想加入全球首届的 欧特克云加速计划吗?

由于本次活动会被邀请直接前往美国San Francisco, 会直接面对Autodesk总部专家,原则上对英文要求较高,所以直接英文暂不翻译:)

Get ready for the Autodesk Cloud Accelerator Program

  • Have a great idea for a new product that leverages an Autodesk web service?
  • Want up close and personal help from Autodesk to turn your idea into a working prototype?
  • Interested in getting face to face with Autodesk Cloud Engineers to both learn and make sure they know what you want?

If yes, the 2015 Autodesk Cloud Accelerator may be for you.

Autodesk will be hosting a Cloud Accelerator in our San Francisco office for up to 14 creative software developers for two weeks – March 9 to March 20, 2015. During the Accelerator, participants will work intensively on their chosen project  with the help, support, and training of the Autodesk Cloud engineering teams.  This includes daily classes by industry experts on important aspects of Cloud development – and 1 on 1 help from these experts in real time. At the end of the Accelerator, you will also have the opportunity to present your prototype to senior Autodesk Executives.

To pursue a place in the Accelerator, send us a proposal (in English) of not more than 1000 words explaining why you should be one of participants and graduates in the “first class”. Proposals should be emailed to [email protected] no later than January 10, 2015. Successful candidates will be notified on or around January 17, 2015.

How will Autodesk choose who participates in this first Cloud Accelerator class?

To get a position in the Accelerator, Autodesk will be looking for the following in your proposal:

  • Use of an Autodesk Web Service API to fill a compelling customer need. (View & Data, AutoCAD® I/O, Autodesk® Fusion 360™, Autodesk® BIM 360™ or Autodesk® ReCap 360™)
  • Likelihood of having a demonstrable prototype by the end of the Accelerator.
  • Strong development skills.
  • High motivation.

Too costly for you?

Autodesk recognizes two weeks of time out of the office, as well as travel and living costs, is a large investment.  To partially offset these costs, Autodesk will pay lodging costs for all the developers in this first class (14 nights in a hotel).  Up to 2 people from a single company will be accepted so be clear in your proposal if this is for 1 or 2 people (maybe you want both a product designer and developer to participate?). All other expenses are the responsibility of the participants including airfare and food (though you can be confident Autodesk will be buying a number of lunches and dinners for the class).


Don’t be shy to ask us if you need more information to decide whether to apply.  We are happy to talk with you about what you are considering developing as part of the Accelerator – or about details you may want to know on Accelerator logistics.

We want to help you make progress developing your own products that use Cloud technologies – whether or not you end up participating in the 2015 Accelerator.  So we strongly encourage you to be quick to ask us any questions you may have on the Accelerator.  Send your questions to
[email protected].

时间: 2024-12-28 16:55:00

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