SqueezeNet:AlexNet-level Accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and less than 0.5Mb model size

- Fire modules consisting of a ‘squeeze‘ layer with 1*1 filters feeding an ‘expand‘ layer with 1*1 and 3*3 filters(通過餵食一個包含1*1和3*3濾波器的‘擴展‘層,激勵包含一個‘擠壓‘層的模塊)

- AlexNet level accuracy on ImageNet with 50x fewer parameters(具有AlexNet水平的精度,卻少了50倍的參數量)

- Can compress to 510x smaller than AlexNet(0.5Mb)(可以比AlexNet壓縮510倍)


时间: 2024-10-18 10:53:25

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