sql语句正确,但是报错java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException ORA-00907: 缺失右括号

sql语句如下,在oracle中带入参数能正常执行,在java程序中则报错java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException ORA-00907: 缺失右括号

select re.*,





tbp.createtime    posttime,

tbp.proContent    dealContent

from biz_t_tasktroubleprocesstbp

right join (select t.*

fromBiz_T_TaskTrouble t

where 1 = 1

and t.status in:status

 and t.proType in :InProTypes)re

on tbp.ttrid = re.ttrid

关键地方标红,参数通过sp.put("InProTypes", Arrays.asList(proTypes));传入

带入参数后为and t.proType in (‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘, ‘4‘, ‘5‘, ‘6‘),因为参数原本右边自带一个右括号,


改进写法,and and t.proType in (:InProTypes) ) re


时间: 2025-01-05 11:58:57

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