
sFlow 是由InMon、HP 和FoundryNetworks 于2001 年联合开发的一种网络监测技术,它采用数据流随机采样技术,可提供完整的第二层到第四层,甚至全网络范围内的流量信息,可以适应超大网络流量(如大于10Gbit/s)环境下的流量分析,让用户详细、实时地分析网络传输流的性能、趋势和存在的问题。

时间: 2024-07-29 02:25:39


[转]Rapidly detecting large flows, sFlow vs. NetFlow/IPFIX

Figure 1: Low latency software defined networking control loop The articles SDN and delay and Delay and stability describe the critical importance of low measurement delay in constructing stable and effective controls. This article will examine the d

[转]Comparing sFlow and NetFlow in a vSwitch

As virtualization shifts the network edge from top of rack switches to software virtual switches running on the hypervisors; visibility in the virtual switching layer is essential in order to provide network, server and storage management teams with

Rapidly detecting large flows, sFlow vs. NetFlow/IPFIX

Figure 1: Low latency software defined networking control loop The articles SDN and delay and Delay and stability describe the critical importance of low measurement delay in constructing stable and effective controls. This article will examine the d


华为交换机sflow功能配置 1.配置交换机的sflow流发送 [系统视图]sflow agen ip  x.x.x.x                 设置sflow输出源 [系统视图]sflow collector 1 ip x.x.x.x           设置sflow分析器组1并关联到IP x.x.x.x [系统视图]sflow collector 1 port 6432            设置sflow分析器组1输出端口 2.应用slow,配置交换机某个端口的slow功能 [系

Comparing sFlow and NetFlow in a vSwitch

As virtualization shifts the network edge from top of rack switches to software virtual switches running on the hypervisors; visibility in the virtual switching layer is essential in order to provide network, server and storage management teams with


sFlow-RT? incorporates InMon's asynchronous analytics technology (patent pending), delivering real-time visibility to Software Defined Networking (SDN), DevOps and Orchestration stacks and enabling new classes of performance aware application such as


黑客工具软件大全100套  ゴリラ大統領 2011-05-21 16:55:58 #1 Nessus:最好的UNIX漏洞扫描工具 Nessus 是最好的免费网络漏洞扫描器,它可以运行于几乎所有的UNIX平台之上.它不止永久升级,还免费提供多达11000种插件(但需要注册并接受EULA-acceptance--终端用户授权协议).它的主要功能是远程或本地(已授权的)安全检查,客户端/服务器架构,GTK(Linux下的一种图形界面)图形界面,内置脚本语言编译器,可以用其编写自定义插件,或用来阅读别人


1. OpenvSwitch简介 Open vSwitch(下面简称为 OVS)是由 Nicira Networks 主导的,运行在虚拟化平台(例如 KVM,Xen)上的虚拟交换机.在虚拟化平台上,OVS可以为动态变化的端点提供 2 层交换功能,很好的控制虚拟网络中的访问策略.网络隔离.流量监控等等.主要实现代码为可移植的C代码. 它的目的是让大规模网络自动化可以通过编程扩展,同时仍然支持标准的管理接口和协议(例如NetFlow,sFlow,SPAN,RSPAN,CLI,LACP,802.1ag

干货分享: 长达150页的openvswitch的ppt,不实验无真相

<iframe height=570 width=100% scrolling="no" src="http://share.csdn.net/frame/7766" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe> 一.概论 Software Defined Network简介 OpenFlow简介 Openvswitch简介 二.架构 Openvswitch架构 实验一:查看Openvswitch的架构 Op