1. 接口与接口之间可以相互继承;
2. 类与类之间可以相互继承;
3. 类与接口之间,只能是类来实现接口;
4. 继承已经具有父类的方法,子类可以不重写父类方法;类在实现接口的时候,必须重写接口所有的方法.
5. Demo
interface Valuable { public double getMoney(); } interface Protectable { public void beProtectable(); } interface A extends Protectable { public void m(); } abstract class Animal { private String name; public abstract void enjoy(); } class GolddenMonkey extends Animal implements Valuable, Protectable { public void beProtectable() { //@Override System.out.println("live in the room"); } public double getMoney() { //@Override return 10000; } public void enjoy() { //@Override } public void test(){ Valuable v = new GolddenMonkey(); v.getMoney(); Protectable p = (Protectable) v; p.beProtectable(); } } class Hen implements A { public void beProtectable() { //@Override System.out.println("live in the garden"); } public void m() { //@Override System.out.println("Hen eat rice"); } } // 正确
时间: 2024-12-14 18:07:02