[LeetCode] Line Reflection 直线对称

Given n points on a 2D plane, find if there is such a line parallel to y-axis that reflect the given set of points.

Example 1:

Given points = [[1,1],[-1,1]], return true.

Example 2:

Given points = [[1,1],[-1,-1]], return false.

Follow up:
Could you do better than O(n2)?


  1. Find the smallest and largest x-value for all points.
  2. If there is a line then it should be at y = (minX + maxX) / 2.
  3. For each point, make sure that it has a reflected point in the opposite side.

Special thanks to @memoryless for adding this problem and creating all test cases.



class Solution {
    bool isReflected(vector<pair<int, int>>& points) {
        unordered_map<int, set<int>> m;
        int mx = INT_MIN, mn = INT_MAX;
        for (auto a : points) {
            mx = max(mx, a.first);
            mn = min(mn, a.first);
        double y = (double)(mx + mn) / 2;
        for (auto a : points) {
            int t = 2 * y - a.first;
            if (!m.count(t) || !m[t].count(a.second)) {
                return false;
        return true;



class Solution {
    bool isReflected(vector<pair<int, int>>& points) {
        if (points.empty()) return true;
        set<pair<int, int>> pts;
        double y = 0;
        for (auto a : points) {
            y += a.first;
        y /= points.size();
        for (auto a : pts) {
            if (!pts.count({y * 2 - a.first, a.second})) {
                return false;
        return true;


Max Points on a Line




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时间: 2024-10-23 22:09:43

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