= (1<<(signum-1)); //否则把signum 写入信号变量 return0; }
int do_signal(long signr,long eax,long ebx,long ecx, long edx, long orig_eax, longfs, long es, long ds, longeip, long cs, long eflags, unsignedlong * esp, long ss) { unsignedlong sa_handler; longold_eip=eip; structsigaction * sa = current->sigaction + signr - 1; int longs; unsignedlong * tmp_esp; #ifdef notdef printk("pid:%d, signr: %x, eax=%d, oeax = %d, int=%d\n", current->pid,signr, eax, orig_eax, sa->sa_flags& SA_INTERRUPT); //打印相关信息 #endif if((orig_eax != -1) && //如果不是系统调用而是其他中断执行过程中调用到本函数时,roig_eax 值为-1 ((eax == -ERESTARTSYS) || (eax ==-ERESTARTNOINTR))) { if((eax == -ERESTARTSYS) && ((sa->sa_flags & SA_INTERRUPT) || signr < SIGCONT || signr > SIGTTOU)) *(&eax)= -EINTR; else{ *(&eax)= orig_eax; *(&eip)= old_eip -= 2;//不明白为什么这里要回调两个byte } } sa_handler= (unsigned long) sa->sa_handler; if(sa_handler==1) return(1); /* Ignore, see if there are more signals...*/ if(!sa_handler) { //sa_handler 为SIG_DFL 0 switch(signr) { caseSIGCONT: caseSIGCHLD: return(1); /* Ignore, ... */ caseSIGSTOP: caseSIGTSTP: caseSIGTTIN: caseSIGTTOU: current->state= TASK_STOPPED; //SIGSTOP SIGTSTP SIGTTIN SIGTTOU 被捕捉了,那么把当前进程置为停止状态 current->exit_code= signr; if(!(current->p_pptr->sigaction[SIGCHLD-1].sa_flags & SA_NOCLDSTOP))// 如果parent process 不允许child process stop current->p_pptr->signal|= (1<<(SIGCHLD-1)); //告诉parent ,child process 挂掉了 return(1); /* Reschedule another event */ caseSIGQUIT: caseSIGILL: caseSIGTRAP: caseSIGIOT: caseSIGFPE: caseSIGSEGV: if(core_dump(signr)) do_exit(signr|0x80); /*fall through */ default: do_exit(signr); } } /* * OK, we‘re invoking a handler */ if(sa->sa_flags & SA_ONESHOT) sa->sa_handler= NULL; *(&eip)= sa_handler; longs= (sa->sa_flags & SA_NOMASK)?7:8; //堆栈指针向下偏移7 或者8 ,这时候 longs是 long型变量,esp也是,减去7,8也就是数值上的而已 //但是我没想明白这个78的单位是什么??? 这又不是指针,所以我就觉得很奇怪。。。。 *(&esp)-= longs; verify_area(esp,longs*4); tmp_esp=esp; //各种从用户数据段copy到内核数据段 put_fs_long((long)sa->sa_restorer,tmp_esp++); put_fs_long(signr,tmp_esp++); if(!(sa->sa_flags & SA_NOMASK)) put_fs_long(current->blocked,tmp_esp++); put_fs_long(eax,tmp_esp++); put_fs_long(ecx,tmp_esp++); put_fs_long(edx,tmp_esp++); put_fs_long(eflags,tmp_esp++); put_fs_long(old_eip,tmp_esp++); current->blocked|= sa->sa_mask; return(0); /* Continue, execute handler*/ }
《linux 内核完全剖析》 signal.c 代码分析笔记
时间: 2024-11-18 02:57:40