The foolish frog

摘自 <<英语中级听力>>

是做鸡头还是凤尾? 是选择大城市还是小地方? 每个人在不同的时期都有不同的答案。

来看看这个英国的寓言, 年轻时见见"大池塘"的繁华, 年长后在被"鹭"吃掉之前, 回到属于自己的"小池塘", 或许才是人生真谛 - 返璞归真。

one upon a time a big, fat frog lived in a tiny shallow pond. He knew every plant and stone in it, and he could swim across it easily. He was the biggest creature in the pond, so he was very important. When he croaked, the water snails listened politely. And the water beetles always swam behind him. He was very happy there.

One day, while he was catching flies, a pretty dragon fly passed by. ‘You are a very fine frog‘, she sang, ‘but why don‘t you live in a bigger pond? Come to my pond. You will find a lot of frogs there. You‘ll meet some fine fish, and you‘ll see the dangerous duncks. And you must see our lovely water lilies. Life in a large pond is wonderful!‘

‘Perhaps it is rather dull here,‘ thought the foolish frog. So he hopped after the dragon fly.

But he didn‘t like the big, deep pond. It was full of strange plants. The water snails were rude to him, and he was afraid of the ducks. The fish didn‘t like him, and he was the smallest frog there. He was lonely and unhappy.

He sat on a water lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself, ‘I don‘t like it here. I think I‘ll go home tomorrow‘. But a hungry heron flew down and swallowed him up for supper.

时间: 2024-08-07 00:13:03

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