

381.Which pseudo column could you use to identify a unique row in a Flashback Versions Query?


382.Which of the following can be used in conjunction with a Flashback Versions Query to filter the results? (Choose all that apply.)
A. A range of SCN values
B. A list of SCN values
C. A starting and ending timestamp
D. Minimum and maximum sequence values
E. A list of sequence values


383.At the request of a user, you issue the following command to restore a dropped table:
flashback table "BIN$F2JFfMq8Q5unbC0ceE9eJg==$0" to before drop;
Later, the user notifies you that the data in the table seems to be very old and out of date.
What might be the problem?
A. Because a proper range of SCNs was not specified, the wrong data was restored.
B. A proper range of timestamps was not specified, so the wrong data was restored.
C. A previous Flashback Drop operation had been performed, resulting in multiple versions of the table being stored in the Recycle Bin.
D. Either option A or B could be correct. Not enough information was provided to determine which.
E. None of the above.


384.Which of the following statements is true regarding the VERSIONS BETWEEN clause?
A. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may be used in DML statements.
B. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may be used in DDL statements.
C. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may not be used to query past DDL changes to tables.
D. The VERSIONS BETWEEN clause may not be used to query past DML statements to tables.


385.Which of the following statements is true regarding implementing a Flashback Table recovery?
A. An SCN is never used to perform a Flashback Table recovery.
B. If a significant number of changes have been made to the table, row movement must be enabled.
C. The tablespace must be offline before performing a Flashback Table recovery.
D. Flashback Table recovery is completely dependent on the availability of undo data in the undo tablespace.
时间: 2024-10-26 08:17:23


【leetcode 简单】 第七十七题 单词模式

给定一种 pattern(模式) 和一个字符串 str ,判断 str 是否遵循相同的模式. 这里的遵循指完全匹配,例如, pattern 里的每个字母和字符串 str 中的每个非空单词之间存在着双向连接的对应模式. 示例1: 输入: pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat dog" 输出: true 示例 2: 输入:pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat fish&

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所谓地理编码,指的是通过地名获取位置信息,例如经纬度.详细地址等. 所谓反地理编码,指的是通过经纬度.海拔等信息获取地理位置信息. 在iOS上使用地理编码和反地理编码,如果是手动输入经纬度,是不需要获取用户授权的,但是一般是获取用户的经纬度,然后再通过地理编码实现精确定位,因此需要授权,本文因为是单独讲解地理编码的相关知识,因此采用手动输人经纬度,不再赘述授权的代码. ①导入框架: #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h> ②新建CLGeocoder对象: @


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386. 386.You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command: flashback table employees to scn 123456; The employees table has triggers associated with it. Which of the following statements is true regarding the state of t

一起talk C栗子吧(第七十七回:C语言实例--DIY ls命令续)

各位看官们,大家好,上一回中咱们说的是DIY cat命令的例子,这一回咱们说的例子是:DIY ls命令续.闲话休提,言归正转.让我们一起talk C栗子吧! 我们在前面的章回中DIY过ls命令,时间不长,相信大家还有印象.咱们今天是对前面章回的补充,主要是对ls命令进行了扩展,使其在原来的基础上又可以支持l参数. 我们新增加了对l参数的支持,下面是具体的操作过程 ,请大家参考: 1.使用stat函数从文件中获取文件的属性: 2.依据属性中的st_mode值来判断文件的类型,比如目录,链接,管道等


391. 391.When setting up the Flashback Data Archive, which of these key parameters are required? (Choose all that apply.) A. Tablespace name B. Storage quota C. Retention D. Table name E. Create a default archive 392. 392.To clean up old records that


由于今天没有任务缠身,所以可以开始研究服务器架构了,一边研究一边画UML图.比如我想画地图转化模块的UML图,看看涉及到哪些模块,那么我就会在最终调用的函数那里设个断点,接着利用VS2010的栈跟踪调试来看看都经过哪些类了.这一步还是没问题的,问题是,UML图怎么画呢?我脑海里只记得5个关系:关联.聚合.组合.依赖和继承,继承好说,剩下4个是怎么回事呢? 经过一番调查之后,终于理清了. 关联是包含了聚合.组合以及一般关联. 一般关联就是两个平行的类,互相调用其共有接口.UML中用实线箭头,A调用

第五百七十七天 how can I 坚持

今天看了个电影<七月与安生>,挺不错,周冬雨,马思纯,然后就突然有了个想法,过年不回家了,去趟拉萨,或许只是想想吧,不知道有没有勇气去啊,何况是自己一个人,但是又想,旅行要是没点冒险的话,又有什么意思呢,是不是,争取突破下吧. 还是自制力太差了,又没学多少东西. 如果总是抱着打酱油的心态,是什么也干不成的. 抄书,睡觉.