

361.When performing a database duplication, which duplicate database parameter
would you set to ensure that the online redo logs are created in the correct location?
A. log_file_name_convert
B. convert_log_file_name
C. file_name_convert_log
D. redo_log_file_name_convert
E. logfile_convert_directory


362.Which command would correctly start a TSPITR of the USERS tablespace?
A. recover tablespace users until time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;
B. recover tablespace users time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary; time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;
C. recover tablespace users to point-inD. recover tablespace users except time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;
E. recover tablespace users until time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;


363.True or false: you can perform an active database duplication when the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
A. True
B. False


364.When running the tablespace point-in-time command
recover tablespace users until time ,,10/06/2008:22:42:00 auxiliary destination ,,c:\oracle\auxiliary;
you receive the following error:
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 10/08/2008 16:00:30
RMAN-20202: Tablespace not found in the recovery catalog
RMAN-06019: could not translate tablespace name "USERS"
What is the likely cause of the error?
A. The database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.
B. There is not a current backup of the database available.
C. The USERS tablespace has dependent objects in other tablespaces and can not be a part of a TSPITR alone.
D. The USERS tablespace is not eligible for TSPITR because it has invalid objects.
E. The recover tablespace command is incorrect and generates the error.


365.Which of the following restrictions are not true with respect to tablespace point-in-time recovery? (Choose all that apply.)
A. The target database must be in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
B. No backup is required of the database before you perform a TSPITR.
C. You must have all archived redo logs generated since the last backup up to the point to which you want to restore the transport set.
D. If you rename a tablespace, you can not perform a TSPITR to any point in time before that rename operation occurred.
E. If you have tables in tablespace_1 that have associated constraints in tablespace_2, then you must transport both tablespaces.
时间: 2024-08-06 21:19:08



七十三.分发系统介绍.expect脚本远程登录 一.分发系统介绍 expect脚本:能传输文件,可以远程执行命令,不需要输入密码,上线代码. 首先,准备一台模板机器,这台机器上的代码是最新的代码,准备要上线的代码,要知道要线上机器的ip地址,还有对应用户和密码. 二.expect脚本远程登录 #  yum install -y expect 自动远程登录 [[email protected] sbin]# vim 1.expect       路径:/usr/local/sbin/ #! /us


"打印多少份好呢?"林萧一边思考,一边自言自语的念叨着. 素来有选择恐惧症的林萧,最怕的就是这类,看似是小问题的选择题. 好在复印店的工作人员,经常接到这种打印简历的活儿,所以给了林萧一个建议,这才避免了林萧的纠结. 打印完简历后,林萧先是吃了顿下午饭,随后便带着自己打印的10份简历,朝着培训机构赶了过去. 等林萧到的时候,教室里已经完全变了样子. 大部分的桌椅都集中在教室后方,而教室的最前面,紧挨着讲台的地方,整整齐齐的摆了一排桌椅. 而教室中央的空地上,则是站满了培训机构的学生.

第三百七十三天 how can I 坚持

忙碌/学习起来时间是过得 好快啊. linux关闭桌面显示.不是修改/dev/inittab文件,而是这个文件有提示.systemctl set-default xxx 还有yum search ifconfig, yum install xxx 装的虚拟机都已经装了ftp了,还想自己装装试试来呢. 上火了 舌头疼啊,晚上也没吃饭,一天天过得,有点小煎熬,得行动起来,抓紧找个女朋友. 睡觉.


386. 386.You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command: flashback table employees to scn 123456; The employees table has triggers associated with it. Which of the following statements is true regarding the state of t


381. 381.Which pseudo column could you use to identify a unique row in a Flashback Versions Query? A. XID B. VERSIONS_PK C. VERSIONS_XID D. VERSIONS_UNIQUE 382. 382.Which of the following can be used in conjunction with a Flashback Versions Query to


今天有点累,可能是最近超负荷加班学习,也有可能是昨晚右手又调皮了,所以今天的效率有点低. 不过我搞清楚了服务器业务逻辑的三个大类中的两个,分别是资源管理器和通信模块. 通信模块在服务器启动的时候就初始化,并且将每个通信模块(NPC模块.消耗物品模块等等)对应于客户端的请求的消息处理方法注册到一个全局数组上去.那么以后客户端有消息过来的时候,就根据moduleID和funcID的乘积去调全局数组里面的处理方法.服务器主循环里面会在一定时间后去读消息队列,依次处理那些请求. 而资源管理器也是在服务器


391. 391.When setting up the Flashback Data Archive, which of these key parameters are required? (Choose all that apply.) A. Tablespace name B. Storage quota C. Retention D. Table name E. Create a default archive 392. 392.To clean up old records that


311. 311.Given the script create script db_backup_datafile_script {backup datafile and 1, and2 plus archivelog delete input;} What is the result of running this command? Run {execute script db_backup_datafile_script using 2;} A. The script will fail

Android笔记(七十三) Android权限问题整理 非常全面

Android权限系统非常庞大,我们在Android系统中做任何操作都需要首先获取Android系统权限,本文记录了所有的Android权限问题,整理一下分享给大家. 访问登记属性 android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES读取或写入登记check-in数据库属性表的权限 获取错略位置 android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION通过WiFi或移动基站的方式获取用户错略的经纬度信息,定位精度大概误差在30~150