For the strivers ——

   Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

   Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

   We ask ourselves, Who am I to be, brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

   Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

   And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.


  ——Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

时间: 2024-12-15 07:15:57

For the strivers ——的相关文章


常用快捷键 -------------------------------------MyEclipse 快捷键1(CTRL)-------------------------------------Ctrl+1 快速修复Ctrl+D: 删除当前行 Ctrl+Q  定位到最后编辑的地方 Ctrl+L  定位在某行  Ctrl+O  快速显示 OutLine Ctrl+T  快速显示当前类的继承结构 Ctrl+W  关闭当前Editer Ctrl+K  快速定位到下一个 Ctrl+E 快速显示当前


转载自: package com.suypower.chengyu.test; public class ByteTest { /** * byte 8 bits -128 - + 127 * 1 bit = 1 二进制数据 * 1 byte = 8 bit * 1 字母 = 1 byte = 8 bit(位) * 1 汉字 = 2 byte = 16 bit */ pu


转载自: package com.suypower.chengyu.test; public class ByteTest { /** * byte 8 bits -128 - + 127 * 1 bit = 1 二进制数据 * 1 byte = 8 bit * 1 字母 = 1 byte = 8 bit(位) * 1 汉字 = 2 byte = 16 bit */ pu


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