HDU 4349 Xiao Ming's Hope 找规律


Xiao Ming‘s Hope

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1723    Accepted Submission(s): 1144

Problem Description

Xiao Ming likes counting numbers very much, especially he is fond of counting odd numbers. Maybe he thinks it is the best way to show he is alone without a girl friend. The day 2011.11.11 comes. Seeing classmates walking with their girl friends, he coundn‘t help running into his classroom, and then opened his maths book preparing to count odd numbers. He looked at his book, then he found a question "C(n,0)+C(n,1)+C(n,2)+...+C(n,n)=?". Of course, Xiao Ming knew the answer, but he didn‘t care about that , What he wanted to know was that how many odd numbers there were? Then he began to count odd numbers. When n is equal to 1, C(1,0)=C(1,1)=1, there are 2 odd numbers. When n is equal to 2, C(2,0)=C(2,2)=1, there are 2 odd numbers...... Suddenly, he found a girl was watching him counting odd numbers. In order to show his gifts on maths, he wrote several big numbers what n would be equal to, but he found it was impossible to finished his tasks, then he sent a piece of information to you, and wanted you a excellent programmer to help him, he really didn‘t want to let her down. Can you help him?


Each line contains a integer n(1<=n<=108)


A single line with the number of odd numbers of C(n,0),C(n,1),C(n,2)...C(n,n).

Sample Input


Sample Output





2012 Multi-University Training Contest 5








int n;
int main(){
        std::bitset<63> bi(n);
    return 0;

HDU 4349 Xiao Ming's Hope 找规律

时间: 2024-12-29 11:03:11

HDU 4349 Xiao Ming's Hope 找规律的相关文章

hdu 4349 Xiao Ming&#39;s Hope 规律

Xiao Ming's Hope Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Problem Description Xiao Ming likes counting numbers very much, especially he is fond of counting odd numbers. Maybe he thinks it is the best way to

HDU 4349 Xiao Ming&#39;s Hope

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Xiao Ming's Hope Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB Description Xiao Ming likes counting numbers very much, especially he is fond of counting odd numbers. Maybe he thinks it is the best way to show he is alone without a girl friend. The day 2

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题意:求C (n,0),C (n,1),C (n,2)...C (n,n).奇数的个数 思路:我们分析C(n,m)%2,那么由Lucas定理可知,n和m可以写成二进制的形式,假设n=1001101,那么m是0~1001101,我们知道C(0,1)=0,因此如果n=1001101的0对应位置的m二进制位为1那么C(n,m) % 2==0,因此m对应n为0的位置只能填0,而1的位置填0,填1都是1(C(1,0)=C(1,1)=1),不影响结果为奇数,并且保证不会出n的范围,因此所有的情况即是n中1位

HDU 4349——Xiao Ming&#39;s Hope——————【Lucas定理】

Xiao Ming's Hope Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1786    Accepted Submission(s): 1182 Problem Description Xiao Ming likes counting numbers very much, especially he is fond of cou