read the python code and predict the results --- from <Learn Python The Hard Way>

import random
from urllib import urlopen
import sys
WORDS = []
"class ###(###):":
"Make a class named ### that is-a ###.",
"class ###(object):\n\tdef __init__(self, ***)" :
"class ### has-a __init__ that takes self and *** parameters.",
"class ###(object):\n\tdef ***(self, @@@)":
"class ### has-a function named *** that takes self and @@@ parameters.",
"*** = ###()":
"Set *** to an instance of class ###.",
"From *** get the *** function, and call it with parameters self, @@@.",
"***.*** = ‘***‘":
"From *** get the *** attribute and set it to ‘***‘."
# do they want to drill phrases first
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "english":
# load up the words from the website
for word in urlopen(WORD_URL).readlines():
def convert(snippet, phrase):
    class_names = [w.capitalize() for w in
                    random.sample(WORDS, snippet.count("###"))]
    other_names = random.sample(WORDS, snippet.count("***"))
    results = []
    param_names = []
    for i in range(0, snippet.count("@@@")):
        param_count = random.randint(1,3)
        param_names.append(‘, ‘.join(random.sample(WORDS, param_count)))
    for sentence in snippet, phrase:
        result = sentence[:]
        # fake class names
        for word in class_names:
            result = result.replace("###", word, 1)
        # fake other names
        for word in other_names:
            result = result.replace("***", word, 1)
        # fake parameter lists
        for word in param_names:
            result = result.replace("@@@", word, 1)
    return results
# keep going until they hit CTRL-D
    while True:
        snippets = PHRASES.keys()
    for snippet in snippets:
        phrase = PHRASES[snippet]
        question, answer = convert(snippet, phrase)
        if PHRASE_FIRST:
            question, answer = answer, question
        print question
        raw_input("> ")
        print "ANSWER: %s\n\n" % answer
except EOFError:
    print "\nBye"
时间: 2024-10-26 04:08:04

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