php 编译安装报错 configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.


错误一:configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.


        tar -zxvf libmcrypt-2.5.8.tar.gz
        cd /usr/local/src/libmcrypt-2.5.8
        ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
        make install

时间: 2024-12-31 12:11:37

php 编译安装报错 configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.的相关文章

解决php编译报错configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.

yum install -y epel-releaseyum install -y libmcrypt-devel 原文地址:

安装php出错configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt

wget 安装: 66 tar -zxvf libmcrypt-2.5.7.tar.gz 67 cd libmcrypt-2.5.7 68 mkdir -p /usr/local/libmcrypt 69 ./configure prefix=/usr/local/libmcrypt/ 70 make 71 make install 记得

PHP编译安装报错:configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt

我是在CentOS6.5安装php5.5.28这个版本,PHP编译代码如下: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/etc --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --with-mysql-sock=/tmp/mysql.sock --with-gd --with-ico

php5.6.11编译安装报错configure: error: Don't know how to define struct flock on this system

centos 6.8 32位系统下,安装php.5.6.11是出现这个错误 解决办法: 1 2 3 4 vim /etc/     # 编辑库文件 /usr/local/lib                       # 添加该行 :wq                                  # 保存退出 ldconfig -v                          # 使之生效 注意事项: 这里添加的库文件路径一定要和你

configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.

rpm -ivh "" yum install -y  libmcrypt-devel

nginx安装报错./configure: error: the http rewrite module requires the pcre library.

nginx编译时报错: ./configure: error: the http rewrite module requires the pcre library. 解决方法: [[email protected] nginx-1.5.9]#  yum install zlib-devel -y

configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reins

今天service层代码报错,mcrypt 系列函数没有定义(项目中接了ID5做身份认证) 于是开始编一个mcrypt扩展 出现如下错误:configure: error: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt. 处理之: wget tar -zxvf libmcrypt-2.5.7

PHP编译安装报错: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt.

PHP编译安装报错: mcrypt.h not found. Please reinstall libmcrypt. 转载2016-04-25 12:40:44 标签:linuxitphp 解决方法: 1.为系统安装perl-Geo-IP,默认yum源中没有这个包,特意安装epel第三方yum源[[email protected] ~] rpm -Uvh

linux下安装php报错configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/include/mysql.

linux下安装php报错configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/include/mysql. 2013-03-04 15:34wdjhz | 分类:服务器软件 | 浏览5318次 configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/include/mysql.Note that the MySQL client library is not bun