Lazarus Reading XML- with TXMLDocument and TXPathVariable


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  1. function ReadXPath(const aNode: TDOMNode; const aPath: string): TDOMNode;
  2. var
  3. rv: TXPathVariable;
  4. tl: TFPList;
  5. begin
  6. Result := nil;
  7. if Assigned(aNode) then
  8. begin
  9. rv := EvaluateXPathExpression(aPath, aNode);
  10. if Assigned(rv) then
  11. begin
  12. tl := rv.AsNodeSet;
  13. if Assigned(tl) then
  14. begin
  15. if tl.Count > 0 then
  16. begin
  17. Result := TDOMNode(tl[0]);
  18. end;
  19. end;
  20. end;
  21. end;
  22. end;


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  1. function ReadCFG: boolean;
  2. var
  3. .....
  4. vConfigXml: string = ‘‘;
  5. HistoryPath: string = ‘‘;
  6. TracePath: string = ‘‘;
  7. vXP: TDOMNode;
  8. .....
  9. begin
  10. Result := False;
  11. ReadXMLFile(xmlCfg, vConfigXml);
  12. vXP := ReadXPath(xmlCfg, ‘/Config/HistoryPath[@value]‘);
  13. if Assigned(vXP) then
  14. begin
  15. if vXP.HasAttributes then
  16. HistoryPath := vXP.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
  17. end;
  18. vXP := ReadXPath(xmlCfg, ‘/Config/TracePath[@value]‘);
  19. if Assigned(vXP) then
  20. begin
  21. if vXP.HasAttributes then
  22. TracePath := vXP.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
  23. end;
  24. if (HistoryPath <> ‘‘) and (TracePath <> ‘‘) then
  25. .....
  26. end;
时间: 2024-11-11 00:49:42

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