




What is "Everything"?

"Everything" is search engine that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows.
Unlike Windows search "Everything" initially displays every file and folder on your computer (hence the name "Everything").
You type in a search filter to limit what files and folders are displayed.

How long will it take to index my files?

"Everything" only indexes file and folder names and generally takes a few seconds to build its database.
A fresh install of Windows 8 (about 70,000 files) will take about 1 second to index.
1,000,000 files will take about 1 minute.

Does Everything search file contents?

No, "Everything" does not search file contents, only file and folder names.

Does "Everything" hog my system resources?

No, "Everything" uses very little system resources.
A fresh install of Windows 8 (about 70,000 files) will use about 6 MB of ram and less than 3 MB of disk space.
1,000,000 files will use about 50 MB of ram and 15 MB of disk space.

Does "Everything" monitor file system changes?

Yes, "Everything" does monitor file system changes.
Your search windows will reflect changes made to the file system.

Is "Everything" free?

Yes, "Everything" is Freeware.
Please consider donating.

Does "Everything" contain any malware, spyware or adware?

No, "Everything" does not contain any malware, spyware or adware.

Does "Everything" miss changes made to the file system if it is not running?

No, "Everything" can be closed and restarted without missing changes made to the file system (even across system restarts).
"Everything" updates the database when it is started.

What are the system requirements for "Everything"?

"Everything" will run on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
Indexing NTFS volumes requires the Everything service or running "Everything" as administrator.

How do I convert a volume to NTFS?


Can "Everything" index a mapped network drive?

Yes, see Folder indexing for more information.

How do I install the language pack?

Download the language pack Everything.lng.zip
Unzip the language pack into the folder where "Everything" is installed.
Restart Everything.
In "Everything", On the Tools menu, click Options.
Click the General tab.
Select your language from the Language dropdown list.
Click OK.
In the "language change" popup, Click OK.
Restart Everything.

How do I install Everything?

Please see A basic guide to installing "Everything".

How do I use Everything?

Please see A basic guide to using "Everything".


How do I search for a file or folder?

Type the partial file or folder name into the search edit, the results will appear instantly.

How do I use boolean operators?

AND is the default boolean operator.
For example, here is how to search for abc and 123: abc 123

To search for either of two search terms, add a | between the terms.
For example, here is how to search for .jpg or .bmp: .jpg | .bmp

To exclude something from the search include a ! at the front of the term.
For example, here is how to search for everything except abc: !abc

How do I use wildcards?

Using a * in your search will match any number of any type of character.
For example, here is how to search for files and folders that start with e and end with g: e*g
Using a ? in your search will match one character.
For example, here is how to search for files that have a 2 letter file extension: *.??

How do I include spaces in my search?

To include spaces in your search enclose your search in double quotes.
For example, here is how to search for foo<space>bar: "foo bar"

How do I search for a file type?

To search for a file type, type the file extension into the search edit,
ie to search for the mp3 file type, type *.mp3 into the search edit.
To search for more than one type of file type use a | to separate file types,
ie *.bmp|*.jpg will search for files with the extension bmp or jpg.

How do I search for files and folders in a specific location?

To search for files and folders in a specific location include a \ in your search string.
For example, here is how to search for all your mp3s in a downloads folder: downloads\ .mp3
You could alternately enable Match Path in the Search menu and include the location in your search string.
For example, here is how to search for all your avis in a downloads folder with Match Path enabled:downloads .avi

Advanced searching

See Searching Everything for more information.


The result list is empty or contains only drives

Please make sure the "Everything" service is running or "Everything" is running as administrator.

To install the "Everything" service:
1. In Everything, On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Check Everything Service:
9. Click OK.

To run Everything as administrator:
1. In Everything, On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Check Run as administrator:
9. Click OK.

Make sure you have atleast one local NTFS volume.
See How do I convert a volume to NTFS.

To manually enable all local NTFS volumes for indexing:
1. In Everything, On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Click the Volumes tab.
3. For each volume in the Local NTFS volumes list:
4. Check Check Media.
5. Check Enable USN Journal logging.
6. Check Include in database.
7. Check Monitor changes.
8. Repeat for each volume.
9. Click OK.

Settings are not saved

Please make sure Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is enabled.

To enable Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything:
* In Everything, On the Tools menu, click Options.
* Click the General tab.
* Check Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything.
* Click OK.


时间: 2024-10-13 15:46:42



首先它是一款基于名称实时定位文件和目录的搜索工具,有以下几个优点: 快速文件索引 快速文件搜索 较低资源占用 轻松分享文件索引 实时跟踪文件更新 通过使用everything小工具,可以提高我们的工作效率,更加方便我们查找文件. 想要对它有更多的了解,参考链接:http://xbeta.info/everything/faq.htm 下载链接:http://xbeta.info/everything/download.htm 主页面如下: 在搜索栏里输入我们想要查询的内容或者是文件的后缀,如ja

AnyDrop for Mac(文件快速处理工具)

AnyDrop Mac是一款功能非常多的文件快速处理工具,最重要的是响应快,这款软件可以对文件.纯文本.图片(批量)进行快速的处理,提供了像文件格式清理.字符计数.中英翻译.搜索文本.添加进系统相册.图片压缩.图片格式转换.云空间上传.图片尺寸重设.元数据清除等等功能,而且这些功能还在不断完善中. AnyDrop for mac是一款在macos系统上运行的在菜单栏集成文本处理动作和文件处理动作的小工具,使用这款软件用户只要把文字或文件拖动到 AnyDrop 的菜单栏图标,应用会自动弹出动作抽屉


搜索文件夹内容的小工具 Github 两种搜索模式的算法: BoyerMooreSearch.cs using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Finder.Algorithms { /// <summary> /// An implemention of Boyer-Moore algorithm. /// <para/>author : Ornith

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以下都是一些简单的免费分享的工具,技术支持群:592132877,提供定制化服务开发. Gif动图合成工具 主要功能是扫描指定的文件夹里的所有zip文件,然后提取Zip文件中的图片,并合成一张gif图片,存储到新的路径下,支持设置gif的时间,演示效果如下: 下载地址:gif合成工具 文件批量移动工具 主要功能是将指定文件夹及子文件夹里所有文件,复制到新的文件夹下,可以指定是否删除源文件.以下动图演示效果. 下载地址:文件批量移动工具.exe 文件批量移动工具 主要功能是将指定目录下所有文件按照

c# JD快速搜索工具,2015分析JD搜索报文,模拟请求搜索数据,快速定位宝贝排行位置。

分析JD搜索报文 搜索关键字 女装 第二页,分2次加载. rt=1&stop=1&click=&psort=&page=3http://search.jd.com/Search?keyword=%E5%A5%B3%E8%A3%85&enc=utf-8#keyword=%E5%A5%B3%E8%A3%85&enc=utf-8&qrst=UNEXPAND&as=1&qk=title_key%2C%2C%E5%A5%B3%E8%A3%85&


grep命令: 根据模式(文本字符和基本正则表达式的元字符组合而成之匹配条件)搜索文本, 并将符合模式的文本行显示出来. 格式:grep [选项] 匹配条件 文本名称 选项:  -i:  忽略大小写 -v: 显示没有被模式匹配到的行 -o:只显示被模式匹配到的字符串 --color: 搜索出来文件高亮度显示 -A: 匹配指定行的下几行 -B: 匹配指定行的上几行 -C: 匹配指定行的上下几行 -E: 扩展正则表达式 相当于egrep 正则表达式:Regular Expression, 简称REG


egrep命令: 根据模式(文本字符和扩展正则表达式的元字符组合而成之匹配条件)搜索文本, 并将符合模式的文本行显示出来. 格式:egrep [选项] 匹配条件 文本名称 egrep 等于 grep -E 选项:  -i:  忽略大小写 -v: 显示没有被模式匹配到的行 -o:只显示被模式匹配到的字符串 --color: 搜索出来文件高亮度显示 -A: 匹配指定行的下几行 -B: 匹配指定行的上几行 -C: 匹配指定行的上下几行 正则表达式:Regular Expression, 简称REGEX


问题描述: 在大流量线上服务中,日志系统会产生数量庞大的日志,动辄就是几十G.在如此之大的文件中快速搜索日志是运维人员经常遇见的问题.我们经常遇见的问题是查询一段时间内的某些条日志.比如,今天有一个访问失败了,大约是在上午9点,把这条日志找出来,然后查找失败原因. 常见处理方式及缺点: 1.如果文件比较小,100m以内使用grep.awk或者sed进行逐条匹配比较方便,但是文件非常大时,其查找效率是非常低的,运行时间长达几十分钟甚至上小时. 2.使用hadoop大数据处理,查询速度快,效率高.但


Atitit.文件搜索工具 attilax 总结 1. 指定目录按照体积大小精确搜索1 1.1. File Seeker 4.5 版本的可以,3.5版本的不行..1 2. 按照文件内容搜索1 2.1. File Seeker2 2.2. Notepad++2 2.3. FileLocator Pro 是一款专业的文件搜索软件,2 2.4. 百度硬盘搜索3 3. 在的3 1. 指定目录按照体积大小精确搜索 1.1. File Seeker 4.5 版本的可以,3.5版本的不行.. 2. 按照文件内